Monday, August 31, 2009

And So it Goes

Welcome to your very first 204 blog post. We will be using this blog frequently, both as a tool and a resource to get the most out of our time, and as a place we can go to share thoughts and valuable information and ideas whenever we need to. Each week, there will be a question posted that you all must respond to in the allotted amount of time. These questions may be a jumping off point to class discussions, a support activity to lend insight or knowledge to what we are doing in class, or simply a thought-provoking way to get you to look at the world around you and marvel at your place in it. These questions will not be simplistic, and they should not be done when you only have 5 or so minutes on the computer; rather, they are questions designed to make you think and your posts should reflect that. You will be graded weekly on your responses by their content, so I would encourage you to try to not leave them for the last minute. Each one will have a word minimum, but don't be discouraged by that. I care much more about the quality of the thought you put into your responses rather than the quantity of the words you use.
Now that the formalities are finished, I would like you to consider the following: You are now entering your junior year. Some people say that this is the toughest, most demanding year of high school for a variety of reasons. What do YOU think? Do you have any expectations about what this year should bring? What are you hoping to get out of your AP Lang class and your junior year in general? What are your fears about this class and/or about 11th grade? Are you where you want to be academically, socially, physically etc? If so, how do you know? If not, why do you think you aren't? (350 wrds/25pts)


  1. Despite the fact that I am not into superhero movies of this day and age, I think that a Spiderman quote is called for in this blog. When I read this I thought of the quote that Peter Parker’s uncle told him before his tragic murder, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

    With that being said, I think that entering our junior year of high school is, for the lack of a better word, EPIC. Imagine all the possibilities in store for us this year. We’re upperclassmen now and we all know that the Class of 2011 will dominate all the other classes, including the seniors. So what do I think is in store for us?

    I personally believe that this year ought to be the greatest and most rigorous year that we can experience in our high school careers. I think everyone is, sure enough, familiar to the phrase, “Junior year is the most important year. It’s the year that colleges look at the most.” It’s definitely true. Many of us have doubled our work load. Some going from two AP classes last year to four this year. We’ve all put that upon ourselves because we like a challenge. We all know, as AP kids, that we want the higher position. We’re competitive and driven to succeed. Why else would we take college level courses at such a young age? Why else would we want to spend hours after school and on the weekends staying at home just to finish up an essay or a chapter in the book assigned to us? We want it and we’re willing to work for it.

    I expect my year to be filled with nights where I’m aggravated and irritated. I expect there to be nights where I find myself yelling at my little siblings because they’re the only outlet that my anger decides to unleash upon. Do I like it? No. But I expect all this from all my AP classes. Sometimes, I ask myself why I’m doing all of this. I don’t know for the most part but I do know that if I get myself through these courses, specially AP Lang, I will become a better writer. I will become a more educated person. Not many people think about this, but we do go to school to learn. I expect to gain things that I know I will not encounter if I took a lower course. The top notch education presented to me right now is free, so why not take it for a spin?

    Academically, socially, and physically, I am not where I want to be. But I’m growing. Despite the fact that it’s only been a week and a couple of days of being an upperclassmen. I already find myself having this aura of greatness and seniority. It doesn’t end just there though. Sure, I may sit in the senior cafeteria eating lunch with some of the most fabulous people in the world, but I don’t think that that’s enough. Socially, it helps but there is still plenty of room to grow. I think this is what this grade is supposed to be. It’s supposed to enhance us in all three aspects mentioned above in order to be ready for the things out there. It’s preparing us for the things outside the walls of our school.

    When we complete this year, I think we’ll all be to the point of being fully prepared to launch ourselves into the world. See, now the only question is, where do I want my destination to be? This is what I’m hoping to get out of this year the most. I hope that by the time senior year rolls around, I know for a fact what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to be fully prepared and ready to face the challenge. I want be able to have that “great responsibility” to wield that “great power.” Most of all, I want to do it with a smile on my face knowing that I’ll be happy with all the experience that I’ve gained and the goals I’ve achieved. I’m going to be just like Spiderman, only better and less quirky.

  2. Yes! I made it on the blog... although I did have to fight with Blogger (it claimed that I already had an account when I went to make one, but we resolved our differences and here I am). Fun questions, I'll post (for real) soon.

  3. I'm sorry, Ms. Bunje. I know you said to not have the username Kale Nagasaki, but Blogger claims I already have an account from Costal's Google blog last year. If it's a big problem, I'll use an alternate email, but for now I guess I'll just post as Kale. :]

  4. I do think that your junior year is the most important in high school. There is the HSPA and Honor Society to worry about and, to add to that, I decided to take three AP classes this year. (I don’t know why I decided to take three when I couldn’t even pass the one I had last year.) Junior year is supposed to be the year where you focus on your studies and try and get your GPA as high as you can. This is mostly because you will want to slack your senior year.

    I try really hard not to expect anything from anyone. It is just how I am. I do not like to expect something and than not get it. It is the let down, when things to not turn out the way I thought they would, that really bothers me. However, I do try to have certain goals that only I can bring myself. I want to do well on the AP exams this year. I do not want to just pass with a silly old three but I want a four or even a five. The classes I have picked out for this year are the ones I am most excited about out of all of my classes in high school. I heard Mr. Cervi is a fantastic teacher and he is an expert on War World Two and the Holocaust, two of my favorite topics in history. Ms. Bunje’s class is another one I am excited for this year because I do not think I write really well and I have heard her class will make me ten times better. AP Chemistry is a class I decided to take because I really liked it last year in Honors Chemistry. Plus, Mr. Matlack is a fantastic teacher.

    I have to admit that I am pretty nervous for this year though. The first week seemed pretty simple because we had no homework from any class. Than this second week started and I was boggled down with Reading Logs, Blogs, Vocabulary, Chapter One multiple choice and essays, and Chemistry word problems along with anything my math teacher decides to throw in. I don’t want it to sound as though I am complaining. Really, that is not what I am trying to express. I more so am trying to show how surprised I am with how everything just turned and got down to business. I never felt like I did anything last year in most of my classes and finally I am doing something. It sort of scares me though.

  5. PART 2:

    It is weird. I am terrified of spiders, darkness, death, and lightning, but school has never once made me scared or caught me off guard. I always knew what was coming and what to expect, but this year is different. I can’t explain how but it just has a different ring to it or a different aroma if you will. But even with all these new feelings and new classes, the only thing I am scared of it losing a majority of my friends with this year’s graduating class.

    It is funny when I listen to my senior friends talk about what they want to do once they are out of Oakcrest. I could not picture it, but it is only a year away. They ask me what I want to do once I graduate and I already know what career I am probably going into. Next, they ask if I am happy with where I am in life. I can honestly say that I am not happy. I would love to be a hundred times smarter and more dedicated so I can rise in the class rank. (Right now, I am only 25.) Socially, I feel like an outcast where ever I go. I do not fit in with the kids who have been in the Gifted and Talented program since the third grade. I just got put in with them in the eighth grade. I do not fit in with the groups I see all around me. I do not do any sports at Oakcrest, only karate at my father’s karate school. I am in a bunch of clubs, but no one really notices whether I am there or not. It is funny that I have felt this way since the eighth grade when all the kids looked at me oddly when I walked into Mr. Wood’s History class on the first day, but I have done nothing to change it. Well, not exactly true. I am in the Chess club and on the Chess team, yes, these are two completely different things. I feel comfortable there with all my friends and my boyfriend, but how is that going to help me once they are all gone? It won’t and yet I cannot seem to do anything to change it. I cannot seem to get the enthusiasm to try talking to that new girl in lunch or open up to anyone I do not know. It is like everyday I try so hard to open up about something new, but I shut down when I think of what everyone will think of me. I have been judged my whole life by teachers, adult neighbors, and other adult figures that I think kids will just do the same thing. Sometimes I wish I could just walk into a group of people and say, “Hello, my name is Stephanie Willman. I am a junior at Oakcrest High school. I like to read and sit on the beach while the sun sets. I love hearing waves crashing onto the sandy beach; it is sort of calming when you think about it. I want to be a nurse when I grow up because I have always wanted to help people….” But I know that it would never work out. I could never do something like that, nope not me.

  6. Deanna AKA Kale: all you need to do is delete Costal's blog and you can sign in as you.

  7. JV:
    One thing that stood out at me from your post is how you described junior year as epic (well, more accurately, EPIC!). Although my current description of the 2009-10 school year is more along the lines of nerve-wracking (a result of taking on tough courses and getting back into the up-at-5:30 AM routine) I hope that my junior year turns out to be epic too when all is said and done. Being upperclassmen is definitely a big deal, and we have a lot coming our way both in and out of school. In relation to school, we have to deal with SAT and HSPA testing, AP tests (for some AP Langers, these are new all together while other Langers are taking on, as you mentioned, more AP classes than they ever did before), starting to look at colleges and examine possible career paths, and, of course, prom. Outside of school, juniors will be faced with at least as many challenges. For example, some will get their first job this year, having to take real world responsibilities for the first time. Also, most juniors will begin to drive sometime this year. Look out world, here we come! Our class will also be facing some of the same obstacles that have confronted us in previous years, such as the omnipresent challenge of “making the A” or beating the rest of Oakcrest on field day. But this year, we are older and wiser than ever before. Although we may not be seniors yet, we have enough experience in this school and in life to dominate.
    Facing junior year, a time described by most high school “veterans” as the toughest school year yet, has been tough for me as of late. So far, I’ve looked at the coming year as exasperating, characterized by a never-ending onslaught of assignments. Sometimes I feel like I am drowning, and the year has hardly begun… But I appreciate that you have reminded me that there is an upside to this difficult year and that, if we take the right attitude, junior year will be epic. I will try to adopt your more positive outlook as I continue my journey through this year.

  8. PART 3:
    Jessie: I love how you reminded me of all the horrible things we have to do this year. Yes, we took on hard classes and I had completely forgotten about SATs.... Yuck! Anyway, I do love how you write. You have such a strong voice in all of your writing. Plus, you always remind me of more things, things I have clearly forgotten. We probably are going to be getting our driver's permit and our first job. Yes, some of us have just turned 16... cough cough me. Buut Jessie don't forget about the best thing we have this year... PROM! And if Kale and you go with me this year. It will be EPIC!

    JV: I love how you were completely honest about how our nights would be spend. You are not the only one to release your fustration out on the younger people in your life. You have siblings, I have neices to complain to. I also loved how you described the reasons for taking these hard AP classes. You are right, we took them for a reason. As Mr. Costal said, "you don't want to be drowling on your desk." It is true though. We choose the classes and we should be glad to have them, all the work included. We are competitive and hard working. We do see that we have a future that we have to work at and we know we will be prepared once college comes.

  9. Steph:
    When you talk about your issues with being able to fit in, I think you’re looking at the picture in a different light than what I am looking at right now. I have some advice for you. Do whatever you want and as long as your having blast, then keep on doing it. If you’re in love with being in the Chess Club and Chess Team, then that’s the place for you. Don’t ever feel like you need to change just because other people say stuff about you.
    Listen, if they’re going to talk, let them talk. People are going to judge us no matter where we go and no matter what we do. But just know that there are plenty of other people out there that enjoy the same things that you do. Think of all the friends you’ve made playing Chess or the people you’ve met doing Karate. It sounded like you were happy meeting all these people. Don’t think about them leaving because it’s their senior year. That time will come when you get there. But, for now, just concentrate on the time you have left with them and make it worth while.
    If you really want to try out other clubs though, I say just go for it. You won’t lose anything by putting yourself out there. Join things like student council or even the junior class. I guarantee that you’ll make friends and find others that will share a common bond with you wherever you go. Just try it out and put yourself out there.

  10. What do I think? Well I think that it truly is the most demanding and toughest year, but only so far out of the entire high school experience. Right now it is, but for obvious reasons. Instead of having just one AP class, I now have two, and also with the HSPAs coming up along with the AP exams, I need to be on the ball and prepared. It’s more difficult this year ; last year and the year before I was able to go through the school year without really putting in a whole lot of effort and trying my best - a mistake that I have made for a long time. It was kind of easy for me and so I didn’t put my all into it. But this year is going to change that. Even if the work is easy for me, I am going to try my hardest because I do not want to have this as a habit for the rest of my life; I need to make a change. This year for me should bring some change into my life. This year I am going to start applying to colleges, or at least looking into them. I am going to apply for scholarships and do my very best, whether it is academic work, or rowing for the crew team. I also expect to get involved with everything I can, including clubs and activities, and helping my class out however I can. I expect, in my junior year, to grow as a person and finally reach the goals of dreamed about for years. As for what I want to get out of AP Lang- a fun experience and a better way of writing, as well as some college credits! Honestly, I only have a few fears for this class, and fewer for the entire year. My fears for AP Lang: the biggest one is that I’m not good enough. I have always felt that I needed improvement on my writing, and so taking this class is probably a good thing, but its hard to tell for me without seeing how you grade writing assignments yet. I'm also worried that all my work will not pay off because i'm not exactly the best test taker. As for the year, I don’t really have any fears, I’m just optimistic and looking forward to get all of the necessary testing out of the way and having fun at prom, and lip sync, and whatever else I feel like attending! I am exactly where I would like to be socially, I have my great friends by my side and that is all I could ask for. When it comes to academics, I really wish I wasn’t in any college prep classes but hey, I didn’t want to overdose on AP when I have next year to tackle some as well. Physically- I could do better! I’m not in terrible shape but I do know that I can get off my lazy butt and erg more, like I have over the summer. I need to get my endurance back up before the crew season starts, or I’ll regret it! All in all, I am really looking forward to my junior year at Oakcrest, and I have a feeling I will never want it to end. =]

    I totally agree to everything you have said, and you are such a great writer! Referencing Spiderman was a great way to speak what was on your mind. I admire your writing skills and I believe that your optimistic approach to this year and the rest of your life is amazing. You can really see your personality shining through in your answer! I’m an optimistic person myself but I wish I saw things the way you do!

    I never knew you felt that way about everything, and I’m hoping that you can find everything you need to be happier with whatever you are looking for. I saw how you wrote to Jessie and JV about the way they write and their voices- you have a strong voice in yours too and I admire that! You say that you want to be open and tell people what you are thinking, and you could not have found a better way to do it than you have here, and I’m sure that wasn’t easy. So I would like to give you kudos for that!

    I love your optimism and honesty. Like Stephanie said, you have reminded everyone of the challenges inside and outside of school. And you are so right! I love your word choices and your confidence in your writing, as well as the way you feel about this upcoming year. All three of you guys have a strong voice and you all show it clearly with these posts! I feel like I’ve said that a lot, but whateva, you get my point!

  11. I’m not going to lie, for the first two years of high school, I was the worst student I could possible be. I knew how much I was screwing myself over grade-wise, but I couldn’t stop. I became the laziest student in the world. This year though, I sat myself down and thought about what I wanted to accomplish this year. I decided I wanted to bring my class rank up to somewhere in the top twenty, which I know is achievable. I want colleges to look at what my grades were like in my junior year and be impressed with what they see. I don’t want them to take a look at my grades and think I bit off more than I can chew with my AP classes, when I know I haven’t. I want a college to offer me money for my grades and not just my athletics. I’m proud to say that right now, I’m ahead of all my work in all of my classes. I even do work that I don’t have to, like taking notes and reviewing them every night. I’m committed to my work one hundred and ten percent.
    I expect this year to be pretty plain and boring. Along with my classes, I’m at softball practice EVERY day of the week and on the weekends I’m at tournaments. I know I’m going to be working a lot all year round to maintain my grades and pass my AP classes too, so I don’t expect to have much of a social life. Right now, I’m solely focused on impressing colleges and getting the most scholarship money I can.
    I’m really hoping to learn how to be a better writer this year because of AP Lang. I feel like compared to my classmates, my writing is just average. I’m not a horrible writer, but I wish that I could express myself in a way that many of my classmates do, with an expansive vocabulary that can trap the reader after the first sentence. The two things I really need to come out of this class with, are a wider vocabulary and writing skills that help me express myself in a way that can capture any reader.
    Right now I’m not happy with where I am academically. I wish I could be more studious and concerned about my work. But, right now, I’m happy whit the progress I’ making in my work. I’m proud of myself because I have stayed on top of my work for now, and I plan on continuing to stay on top of it. As for my social status, I’m content with the way things are going. I love meeting new people so I try to be friendly to everyone I meet and I continue to be friendly unless they’re mean to me. Physically, I’m all right with the way things are going. They could be better and I expect them to get better as volleyball season comes to an end and I’m taking my yoga and strength classes in the winter again.
    I don’t plan on my yet being very eventful, but I hope I accomplish everything I want to. I’m not preaching to you but, I truly believe there’s no better feeling than being able to say I did something no matter how much dedication it took and how much I had to give up in order to get there. I can’t wait until the end of this year to be able to say I not only survived, but excelled in four AP classes while balancing a year round sport.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Wow, Junior year. Honestly I never thought I'd make it.

    I remember back in eighth grade I'd always see my sister stressed. She was rushing to get this done and scrambling to meet yet another deadline. (cursing out her AP teachers while doing so.) When seeing her like this, I said to myself, "Nuh uh. No way am I going to be that stressed in high school."

    And here I am. Junior stressed as ever. It's only the second week, but I can tell this year is going to be a lot more tough than last year. Don't get me wrong though, so far school has been incredible these past few days. I expect it to only get better.

    Academically, I think I could've taken more than one AP class, but I didn't want academics to be my main priority. By now my fellow classmates reading this are probably gasping at the computer screen. Well, it's true. This little immature girl wants to be an artist. Yes, you heard right. Well, it gets worse. I actually want to be a cartoonist! I've had more than enough talks with friends, parents, and teachers about how going into art isn't a good enough career and won't promise money or fame in the future, so save your breath. Honestly, that's what draws me to the career. (Draw. Get it? Draw and art? Never mind.) Everyone likes to feel prepared. They want to have a plan at all times because if not, they feel vulnerable. The thing is though, they've taken out what's interesting about life. Life is full of uncertainties, that's what makes it exciting! So, I plan to stay on my toes and keep my grades up, but really try to focus on my portfolio this year.

    I expect this class to be really rewarding in the end because I want to improve my writing and be confident instead of clueless when doing reading logs. I really look forward to reading the passages in our book. They look interesting.

    Well, right now I think I'm in the worst physical shape. Sitting on your butt doodling comes with a price! I do plan on joining the girl's lacrosse team this spring though. I hope it both helps me become more healthy, and gain new friends.

    I believe my social status could stand for some improvement. I'm not aiming to be the most popular girl in school, but I do want to make more friends. I've done great so far for being a lonely and awkward Mullican freshmen year. It can only go up from there! There's a big hole in my heart right now because my best friend, Crystal, is in Germany for the year. I hope to fill it with having twice as many friends and twice as many outings than before. (After homework, or course!)

    This year is going to be exciting. I can feel it in my bones. I want to be all I can be this year. Yes, it is an important year for grades, but to me every year is. I want to participate and get involved to make our class of 2011 memorable. I'm pumped for upcoming events like college visits, SATs, art classes, internships, and hopefully it will only get better from there. Nothing can be certain though, and that's what makes this whole thing fun.

  14. In all honestly, I am shaking-in-my-boots scared about this coming year. I have been told by countless sources that I know and trust that junior year is the year, and there is no room to mess around. This is the year in which colleges look back onto to decide if you are good enough. This is the year that defines you for the rest of your life. That last bit may be an exaggeration, but it is definitely how I feel. My main fear for this year is failure. I’m afraid I’m not good enough for this class, not good enough for this teacher, and not good enough for the students who fill the seats around me. I don’t want to be at the bottom, but I feel as if that is where I am starting.
    This fear leads into the fact that I obviously do not feel as if I am where I want to be academically at this point in my life. My freshmen year at Oakcrest was fun, no doubt. But I really did not commit the way I could have or should have. I slacked, I gave less than 110%, consistently, and I didn’t really care. Though I did regret my decisions regarding my first year in high school, I entered my sophomore year and things did not change all too much. I let my laziness, fellow classmates, and my own psyche, bring me down. I ended up passing the AP Government Exam, but I didn’t do it with all the effort it deserved. The summer of 2009, however, was a huge wake-up call. A lot of personal conflict, family, and especially friendship drama opened my eyes to the fact that I had to stop living day by day. Sure, being spontaneous and free is good, sometimes. I needed to learn when to buckle down and get to business. This new philosophy has enabled me to see what I really care about. Right now the things I care about are my family, myself, school, friends, and band (at least for the next two months…), in that order. Former years I may have put friends and band before school, but I have realized that without the latter, I wouldn’t know either of the other two! Before this year, I would have never put myself on that list. Usually, I don't even think about myself when it comes to priorities. I am in no way saying I am selfless, though. It is actually quite the opposite. My lack of self awareness is selfish. I allow myself to go each moment without regard for what it is doing to me, my inner self, or my mood. I have allowed myself to get angry at my friends when really, underneath it all, I was angry at myself. Without having myself on this list of priorities though, I was able to justify sweeping myself under the carpet (metaphorically of course).This year my priorities are straight.
    My new attitude doesn’t totally erase my fear of failure, but it does open a new gateway for my personal goal. My goal for this year is to be able to hold my head high and say “You did it, you stuck through to the end and you did it! You worked your butt off, and you did it. You are a better writer, a better speaker, and a better person, and you did it.” I am ready to be that person that perseveres and persists to the end. I am ready to be a better, stronger, improved individual. I am ready to end this year proud of myself, and despite all these fears that float over my head, and my past experiences, I know I am ready. I am ready to face this challenge. I am ready to put more into this class than I have put into anything ever before. I am ready to be the person that I, and everyone else around me, deserve.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Jessie:

    You thrilled me because after all my ranting of how hard Junior year was going to be, it made me forget about the greatest things that are going to happen in our social lives in high school...Prom!

    I agree though that many of us will face things that we've never faced before. Being older than everyone else, I've experienced them a little earlier and took them for a test drive. I got my license already along with attaining my first job. The thrill of both is still there by the way. But I feel though that most of our growing, specially socially, as young adults still happens in high school.

    Think about it. We all spend a minimum of forty hours a week at school. Many of us have activties that extend our stay at the Oak for a longer amount of time. So we need to also see that we should direct some of our attention to living socially. I know that AP classes will bog us with work, but we can still squeeze in a few minutes to just relax and talk to our peers.

    I think though that many people look into the workload way too much. Think about it guys. We've faced a good amount of things already. Most of us have had a good taste of what an AP class will be. So, now let's just do it. Keep in mind though that we're taking the class and it's work, don't ever let it take over you.

    I find myself telling a lot of people to take "a chill pill" and just relax. With proper handling of things and a good amount of organization, you'll find yourself at a good position to just work. Then after all the work is done, you'll see that you'll still have time to enjoy the things you do.

    So basically, Jess, don't stress about all those scary things too much. My best advice is to write it all down in your tracker and take things one at a time. You'll get through them, I promise.

  17. JV- Wow, and I'M the comic book nerd? Pfft. Using Spidey in your comment? MMhmm.

    Despite that, I know where you come from with yelling at your younger siblings because of stress. Sometimes, angry at my own failure, I tend to take it out on my younger brother. I guess I feel, jealous of him. I'm jealous that he's young and his life isn't so hard yet. (I sound like I'm elderly.) Sometimes stress from school hurts my relationship with my family. I really want to stop myself from doing that this year. Painting usually helps me get my emotions out. I hope you can find a creative outlet too instead of taking it out on your family.

    Sarah C - I was the same way when entering high school! People would always find me rushing to finish my homework at lunch. I'd never do homework at home, and would always procrastinate. I'm still a bit of a procrastinator, but I've definitely improved. I think it's because I know my classes are benefiting me. I don't just want to pass with an easy grade anymore, I WANT to learn. I want to improve. I could drop down to all college prep or even general classes if I wanted, but I want to challenge myself so I can better myself. I really admire you for being so dedicated to your sports, but also to your academics. I've known you since kindergarten and I know that you're definitely a person who can juggle around thousands of things at once without a sweat. You go girl! haha!

    Kyra - Clubs are a must this year! I plan to really get involved in our school. I hope more people will do the same and become more active instead of just going home and doing nothing. I'm joining more than seven after school programs this year. I'm pumped! I hope I get to see you guys at most of them! I'm happy you're getting involved and I'm looking forward to rooting for you at crew meets this year.

  18. Being in drama, I can connect practically any situation to a show. Junior year is “Annie”. From “A Hard Knock Life”, to “Tomorrow,” junior year is a ginger singing, hard knock year of Broadway proportions that leaves you never fully dressed without a smile. Confused? Let me explain.

    Though I obviously have not been through my junior year, from what I hear and what I can guess, this year is going to be…AFWUL! I expect nothing less than that and I hope that this year will not fall short of terrible. I love years when I do homework for hours, when I am literally tearing my hair out because I cannot study one more second, when my social life is thrown to the bottom of my list of priorities because my classes have soaked up any extra time in my schedule (Ok I’m not going to lie, I could do without this.) As crazy as all that seems, it’s the truth. Years where we float by, they are easy and fun, but there is no challenge. I, like most others, take these classes because we are above sitting pretty with an easy A. Would it be nice sometimes? Absolutely. What’s the fun in that though? Sophomore year with Mr. Sera was the worst school year in my life. But when I looked down and saw a 4 on my grade sheet from that AP test…I’ve never felt better in my life. I worked so hard for that grade and if it was just handed to me, I would not prize it as much as I do. So will this be a hard knock year? I sure hope so.

    With every year comes the same expectations: Do well in my classes, do well in my activities, and succeed in the silent hope that maybe this year I’ll learn about the one thing that is never taught in class, myself. Junior year is no different, except everything is times twenty! Colleges look at junior year the most, so you have to do exceedingly well in ALL classes, plus HESPA (*cough* joke), and SATs (*cries*). Colleges scout so you need to be on the ball with activities for either scholarships or resumes. Last, although I cannot seem to do this, you need to find out what you want to do with your life to start looking at colleges. So difficult…yeah, I’d say so.

    In Lang, I need to become a better writer plain and simple. I feel like I have always been a decent writer. I can write a good essay and get a good grade, however, I am so afraid that just will not cut it this year. As Degrassi says, “It’s about to get real.” AP Lang, from what I hear, is the real deal. It’s real writing, a real lot, with real(ly) hard grading. In fact, I sort of shudder every time I look at the calendar with the due dates of all the papers. But if you can dream it, you can do it, and I’ve dreamt it…so I’ll try!

    No one is ever done growing and learning. NEVER. I won’t ever be where I want to be academically. There’s so much more to learn, the possibilities are endless, why would I ever set a limit? Socially, I’ve got some room to grow. When I’m comfortable with people, I can talk for miles and be interesting and funny. But when I’m not, I crawl up in my little shell and my brain screams “Taylor! Hey…feel free to say something.” But I just don’t and I thoroughly dislike that. Physically, I think everyone can find at least one thing they would like to change. I’ll leave it at that.

    After a year of learning and crying, and most of all growing, I hope to be one step closer to the rest of my life. In this year I promise myself to start discovering the person that is the hardest to act, to strive for the grades I know I can achieve, to become an epic senior (2011, the BEST class) and to do so with a smile. Though, it will be terribly difficult, I know the “sun will come out tomorrow, it’s only a day away.” (Sorry if that was too corny!)

  19. "junior year is a ginger singing, hard knock year of Broadway proportions that leaves you never fully dressed without a smile."

    Any time a Ginger is singing everybody should be dressed in a smile.

    :} I'm perfecting my answer I'll update sometime tonight or early tomorrow !

  20. #1

    "I’m not going to lie, for the first two years of high school, I was the worst student I could possible be. I knew how much I was screwing myself over grade-wise, but I couldn’t stop. I became the laziest student in the world." -- Sarah C

    I totally relate to you. I think we both tend to let having fun get in the way of getting things done. haha. But I also believe in both of us, and I think that this year is different. We are both ready for the challenges that await us and not amount of laziness will keep us from our goals and dreams. Not this year, not any year to come. We are in this for the long haul, Sarah! It might be a bumpy ride, but that's why they made seatbelts. Buckle up! <3

    #2 KTG

    I admire you so much. I am not nearly as passionate about ANYTHING as you are about your goal to become a cartoonist. People tell you it's useless, but hey, you may even get into art school, have an amazing professor who can see true, pure, honest talent and drive and give you everything you've dreamed of. That may be what I envision for you, but we all knows things don't come that easy. Yeah, it'll be hard. I'm not going to say that you won't ever stumble, take one step forward and three steps back, or even fail once and awhile, but I know you. The hardships that come along with a career like that may hurt like hell but you are more than strong enough to handle them. I am always here for you (and anyone in this class for that matter) if you just need to rant, complain, or just sit and talk to get your mind off of things. I would give anything to have even the smallest part in the huge, shining, wonderful future I see in store for you.

  21. Ah, the future. This generalized question has, truthfully, been haunting my mind for the past summer. As if my sophomore year wasn’t horrible enough, I am now being faced with the “everything-comes-down-to-this” kind of year. Junior year is a synonym for a lot of frightening thoughts: half-way through high school, loads of after-school activities, and those dreadful SATS. I’ve been compiled with requests to already choose my career. Where did the time go? Can I be a teenager before I become an adult? Yes, “the most important year” has already put me under great stress, for even the thought of the upcoming struggles puts me into shivers. However, I have put this sticky situation into my own hands, and thus I will grasp it with full force. I am 100 percent sure what this year brings forth for us daring AP kids. Without a doubt, we will be cramming in all the homework as we can, as well as cramming in as much information as possible for SATS. I will be joining about 5 (or probably even more) new clubs in order to show colleges my diversity and involvement at Oakcrest. Whatever us over-achievers decide to do during this risky year, we will find a way to do it. I am completely aware of my academic status, and I am more than confident with it. AP is not just a simple acronym for “Advanced Placement”. It is what defines all of us. It’s the perseverance, pride, and persistence we put into our future. We ARE AP, whether we enjoy the label or not. Honestly, I am never ashamed at being AP. In fact, I am flattered. AP is what pushes me to my limit. AP helps me reach for those stars in room 204. What AP does most, to my belief, is giving us the courage and strength to go into that unknown “future”. In the future, we will look behind us knowing the training we have gotten from AP. So, with these words of wisdom, I have high expectations for this upcoming AP Language class. Sure, it will probably be the toughest and most grueling class I have encountered in my entire high school career, let alone my life. Nevertheless, the atmosphere is already comforting, and I wholly feel stable with the surroundings of my fellow AP peers and my new amazing teacher (and great friend). Of course, I will be gaining the knowledge of comprehending literature, developing unique and stylish voices in my writings, and the preparation for college essays. This, in my opinion, is not nearly as important as the trust, friendship, and life lessons I will grow with as the year prances on. I am eager to debate my heart out, as well as open up my deepest opinions on this blog. My only fear for this class is to give up on myself. Being a runner in cross country, my biggest fear in any race or any practice is simply giving up. A quote by Thomas Edison will always stick with my determination, which reads, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.” This is absolutely true. Giving up, whether it would be on the demanding homework, the diagnostic tests, or memorizing all those SAT vocabulary terms, will hassle my conscience all year round. Fortunately, my title of AP gives me the hope to defy those doubts and reach the top of the hill.

  22. I know that my junior year will be the hardest as far as academics goes. But, other than academically, I do not think this will be the hardest year. In every class I've entered on the first day of school, the teacher would say, "Welcome to the hardest year of high school", and that's probably true. I signed up for five AP classes, so I'm not expecting it to be a breeze. I am fairly used to huge, ridiculous amounts of academic stress and I'm ready to brace myself for a whole new level of it, but thinking about how emotional graduation will be, not only departing from friends and family but everything that slightly resembles "familiar" I feel that will be the hardest thing I will have faced in my life so far.
    But despite my putting academic fears under emotional fears, I am expecting this year to be the biggest load of academic stress and not to mention the added stress of answering the top question on my mother and father's mind: what is Alexis going to pursue as her career? What I'm expecting to get from my AP Lang class and my whole junior year in general is simply an answer. I want to know what I want to do for the rest of my life. Although that seems an impossible feat, considering I am the most indecisive person when it comes to this subject, I think this year, my classes and teachers will really help me figure out "my dreams".
    My fears for the 11th grade and this class would probably be failure. Not the literal, "You received an F" kind of failure but I fear just completely cracking and falling off the face of this earth because of too much stress from work. I know that if I am in complete control of everything I have on my plate, I will be able to do my best. But if I just suddenly shut down from stress, the domino effect will commence, everything will slip and I will end up feeling disappointed in myself for not handling things more efficiently. On the other hand, I also fear being so consumed with work that I will miss out on typical high school "making memories that will last forever moments". I don't want to miss out on precious time with my friends.
    Academically, I am content with where I am. Sure, being in the top five would be nice, but staying in the top ten has been my main goal. As for my physical state, I don't mind. I wish I had better endurance, but I just don't have the time to cater to that for as much as I'd have to. As long as I am for the most part healthy then I'm okay. But, socially I could use a lot of work. In the past, I have been one of those people that is content with their close friends and doesn't bother to branch out, but I think this year I will. I'm one of those people that won't talk to another unless they talk to me first and being an AP student and in band, I see the same people fairly regularly. So I think that might be why I don't try. But I want to meet more people this year, maybe I'll swallow my pride and get out there.

  23. PART TWO:

    So, all of those uncertainties, fears, and other worries concerning 11th grade is completely blocking the bright side of this year! I am certain to make this year one to never forget. First off, the class of 2011, indisputably, is deemed to rule the school. Our spirit and pride is overwhelming, and I have never been so proud to be a part of this memorable class. Also, we will totally be the 2010 field day champions: no questions asked. Anyways, if I am going to brag to colleges my extreme involvement and dedication in school, why not have some fun with it? I intend on making new friends, as well as setting high expectations for myself. (ex. getting a lead in the play, becoming a class officer, etc.). Socially, I believe I need to extend my relations besides my drama and AP kids. True, an involved and picture-perfect college student does have friends. College student or not, I believe that I will grow as a person only by the surrounding people who influence me.

    The only thing that is really bugging me about this year is my health. Lately, I have been constantly tired. My doctor has declared that I am low in Iron. So, if I am feeling down and look a hot mess, you will know that my poor health is affecting my willing smile. Especially for junior year, I want to be in tip-top shape, for I cannot sleep through the most significant year of my high school career, as well as my life.

    Half of my friends are more than ecstatic to leave the doors of Oakcrest for the mysterious future. The other half are absolutely petrified. Frankly, I am siding with the petrified friends. I am sheltered in the atmosphere of the good ol’ American high school experience, and it has not dawned upon me until now that I only have two years to break free. Yes, AP Language is one of the answers to breaking free from high school. Hello, College, I am coming.

  24. Part4?:
    Kyra: Thanks for what you said about my voice in my writing. I never thought that I actually had one. And to finish, it was hard for me to ever write what I am really feeling. It is hard for me to express myself because I always seem to say the wrong thing. Or my nervousness gets in the way and I joke when something is serious. The only thing I ask is don't feel bad for me because of what I wrote. It bothers me when people feel bad for me. I have not really mentioned a lot of the problems that are going on around me but if and when I do, I do not want anyone to feel bad for me. It is okay if no one noticed that is how I feel. I am a suffer in silence kind of person. But Thank you for commenting me. I was so excited!

    JV: I like how you put things in a whole new view? for me. I am happy where I am. I just hate how awkward classes are for me. I am not with anyone I really talk to (Kale, Shirley, Amanda) It is just hard starting over in a sense. In class, you have to be comfortable, right? It is just that. Without having basically anyone I talk to in my classes to talk to when we have a quick break, it makes me feel out of place. I really only have one friend in one of my classes all day. I think I am just stressing it though. I feel alone and the work load and stress of the actual classes are getting to me so I feel more alone.... if that makes sense.

  25. JV - "When I read this I thought of the quote that Peter Parker’s uncle told him before his tragic murder, “With great power comes great responsibility.”" - I love the analogy to Spider-man. Cheesy, just a little bit. But this is absolutely true and I adore you putting this into here to open this entire blog! Yes, us AP kids are willing to do the rigorous work, even if it does involve the tons of homework and sleepless nights. This is what we are meant to do, and by some strange method, we always find a way to accomplish our work. This theme goes along with my blog. By the way, you really showed great leadership in explaining how the class of 2011 is going to rule this year! Obviously, you are right!

    KTG- Can i just tell you that i love you?! From the start, your blog was drowning with distinct voice! I love it! I also feel the exact same way as you. I cannot believe we ar already in Junior year, which is also the year where we decide EVERYTHING. On your hand, you want to be a cartoonist, and no one believes it will take you far in life. I am in the EXACT same situation as you, except I want to be a television/ movie actress. (bring in the laughter). Yes, I have had family members and friends laugh to my face about my choice in career. However, no matter how stressful and conservative choosing a career is, I will always keep one cliche saying in mind, "You can be anything you want to be." Junior year does NOT, under any circumstance, have to force us to decide our career. Ourselves will, and we can be anything we want to be. I want to be an actress, and I honestly do not care what people think. You are absolutely right: life is more exciting when you don't plan it! So, like you, I am going to take it one day at a time and see where life takes me. I admire your strength and confidence. And honestly, your blog was thoroughly entertaining to read.

    Sarah C. - You, as well, are in my exact situation. Sophomore year I was the biggest slacker ever! This year, realizing that I am in my JUNIOR year, I have decided to turn things around and actually become a serious and studious student. I admire the several goals you set to achieve this year. You basically go into the whole paragraph stating, "I want" and "I hope", which is a totally start to the school year. I wish you the best, and I hope we both achieve our high-standards.

  26. If these comments are any indication, this is going to be a great year! Go Langers!!!!!!

  27. JV: This year will be the best for our class as a whole! I'm very excited for the future of our class. We have so many dedicated people as representatives of our class that it's almost imporrible for us to not suceed as a whole. I'm happy you thought about the entire class for a second because I just wrote about myself and I never thought to mention the acheivements that the class of 2011 will have. You made me remember all of the events we have to look foreward to! I'm looking foreward to sharing this awesome year and all of its highlights with you!

    KTG: Out of your whole blog, your future job occupation captured me the most. I'm so happy for you that you're willing to tell everyone in your path that you WILL be a cartoonist no matter how outrageous it may sound to them. I think the fact that most people can't tell their parents and friends what they really want to accomplish is heartbreaking. You don't need to overbear yourself with too many courses because you know what path you want to tke in life.

    P.S. I don't think you'll have any problem filling Crystal's hole. You have a personality that everyone can enjoy and you'll have many more friends in no time!

    Alix: I beleive Freshman year brings out the worst of us academically. I think just about everyone in high school gets to freshman year and is so distracted with all of the glamorous events that Oak has to offer and they just feel like they don't need to worry about their workload. I don't consider it something to be ashamed about at all because I did the same exat thing. I'm just happy I'm in the stage now where I'm learning to work towards my full potential!

  28. #3 Alexis B

    I think we both know that you tend to give off a bad first impression haha. Luckily for you, I gave you a second chance after our Harry Potter mishap...ANYWAY, you are a great person. Don't EVER let me hear you express that you can't make new friends because of AP or band. This may be a legitimate excuse for some people, but for you, oppurtunities are endless! You have one of the best personalities of anyone I've met so far. You are not only strong in your beliefs, courageous, and funny, but you also possess the great powers of console, encouragement, and pure friendship. You are always there for people in need, whether you are close to them or not! I have your back in your "branching-out" endeavors this year. But don't get too popular...I would like a little bit of you left for myself! (that was not meant to sound creepy, but as came out that way anyway. :[ haha)

  29. Part 1:
    When my mom shook bleary-eyed me to life at an ungodly hour about one week ago, the first notion that popped into my head was: “time for a horseshow… yay!” Unfortunately, as I slowly gained consciousness, my blurry thoughts slowly settled into two truths: 1. I was not going to be sailing over 3 foot fences or riding a dressage test on my trusty steed in the next few hours, rather, I would be somewhere far less exhilarating—Oakcrest and 2. I was preparing to dive head first into the school year that many refer to as the toughest of all. So far as I can tell, this is going to be the most challenging year I have faced so far.
    I fully expect to be faced with mountains of work this year. My chemistry teacher (Mr. Matlack) has forewarned his class to expect one to two hours of home work nightly, and my other AP/honors teachers have echoed his warning. In short, I am not expecting much sleep! I’m not complaining, but I’m not thrilled with the prospect either. One major obstacle that I will have to deal with is balancing school and sport. If you did not already know, or did not extrapolate from my introduction, I am an avid equestrian. The irony surrounding my desire to succeed academically is that my true passion lies in riding, either in the hunter or jumper arena or in dressage. I truly have an “Olympic dream”, and I would rather successfully pursue the equestrian sport than anything else in the world. So, needless, to say, I am going to have to strike a balance between riding time and study time.
    I have many, many fears about both Lang and this school year in general. When I started high school, my writing screamed “weak, weak, WEAK!”, though after my elementary school styled writing bought me a C for my first paper in Honors World History (I’ll never, ever, use ”in conclusion” again) and I turned to Mrs. Rock for help, I improved dramatically. Miraculously, I did a more or less acceptable job in both English I and II. However, one of my biggest fears for Lang is that I will be unable to step up to the plate and write AP-worthy papers. I can picture myself is a downward spiral, reverting back to the writing of my Green Bank School days. I know this seems irrational, and that, with effort, I should be able to meet the demands of Lang, it scares me none the less. Furthermore, identifying literary devices and analyzing literature have never been strong areas for me. Whenever I think that I have a good grasp on a text, class discussions show me that I have not read deep enough. As for the school year in general, I am terrified that I will not be able to maintain A’s this year. I put a lot of pressure on myself to succeed academically, though I fear that if I do not manage my three AP courses perfectly (or perhaps even if I do), I will not be able to make the grade. The ideas that junior year is the toughest yet and that getting high grades this year is requisite to getting into the college of one’s dreams multiply my fear tenfold.

  30. Part 2:
    Currently, one relatively low Pre-Calc grade notwithstanding, I am about where I want to be academically. The challenge is going to be staying there. I’m always nervous that my grades are going to slip, but by treating every single assignment as if my grade hinges on it, I think I’ll do okay. Physically, I’m pretty average looking (to put it kindly), though there’s not a whole lot I can do about that. Rather, I’m focusing on playing up the little details that make me, well, me by doing things like wearing glasses compliment my face (hopefully!) and picking out clothes that show off my unique style. I’m also trying to improve my self-confidence, and I’ve been having some minor successes. For example, last year I would not dare go without straightening my hair because I thought I looked terrible with curls, but now I’ve learned to be okay with my natural locks. Socially, however, I am not exactly where I would like to be. I could write a book about my social issues, but in a nutshell my goal is to branch out and meet new people and to be more upbeat, friendly, and talkative.
    Despite everything else, my biggest challenge this year is to be able to hear the word “high school” and not cringe. I want to find something to be happy about in Oakcrest, and I really want to wring some fun out of academics this year. I think Lang is going to be a great class for this. Although I fully expect to be challenged to the edges of my ability, I also hope to enjoy myself in Lang. I want to find pleasure in reading assignments, participating in class discussions, and generally being in room 204. All of my classmates and, of course, Ms. Bunje, are great people and I look forward to working with my Lang “family”. Here’s to a fun year!

  31. Response 1 - Alix L.
    "Without having myself on this list of priorities though, I was able to justify sweeping myself under the carpet (metaphorically of course).This year my priorities are straight."
    Alix, I must say, I am so proud of you. Despite all the pressure of junior year, there are still so many people, even a select few in AP, that still doesn't care enough to put some effort in. I'm glad you're willing to commit to a change, or at least try and you sound so much more confident and so much more sure of what you want, and that's the first step to success in my opinion. And I respect that to the fullest. And I think that might be two of the biggest dilemmas juniors face when entering this year: not knowing what they want long term or not being able to concentrate on doing things for themselves before others. Those are core situations to take care of when starting out this year, and you just conquering them. Bravo!

    Response 2 - KTG.
    "This little immature girl wants to be an artist... I've had more than enough talks with friends, parents, and teachers about how going into art isn't a good enough career and won't promise money or fame in the future, so save your breath... Life is full of uncertainties, that's what makes it exciting! So, I plan to stay on my toes and keep my grades up, but really try to focus on my portfolio this year."
    I want to commend you not only on your courage to face the dreaded "impractical career" (as my parents so fondly call art, music, etc.) but on your optimistic view on junior year. I am downright terrified and it was reflected as so in my entry. I am truly envious of you though! I really wish I could relax and be a little more happier about this year as you are! One thing I hate when telling people about how I'm stressed because of AP classes, is that they always come back to me and say, "well that stress was self-inflicted". But despite the fact I picked this, I really wish I could just enjoy my choices like you do. Maybe that would make everything easier on me!

    Response 3 - JVG.
    "Socially, it helps but there is still plenty of room to grow. I think this is what this grade is supposed to be. It’s supposed to enhance us in all three aspects mentioned above in order to be ready for the things out there. It’s preparing us for the things outside the walls of our school."
    First off, the reference to Spiderman is quite impressive! Second, I completely agree with you point about the three aspects of academics, physique and social status, particularly about being social. High school is supposed to be a miniature world, a practice field before we hit the big leagues of the so-called "real world". Sometimes it really bothers me how much people don't take advantage of that. A while ago someone told me they wanted to be a psychologist. The reason I was shocked about this was because never once have I seen someone solve or at least attempt to assist someone with troubles in their life or that were clearly having some kind of internal struggle. I agree that high school should be used to prepare us for the real world. Not only academically, but in all other aspects.

  32. When presented with the opportunity to challenge my abilities in AP classes, I took it and ran. I signed up for four AP classes, fully aware that they were going to be the most difficult courses I've ever taken. I expect it to be rigorous work that consumes most of my time, but I am willing to deal with it instead of complaining. I know that it will be the most challenging year considering the fact that I'm ALREADY struggling to finish all of my homework, though it's only the second week of school. If I believed I could achieve less than the expectations, I wouldn't be enrolled in AP language. However, I am ready to embrace the challenge and work as hard as I can in order to feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of my junior year.

    My fear is not failing grades, but failing to complete everything I want to. I am a member of Oakcrest choir, a Varsity cheerleader, and a determined student. Balancing all of that and a social life is a bit of a challenge. I often feel as if I'm missing out on a lot of things with my friends because I'm stuck at home doing work. It sucks, but I guess I'll have to just do work in advance to save myself a free day. It's one of my biggest struggles right now, but I'm willing to try before I give up.

    As of right now, I am content with where I am academically, socially, and physically. I can't change anything physically, and I have many friends. If I had to improve in an area, it would be academics, but that's the reason I am challenging myself in AP courses. I expect that finishing these courses will give me the final boost of confidence that will ensure I am where I want to be.

  33. Sarah C:

    All I can say is that after spending a year with you in Pre-Calc, I've never been more proud of you with all those things that you said. I still remember in our class last year that you did not care at all about anything and I'm so happy that now you've got the will and determination to do all this work.

    But, one thing though, YOU WILL NOT, BY ANY CHANCE, WILL HAVE A PLAIN AND BORING YEAR. When you have at least two classes with me, I will not let you have a boring year at all. Plus, look at all these people around you, do you really think it's going to be anything but boring?

  34. ALIX: I find myself in the same predicament. Freshman year, I put hardly any effort into my classes. I rarely completed my work, and I highly regret it. It is very possible to change though. I remember in Geometry when Ms. Cathey came to me and said,"How do you manage to get 100s on my test and yet you never do your work? You are smarter than your grade shows." I sat there and asked myself why I never did my homework. Could I have made the time? Sure, but I was lazy. TRY TRY TRY because you can change your ways. :)

    CHRISSY: I completely agree that we need to stop worrying about how hard our year will be. With talk of all the work comes a great amount of stress. In order to have a successful year, we need to make the best of it. I admire you so much! You are obviously like one of my closest friends, and although our passion sometimes clashes, I admire the fact that you demonstrate so much leadership. I know you aren't a class officer but you still do all you can in order to help our class. You have so much spirit and pride and I think that with that attitude, you are going to have an AMAZING junior year. <3

    KATIE G: Somehow you manage to make me laugh and cry in the same paragraph. (Pride to the Mullicans!!) I'm not in my best shape right now either, but it made me crack up the way you wrote it. I can't wait to get in better shape when cheerleading kicks up. Anyway, you have such a fun and bubbly personality, and I think you will do just great making new friends. You made me cry though when you talked about Crystal. It takes a lot of strength to be without your best friend. I see my best friend everyday (not that it makes you feel better), but I admire your strength because I know that it's tough. Stick in there KTG! :)

  35. The people around me are prone to hyperbole. In middle school, every teacher built up the Grade Eight Proficiency Assessment, or the GEPA. It was to be the biggest, baddest test I had ever taken. What a joke. My first college showcase game was to be the scariest soccer game ever, but I found that a few extra spectators, regardless of the fact that their jackets were embroidered with “LaSalle” or “Boston University,” made no difference in game time pressure. My guidance counselor had me quaking with fear over the SATs and they really were not that bad. However, some unidentifiable force leads me to think that junior year is much more than the GEPA, my first college showcase game, or the SATs.

    Not only am I an AP Langer, but an AP Historier, an AP Psycher, an AP Calc ABer, and an AP Chemmer, not that any of those are words. Based on class load alone, I am in for a challenging year but I am not entirely sure what to expect of my junior year. Stress-induced tears, a slightly-dangerous lack of sleep, and failed assignments are a start. I know that junior year, as it relates to soccer, is keeping in contact with college coaches, researching various programs and praying for an early offer. As a class officer, I understand that preparing for prom is the highlight of the year. As an AP student, I am positive that this year will bring an incredible amount of work at a difficulty level somewhere around impossible.

    What are you hoping to get out of your AP Lang class and your junior year in general?
    If my preconceived notions of what to expect are even remotely accurate, I better get something out of this. I obviously hope to have a better understanding of language and writing when we break for summer, which is, quite honestly, short for “I want a 5.” Despite the tremendous pull school has on my life, life is not all about AP classes. For me, soccer is overwhelmingly important. I would like to say that I hope for intangible benefits such as improvement of my game and pleasure in playing, and leave it at that, but I am hoping for a scholarship offer by the end of my junior year. Twelve of my friends, from an older team, signed letters of intent with hefty scholarship promises by the end of last school year. They were juniors. Since they were all coached by my coach, there is an immeasurable pressure to succeed, and success in soccer lays in money for college.

    After reading my hopes for this year, one can easily guess my fears. I am afraid of not ending the year having achieved my stated goals. Going home on that last day without an A, confidence in a 5, or a college commitment is truly my greatest fear regarding my junior year.

    Even if I go home with all of my hopes and dreams fulfilled, I will not be satisfied. I am just one of those people. I am not where I want to be academically, however I can acknowledge that I am at the right starting block. Until mid-July when I read my AP scores, I will not be where I want to be academically, and then, I know, I will wish that I had done better or taken just a little bit more from each class. Physically I am in a similar spot. I would love to have a five-foot vertical jump and run a four-minute mile while holding eighty pounds in each hand, but even I can admit this will not happen. Like my academics, I am in a good place considering the time of year. Unlike academia and my physical state, my social life is not even close to where I want it, nor am I at a great place to start. Five AP classes and an overbearing soccer schedule is no way to enhance one’s social life. Ideally, I would invest more time in my mediocre relationships, but that seems impossible with my current and upcoming schedule. By the end of this year, I would love to say that I am where I want to be in all areas, but let’s get real.

  36. KTG:
    I admire that you want to follow what many call an unconventional career path. I feel like too often, we "AP Kids" feel limited in our career options. We are told that smart people become doctors and lawyers and that's it. When I told my guidance counselor that I would like to study psychology but really look into following a career in coaching, she steered me more in the path of psychology, essentially telling me that I am smart enough to get a Ph.D. in psychology in a minimal number of years. I felt like she was implying that I'd be wasting my brain on a sports career. I just told her to write down psychologist. Basically, kudos to KTG!

  37. KTG:

    I love you for saying that academics is not your main priority right now. I'm one step behind you with that movement. During the summer, I found myself thinking about what it would be like if I were to not take any AP classes at all. I felt that I would be mocked. I felt that I would be alone. I felt that I would be so out of place.

    I wish I could've done what you did. My life's direction, I feel, is going towards the fashion industry. Now with fashion, the main thing that comes into play is being able to manipulate your creativity to find something that is avant garde and will put you ahead of the rest. Sometimes, as I sit in my AP Chem or AP Calc class, I think about why I'm really in that class. Is it really because I need to be there?

    I know the topic is about our Junior year, but everyone knows that we're all thinking about college. What if one of us says that we don't want to go to college?

    I've gotten friends who stress themselves out so much just thinking about college. We're not even there yet and some of us are already worrying about its expenses. What if we stay out of the track of going into college and living life freely? Free of debt. Free of stress. Free of rules. You know. What if we lived life like Christopher McCandless?

    Would we still find happiness? Isn't that what we're searching for anyway? Aren't we just going to school to get a job so that we can be happy?

  38. "My fear is not failing grades, but failing to complete everything I want to."

    I completely agree with this. I know that even if I don't walk away with an A, I'm not going to fail my classes, but juggling different activities is hard. Just like actual juggling, dropping one ball typically means that the rest will come crashing down as well. That is my greatest fear. If I begin to fall behind in school, soccer inevitably struggles, even if only slightly.

  39. Against my better judgment I signed up for four AP classes this year. On the first day of school each one of my AP teachers told me that their class was the hardest class in our school, and than preceded to give me their reasons. All of my teachers were right, in one way or another. However, I do not believe that my biggest problem will be the difficulty of the work. I believe my problem will be the amount of work that comes with each AP class.

    Since our freshman year, it has been stressed on us the importance of joining a sport or activity, and doing well academically. Therefore, because we all want to make our high school years as successful as possible we stay after school almost every day for a sport or activity (sometimes both), and then go home and do our homework. It is exhausting to wake up at 530am, get home at 6pm and then still have work to do. However, we all somehow manage to do it. I think the toughest job we are given is time management. It is up to us to do things and get them in when they are due.

    My expectation for what junior year should and will bring is work. However, I feel that if I do what I am supposed to, that work will pay off. My goal for AP Lang is the same goal I have for all my AP classes. I want to not procrastinate like last year and wait until May 1st to start studying. I also want to earn college credit. The ultimate goal for my junior year is to do well, and get into a good college.

    One of my two biggest fears has always been that one-day I will just crack. The work will be too much for me and I will fail. If this happens I will be devastated not only because I failed, but because all I have worked for since 7th grade will have be pointless. My second, more recent fear is that I won’t get into college.

    Right now, on September 8, 2009, I am where I want to be academically. However, it’s only the second week of school, and everyone has 100’s. My job now is to work hard and keep that grade.

  40. Steph (W):
    “The classes I have picked out for this year are the ones I am most excited about out of all of my classes in high school. I heard Mr. Cervi is a fantastic teacher and he is an expert on War World Two and the Holocaust, two of my favorite topics in history. Ms. Bunje’s class is another one I am excited for this year because I do not think I write really well and I have heard her class will make me ten times better. AP Chemistry is a class I decided to take because I really liked it last year in Honors Chemistry. Plus, Mr. Matlack is a fantastic teacher.”

    Ditto everything Steph said about Mr. Cervi, Ms. Bunje, and Matlack! It seems like Mr. Cervi has a really upbeat personality and is super interested in what he teaches, which should make US History as exciting of a class as history can be. Ms. Bunje seems like she’s really going to put her best efforts into making this a great year for us and helping us absorb Lang concepts as painlessly as possible. And Matlack… well from having him in Honors Chem I know he is not only a great (and hilarious) teacher but also a very admirable person. The rest of my instructors seem really good too (Ms. QG… Ms. Miller… Mrs. Crazy Cat Lady Kennedy— and no she wouldn’t find that one bit offensive). We all know that AP and honors courses are tough, but I definitely think that these excellent instructors will make tackling challenging courses this year worthwhile. Walking into Oak knowing that I won’t be greeted by a bunch of mindless “take this worksheet and return it at the end of class” drones who would rather be anywhere else but rather an assortment of exuberant teachers who obviously enjoy helping my fellow Oakcrestians and I be successful makes every day worthwhile.

  41. "Sometimes I wish I could just walk into a group of people and say, “Hello, my name is Stephanie Willman. I am a junior at Oakcrest High school. I like to read and sit on the beach while the sun sets. I love hearing waves crashing onto the sandy beach; it is sort of calming when you think about it. I want to be a nurse when I grow up because I have always wanted to help people….” But I know that it would never work out. I could never do something like that, nope not me."

    Stephanie, this attitude, from anyone, is unacceptable. I have seen the way you interact with your friends at lunch (I'm not a creep, we were just in the same lunch last year haha), and I have also seen you give presentations in class. Sure, I do not know you that well, but just the fact that you "wish" you could be like that tells me you can. I think you need to let go of your fear of a letdown, your pessimistic attitude towards people, and embrace the people around you! Sure you may not have the people you 'talk' to in your classes, but you sure do have a heck of a lot of great people around you! Maybe not everyone of them will be your best friend, but I can bet that if you let your guard down a bit, you can AT LEAST be comfortable in class. You deserve to feel comfortable in class, just as much as your classmates deserve your faith in them. Give it a try!

  42. I am restless. I am hungry. I am powerful. I am ready. Sure, junior year will test me with five incredibly challenging AP classes. Sure, tennis will leave my spirit wounded and my body fatigued. And surely anything social will instantaneously become nothing more than a mere distraction. But I am not intimidated. If something doesn’t leave me pondering at one in the morning, if it doesn’t leave me confused or dazzled, if it doesn’t leave me hurt or stressed, then it also doesn’t leave me stronger. Every year should be the best year. For that to happen, every year must be the hardest year. Instead of appearing like a daunting obstacle, junior year seems more like a target waiting to be demolished by a juggernaut. I like to try to make things look easy. Basically, junior year just fits into the theme “another one bites the dust.”

    When it comes to expectations, I’ve learned to expect everything -- twice. Having been through Rock, Costal and Sera, I’m pretty much comfortable with the fact that I will almost never completely know what’s going on. Nonetheless, as I’ve said before, I got this. There’s always going to be anxiety when crossing into unknown territory but I have no fear. My only concern arises from the fact I sort of know what will happen: decreased sleep, increased stress and a vapid social life. AP Language and Composition will probably contribute the most to that, but I have a good vibe about this class. No matter how hard Ms. Bunje will push, I feel I’m ready to chew up the challenge and spit it out. The “what ifs” can be left asleep.

    We are only really certain of now. Right now, I am like a trigger waiting to be pulled, waiting to explode and surprise, to push against and break all barriers. Academically, I’m unstoppable; I constantly surprise myself with my newfound effort and perseverance that I didn’t know I had in me. Athletically, I can’t even begin to explain how off guard I caught myself with this tennis season. Socially, my opinion of humanity as a whole has improved. Previously, I used to look down upon things such as school spirit or relationships. This year already though, I’m beginning to realize the power of just having a person that always cares. What I’m trying to say is, yes. I am exactly where I want to be right now. I have chosen my weapons, readied my ammo and devised a strategy. Junior year, like every single year before, will be a victim in a sense to the uncontrollable beauty of Kale Nagasaki. Will the reader understand?

  43. #1 Katie G,
    “Well, it gets worse. I actually want to be a cartoonist! I've had more than enough talks with friends, parents, and teachers about how going into art isn't a good enough career and won't promise money or fame in the future, so save your breath. Honestly, that's what draws me to the career. (Draw. Get it? Draw and art? Never mind.)”

    I see everyone is responding to you, but I was just too inspired when I read your blog not to say something. First of all, I loved your voice! It was just so darn cute! Second of all, I really admire your passion and your will power. Like Chrissy said, I too, plan on going into the performing arts which, like all jobs in the arts is unstable, generally not lucrative for months on end, but exciting. It’s sometimes hard to stand up for what you love when all logical evidence points in the other direction. But with these terrible careers, logic has no place. It is a mixture of a strong backbone, talent and a fire in your soul. So good for you, girl just keep following your heart! (P.S. I love your pun!)

  44. Junior year. I can’t believe it’s finally here. “The most important year” has arrived and I can say without doubt, this does appear as if it will be my hardest year. Laid before me are not only a plethora of AP courses and tough classes, but SAT’s, activities, college research, and most of all, a heightened level of emotional stress. This year for me has already brought personal challenges and events that have shaken my very foundation. I know this will be my hardest year but hopefully I have what it takes to conquer it.
    My expectations for this year are vast and far reaching. I want to succeed. I want to do all I can to be the best I can. I want to finally live up to my personal expectations of myself. Sure, this year will be tough, but it’s not like we haven’t faced adversity in the past. I can say for myself, walking in to my first class on the first day of high school was a real challenge. Doing bad on tests for the first time in my life was a challenge. Learning to balance the immense amount of schoolwork with our personal lives is an ongoing challenge. Academic stress is nothing new to most of us, having faced the highest level courses all our lives. I have a feeling that’s not the only thing that will plague our young minds this vital year.
    Deciding to take AP Lang, or any of my AP courses for that matter, wasn’t a real hard choice. There was never a doubt in my mind that things would be hard, I wouldn’t expect anything else. We must truly be challenged, educationally and mentally, to grow as students and individuals. I expect to do well this year in all of my classes. I hope to “expand my horizons” this year, not only through the courses I take, but the decisions and events that I am a part of. I hope to raise my GPA, prove to myself that I really can be that genius I always yearned to be, push my educational boundaries to the limit and come out on top. Education is probably the most important thing to me at this time and I can’t wait to feel accomplished after finishing my junior year. There would be nothing more gratifying to me than feeling accomplished after all of the hard work I have committed myself to my entire life, and I think junior year is the time to do so.
    Personally, I’m not were I want to be academically, socially, or physically. Actually, I don’t think anyone should be happy with these qualities. We can always improve on ourselves and continue to set new goals and aspirations. I want to be the best I can be at everything I do. It is that reason that I don’t think it’s ever right to be happy with “where your at”. We should always aspire to something, no matter what it is. I want to do amazing in school, I’d love to lose some weight, I’d love to make new and interesting friends. These are the things that drive me and will be a catalyst for my success in my junior year.

  45. Jourdan S: I have to say, I’m really glad I read your blog. In school, honestly, I find it a little hard to talk to you because you always seem to be joking. I mean, you can’t help that you’re racist, but still. =P All kidding aside though, I have to say I admire you so much. When it comes to tennis, I just try to end the day without crying. You actually have something very tangible at stake. The stress that must come with worrying about your athletic life as much as your academic is ridiculous to fathom. And social life? What social life? With that being said, I believe in you. You’ve always surprised me with your intellect and your ability to make anyone smile. So although junior year may seem impossible, I want to give you some words that you gave to me last year: “Jourdan Sayers. Success is implied.” :]

    Alexis B: Nothing you wrote was new to me, and that made me smile. I’m glad I still know you as my best friend ever. :] With the questions you want answered, it makes me feel a bit helpless because these are things you can only do yourself. But if you ever need me, you know I’m here. Less personally, do not fear failure. You will never let yourself fail. Regarding the amount of work, I’m sure we’ll be talking to each other until midnight trying to decipher Mr. Cervi’s mile a minutes language. One thing that makes me wonder is you didn’t mention band at all. Band is to you as soccer is to Jourdan. Is there anything about that that keeps you up at night? Either way, it was a pleasure to read your blog.

    Alix L: The fact that you use fear as a motivator instead of an inhibitor is very commendable. I’ve always admired your spontaneous personality, but it’s really great to know that you’re ready to rock the world even more. I’ve heard the same things about how difficult junior year will be, but don’t let your dreams get to you before you get to them. Failure is more a state of mind than anything else. I’m sure you’re already aware that you can do anything you want, but it might help to know that I believe in you, too. If you stay this focused, I’ll be asking “Was that an earthquake…?” everyday. :]

  46. #2 Deanna
    “I am restless. I am hungry. I am powerful. I am ready. Sure, junior year will test me with five incredibly challenging AP classes. Sure, tennis will leave my spirit wounded and my body fatigued. And surely anything social will instantaneously become nothing more than a mere distraction. But I am not intimidated.”
    This is SO powerful. I read your first sentence and immediately my jaw dropped to the floor. With writing like this, you really have no reason to fear this year, or next year, or all of college. I wish I had your mindset. I am completely jealous of your total lack of fear! I was freaking out because I thought my blog post would be wrong, I freaked out filming a 60 second spot on Falcon TV, I pretty much freak out about a lot of things. So I could certainly use some of that bravery you have harnessed so well! It’s a very admirable quality and I respect your hard work no complaining attitude. You are one of the few people who is up for the challenge, loves the stress and does so without resenting a second of it. Never lose that drive!

  47. I have my assignment calendar filled out, my pens in my book bag, a smile on my face and I'm ready to go. I will admit though, around the beginning of school I was not as confident. The Saturday before school started it finally hit me. We're juniors now. I'm going to have massive amount of homework to do, SATs, college research, and of course band. It took me a little while before I realized that everything is in fact going to be okay. I may get less sleep and I may get a little stressed out at some points this year but in the end what ever happens, happens. Now don't get me wrong, I am not taking this year lightly. I just don't think worrying is going to get us anywhere.
    Once I got past all my nervousness I realized that I can make this year what ever I want it to be. I changed so much between freshmen and sophomore year, in a good way, and I want to use junior year to make myself an even better person. I want to be able to share my opinion openly in class. I want to be more outspoken. I want people to stop seeing me as shy. I know I can get all of that out of this year, especially with AP Lang, I just have to work for it. I need to get over my irrational fears and speak out. My close friends will tell you that I am a very opinionated person, my problem is that I don't show it. I have to start speaking my mind. I want to be a public figure, someone who changes thing. I won't get very far if I can't share my ideas with people. So basically if I got a slightly bigger mouth out of this year, I'd be happy.
    There always room to improve yourself, but for the most part I am happy with who i am academically, socially, and physically. As long as I'm recognizing, and rectifying, my weaknesses, and working to repeat my successes I'm doing my job as a student. I have some really great people for friends, and they never fail to make my life a little more interesting. The best thing about friends is that there's always room for more! So if can improve anything about my social life it would to get to know everyone a little bit better.
    Yes, this is a very important year. Yes, there will be a lot of work. We just have to buckle down and get through it. When you do well pat yourself on the back, and when you don't do so great eat some chocolate and work to fix what you did wrong. We can make this year great if we stay positive!

  48. Deanna! That made me smile so big, hahaha!

  49. Deanna, I wish I had your level of confidence. If you read my post you can see that I'm not totally worried about this year, but you take it to a whole new level. I'm very impressed with how tough and ready you sound. I'm inspired, really, to work harder after reading what you had to say. Sometimes I don't think I have the ability to take three AP courses, but I just have to keep telling myself that if I perservere I can make it through.

  50. Deanna: I completely love your confidence and attitude going into junior year. I admire your work ethic and the way you describe the tasks that await us. I like how your post is full of power and confidence in yourself. This is really something people can learn and grow from. I especially love the line "...I feel I’m ready to chew up the challenge and spit it out. The “what ifs” can be left asleep." Your writing style in this post is simply powerful and leaves a lasting impact on my view of perseverance and confidence.

    Jourdan: I can't believe you asked if you could delete your post in class today. Its not horrible, not at all actually. I admire the way you set goals for yourself and think realistically about how to accomplish them. You are a very amicable and hard working person and both of these qualities shine through in your post.

    JV: The language and tone you use in your final paragraph are really inspiring and speak to my inner self. I admire your desire to find exactly what it is you want to do. This desire is very powerful and makes me want to do the same. You really bring out a new side of the challenges we are to face this year and it really gets you thinking : what the heck am I going to do after high school? I really enjoyed this aspect of your post, as well as the rest.

  51. PART 1 OF 2:
    ‘Welcome to the hardest year of your high school career...’
    That seems like a wonderful welcome to your junior year, huh? As much as I hate hearing those words (especially since they give off such a negative connotation) I can’t help but admit that these words also hold an enormous amount of truth in them. When I was first presented with the opportunity to join these courses, I was a more than a little hesitant. Rather than express my uncertainties at the time, I decided to take the ‘calm, cool, and collected’ approach. I proudly told anyone who asked me about the amount of work I was planning to take on in my junior year, and I completely convinced myself that I was way ahead of what was to be expected of an AP student. Oh, what a naïve young child I was four months ago. Truth be told, I was totally terrified of what was coming my way. I had heard enough stories of what the AP path was like, and from my interpretation, it seemed like actual hell on earth. I couldn’t even imagine how one person could possibly complete all the work that was placed on the AP students. I never thought that I would be the type of student to ever submerge myself in my schoolwork, but now that all these AP classes have become my reality, there is no other option I have if I wish to be successful.
    My expectations for not only this class but this year as a whole, range from just wanting to pass the AP Exam to truly realizing who the heck I am. Although I want to pass my AP Exams with every fiber of my being, I really think that I also need to find myself as a person. I don’t believe that I am completely lost or anything, I just want to find the little person living inside of me that doesn’t show itself that often, and force it live outside in the world with me. I want to know why I react so differently to some situations, and why I choose to say certain things. Truthfully, I might have some of these answers already, but the only way I’ll be sure of this is if someone else forces it out of me. Like Ms. Bunje says, ‘The only way to grow, whether that be in school or otherwise, is to make yourself uncomfortable in some way.’ I feel like I’ve lived in my comfort zone for so long, that I don’t even really remember what it’s like to be truly uncomfortable. Fortunately for us, we have a teacher who is already prepared to shove us into a spotlight we might not necessarily want all at once. Though we’ll all probably hate it at one time or another, and will probably wish that we had instead shot ourselves in the foot, we’ll all appreciate it somehow in the end. Because as much as we whine and moan about it, we’re going to have to get it done eventually, and by the time we’re seniors (woot!) we’ll realize just how much we’ve grown from the time we were tiny little freshman. :P

  52. PART 2 OF 2:
    Academically, socially, and physically I don’t believe that I am at the level I really want to be. As for right now, I need to step up my game as an AP student. My time management is so bad, I feel like all those 24 hours in a day should form a gang and come and beat me over the head for wasting their time. It’s a skill that I need to majorly improve, but I know it’s an obstacle I can overcome. Socially, I feel like I’m doing perfectly fine. I decided at the start of this year, that I was not going to bother with, or put myself in any situation in which ‘teen drama’ will arise. I never liked it, and frankly, I definitely don’t have time for it this year. Instead, I surrounded myself with people that will not only help me throughout the year, but who will also be there to improve along with me. Thankfully, most of you guys are enrolled in the same classes as me and included in this very blog. Haha. Physically, I’m nowhere near where I want to be. It’s not a surprise to most people..but I’m not exactly the healthiest person out there. I’m clumsy, prone to bizarre medical illnesses and I’m an overall fail to any type of physical activity. I can’t really change it (since I was born like this…) but I’ve come to terms with it. I do as much as I can do, and although a random broken ankle pops up now and again, I’m generally perfectly happy with the way I am.

    Oi, this was a long entry. Haha. I didn’t think I’d get so into it. xD

  53. No problem Alix. You know you're awesome. ^_^

    Thank you so much Stephanie. You are a smart blond! No worries. :]

    Justin, it means a lot to me that you commented on my blog. We don't know much about each other so this idea of finding beauty in a stranger's words is magnificent. You are a very intelligent person with a personality to make kittens jealous. You're going to ace junior year, I have no doubt. (:

    Taylor, I've always admired and respected you, so it's nice to know the feelings are mutual. Ever since that day freshmen year when you channeled your inner "Heroes" on Mrs. Rock's essay, I was impressed. Your writing style is unique. Keep confidence in yourself and you'll make junior year a fashion show. =P

  54. Alex N, Even though I'm only in three AP classes I share a lot of your fears and expectations. I'm sure you don't have to worry about getting into college though. You're a very smart person and theres so many options when it comes to college. There are plenty of great schools out there that don't have the big name but give the same education. Its all about keeping an open mind and doing your research on the schools. Even still, I'm sure you can get into any school you want!

  55. Gwen, you're making me worried! Its almost like I'm feeling the exact opposite of you. Before the start of the school year I was terrified of all the work I would have, but now I'm taking the "calm, cool, and collected approach." I just think there's no use worrying too much about this year. We have to take it seriously, and we have to do our work, but we haven't even been assinged all that much home work yet. Like I said in my post, just eat some chocolate!

  56. #1 Stephen 'Mr. Fantastic Wright - I felt the same way when I read your post! It does seem like we're complete opposites, doesn't it? But I'm not as worried about it as I seem. Like I said, I surrounded myself with people that would not only help me, but also improve with me. Haha, I'll eat all the chocolate I want, but I'll still need to do all the work eventually. But i'll have all the support I need from you guys! :3

    #2 Deanna 'Kale Naga-oh-so-sexy' Nardy - 'Will the reader understand?' Yukio Mishima has practically become a part of your life now. YESSS! Everytime I read something that you write, I get blown away from how much I can visualize places or things from just the words you use. I love your word choice. I completely agree with you when you talk about the lack of sleep and how much stress we will encounter, because it seems like thats already beggining to happen to me. >.< However, I liked the way you approached the task of our junior year. Just reading your post relaxed me and made me feel like I could lick any assignment thats thrown at me this year...hopefully it lasts. ;]

    #3 Sarah 'Perfect Nose' Chamberlain [ < hehe] - I'm so proud of you! I've already seen tremendous growth in your work ethic from the last year. You even bragged about doing Bio notes that weren't required. You go, girl. I know that you'll have a very successful year because you've already begun to improve yourself and the quality of your work. You've already started on knowing how to manage your time, and what schedule works for you the best. Care to give me a few pointers..? :D Keep it up!

  57. I honestly think I am going to die before this year is over. No one in my family has ever attempted college so I have no idea on what steps to take. I see my friends signing up for PSATs and SATs, they have trust funds already and they’ve got their dream school. Me? I’m FaceBooking people from that party the other night. I think, scratch that… I know that this is going to be the toughest year of high school for the fact that I kind of know where I want to go but I need to find all the steps to go there without failing or dying. I expect this year to bring me such stress and pain, yet in the end I expect growth. Throughout this year and my time in 204, I hope to find my self just like Janie did (well not in room 204). I have been stressing so much, as all my friends know, that I feel like I’m not me anymore. I’m scared that this year I will lose myself in the midst of it all and become some crazy being that doesn’t sleep and doesn’t relax. I want AP Lang to make me love writing, I want to be the best of the best and go to California and show them how it’s done. I want to start and build my own fashion magazine and I have to write, I have to love it and I have to be good at it. Here’s my first step. Academically, I’m okay. I wish to be top ten but out of four hundred and sixty kids, twenty eight it fine with me. Socially, I’m good. I feel like I’m right where I belong, and that the people I am with will always be with me, literally or facebookally. Physically, I want a rock hard bod but I’m in 3 AP classes and two sports, so that’s asking for too much! I’m okay… for the first time this year I can say it and mean it.

  58. Steph, (regarding the whole social status situation) I don’t think you should try to be someone you’re not. I’ve realized that as long as you’re someone that makes you happy, nothing else matters. The people that matter don’t care and the people that care don’t matter. What happened to the girl in the picture in your family tree presentation that says “I don’t care what people think of me”? I think you need to build that mentality again because where ever you go in life you will be judged, no matter what. But how you grow from it makes who you are, and you are a strong girl. I strongly believe that you could walk into a group of people and say just those things. You know what? I’m a junior at Oakcrest, I liked reading two books in my life, I love the sunset on the beach, and I love the sound of waves crashing down. We’ve never talked before, but look how much we have in common. I know high school is tough and Mean Girls explains it in an hour, but don’t let people scare you. Stay confident and be happy, be that girl that doesn’t care what people think.

    JV Gonzales – referring to your academic, physical and social status – I love that you appreciate and acknowledge that you’re growing. You are one person, maybe the only one, that I know that can actually sit down and find the best in everything. Not because I am one of those fabulous people you sit with but I hope you always keep in mind who has always been there. Grow, continue to grow and expand your horizons. Be a friend and make a friend. But please, never let the changes get the best of you and sweep you away. People and things are constantly changing, but don’t forget where you came from.

    Taylor Palm! I hope you know that your last paragraph brought tears to my eyes! I totally agree with everything you said and I don’t want to comment much more because I would just mess it up. High school is nothing like I imagined it would be back in Davies, it’s so much better. With all the stress that is building up on the best class ever, I hope they all read your corny reference and smile and realize that this is going to be the best times of our lives.

  59. Deanna: I love you 2!!! I love the way you write. You can literally learn a word first period and use it correctly in a sentence while defending a topic by third period. You are like a sponge that sucks up knowledge and I, of course, am jealous of that are your crazy, pretty hair!! I miss you too!

    Alix L: I understand what you are saying about just trying to let you guard down and trying to make new friends. I know I probably could let my guard down and open up, there is just one problem. I have, as my mother says, "Diarrhea of the mouth." When ever I am nervous, scared, or just have no idea what to say, I just ramble on and on... and on. Even if someone asks me a simple question like "How are you?" If I am not paying attention, I will tell them all about the fight my parents had last night, how it made me feel, how fustrated I am that they argue, etz. I feel socially awkward, like I literally don't know how to interact with people I have not talked to. Anyone that I really talk to knows to let me ramble or tell me to shut up because I am rambling (Gosh, I am doing it right now...) Anyway, I know that if I let my guard down, I could make millions of new friends but it is not the fear of getting hurt or being judged that bothers me so much. I am used to that. I get "constuctive critizism" from my father... daily. It is more my problem with losing people that bothers me. I lost the grandmother that raised me at age 8 along with 12 other family members that I was also around a lot. In the following year, I lost a total of 10 more family members that I was rather close to as well. Not to mention the stress that is put on me to do everything exactly perfect due to family issues that my older brother and older sister went through that keeps my parents on high alert when they watch me. I have to be so well behaved and perfect that I have a lot of stress... and when I have lots of stress... I ramble...

    Jessie: I Love the way you write and it is just so clear that you are speaking. I love how you can always cheer me up even when you don't mean to. I miss seeing you!

  60. Kristie: Thanks for that pep talk. It actually really helps. I know that I said I do not care what people think and, for the most part, it is 100% true. It is just having people say the same things over and over that makes you think... maybe there is something wrong... Does that make sense? I do not change myself because of what they say, but I do think about it. I always want to better myself and be the best ME I can be. SO I listen to what these people say and I focus on the stuff that I can truely change and that I want to change to become better. Only problem is, sometimes I get a little down when I focus on the wrong thing. Thanks for the inspiration though. It means a lot!

  61. Kristen - Thanks girl for the comment! I love you, but you know you i admire YOU more! I have the exact same fear as you, which is not getting anythign done and simply giving up. Don't worry, we'll pull through it together. Us AP kids always get it done!

    Taylor- I love your Degrassi and Annie references. You are truly a drama kid. Besides from that, you had great voice (HESPA=joke), and superb leadership (2011 Recording Secretary). Yes, you were very blunt explaining that this year is going to be awful, but being a little optimistic never hurt anyone. Besides the bundles of homework, think on the bright side! Prom, DRAMA 09-10, and of course 204!

    Deanna aka Kale Nagasaki- Opening paragraph was "deluged" with confidence. I really admire your willingness to forget the troubles and go day by day with our work. "Every year should be the best year." Although my years haven't been the best, I really do agree with this statement. You have the power and confidence to ease by any AP class, and that is the way to succeed. While most are already stressing over what is going to come, you have already prepared yourself and just living "right now". Good for you!

    Kristie- I totally feel your stress! I think the pressure of this upcoming year is already getting to us, and there is absolutely no way for us to simply ignore it. But if you want to go to Cali, just do it! It's your future, not anyone else's. I know you can do it! I want to be an actress and live in NYC/L.A and I honestly do not care if it is a one in a million chance. This is what I TRULY want, so why not go for it? I hate seeing you stressed out during AP History, it makes me sad.

  62. Before I start, I just want to say that I am honestly excited to learn more about my friends through their writing and to answer future blogs. Although I will inevitably stress and get frustrated over blogs in the very near future, and even at times regret this statement, I know that I will learn to appreciate this blog when my Junior year is over.

    Now that the formalities are finished, I think that Junior year is only the most strenuous and challenging high school year if the student makes it that way. Many of the students that stroll the halls of Oakcrest High School, for example, experience the same setting every year. They have the same level of difficulty, the same grades, the same attitude, and sometimes even the same class with the same teacher. These students are the same because they are not motivated. They are not motivated to excel, challenge themselves, or to learn.
    We, as driven students, do not experience the same. Instead, we acknowledge that Junior year is the most important year, as it is noticed most by colleges, and therefore kill ourselves with the most demanding school work ever. Our social life contracts the chickenpox. Our free time develops osteoporosis and shrinks until death. When we are finally dead, however, we rise into summer heaven as a reward for our educational sacrifices.

    Besides the death of my social life, this year will bring me joy. I have a grueling road in front of me but on the left side of the road is my friends and on the right is my family. They are always there to accompany me on my journey. I will, for the most part, navigate through the work by myself, but my friends, while in school because I will no longer have a social life, will help me live, love, and laugh. I expect to make more friends and to join more school activities. I have a feeling that this year is going to be a good year.

    I want nothing more from AP Lang and my junior year than the typical good grades and passing AP scores along with a fun and educational experience. I am a simple boy with simple needs.
    By the end of this year, I also want to answer the most simple, but yet, the most difficult and frightening question ever: What do you want to be when you grow up? I have done my research and have considered chemical engineering, civil engineering, and microbiology, but the key word is considered. I still do not know what I want to be when I grow up, a problem I have had since elementary school. The difference between elementary school and now is that I am finally running out of time and can no longer answer the question with, "I don't know, but I don't care because I still have plenty of time."

    I have but one fear about the 11th grade. I fear that I will not be able to handle the work load. I am confident that my work will be finished, but the problem is if the work is A++ material. In the past, I have always finished my work, even if it meant no sleep for twenty-four hours or more. I blamed those sleepless nights on no one but myself. I told myself to manage my time well every year, but, unsurprisingly, I continued to procrastinate year after year. This year, I told myself the same thing and probably will have the same results. Knowing that I will inevitably procrastinate, I fear that my habit will finally bite me in the butt this year.

    Currently, I am happy with my life. I have good grades, good friends, and a sexy body. My body is so sexy that only I find it sexy. I am satisfied with my body, and frankly do not care what others think of it. All my life, people have been calling me skinny, but their words mean nothing. My body is not skinny, fat, muscular, or puny. My body is healthy and is exactly where I want it to be. I am happy and do not find the need for any else to be added. Again, I am a simple boy with simple needs.

  63. #1 Deanna N
    I am commenting on you now because I just called you. I love how your personality shines through your writing. If I were to read your passage before looking at the author, I could have easily figured out that it was you. Your writing, like your personality, is bold, strong, and passionate. I particularly enjoyed the opening.
    "I am restless. I am hungry. I am powerful. I am ready. Sure, junior year will test me with five incredibly challenging AP classes. Sure, tennis will leave my spirit wounded and my body fatigued. And surely anything social will instantaneously become nothing more than a mere distraction...If something doesn’t leave me pondering at one in the morning, if it doesn’t leave me confused or dazzled, if it doesn’t leave me hurt or stressed, then it also doesn’t leave me stronger."
    Aside from all the school aspects of your life, I am really happy to see that your "opinion of humanity as a whole has improved." I remember when we used to talk about certain aspects of life where I sometimes felt sad that you thought differently than I did. It is nice to see that you have changed your opinions positively. I am pretty sure I do not have to tell you this, but I am telling you anyway. Deanna, please do not how others feel or what they say change you. You are beautiful on the inside and on the outside. Those that mind, don't matter and those that matter, don't mind.

    #2 Ayanda C
    First off, I want to start by calling you Gwen. The connotation between Ayanda and Gwen are totally different. Although you are both, you are and will always be Gwen to your friends.
    Gwen, we are all AP students and we all have the same problems. You can do it. I can do it. We can suffer the AP classes together. Together, we can also find out why we act differently in different situations. I knew I did it, and I knew some other people who did it, but I never knew you did it too. Hopefully we can both "find that little person living inside of," us. I always felt very comfortable around you, and I acted, at least I think so, like my natural self around you. You are a very cool person, even with your physical disadvantages. Gwen, if you were any different, you would not be Gwen.

    #3 Alix L
    Alix, I knew you slacked off last year, and frankly I was honestly disappointed with you last year, because I knew you could do better. You were, and are still, my good friend. And as a friend, I told myself that you were capable of making your own decisions and that you were entirely aware if the consequences because I believed you knew what you were doing. And you do. I am so proud that you have decided to commit yourself to school. When you and I talked briefly in the cafeteria, a few days ago, I felt something was different with you, and I was right. You seemed more mature, more focused, and more reliable. Alix, this is going to be a great year for you. I know it.

    P.S. I just wanted to say that I realized that everyone is in the same boat, which is really cool.

  64. Junior year terrifies me. I don’t feel safe in any of my AP classes. If the Chemistry lab were to randomly combust into flames and Mr. Cervi was to find 1,000 years more of United States History that everyone was brain washed to forget, it probably could not shake me anymore. I have to be a masochist, because I still manage to find a strange delight in this. I live in fear . . .and I love every second of it. I may not play Russian roulette on a regular basis. However I have my own ways to stay on my toes and keep the adrenaline flooding my veins. Call me crazy. I am. I’m fairly aware of that by now. Let me call myself alive. I tempt my passion and push myself daily. I hope I am never “where I want to be”, because to me that is to admit defeat. I enjoy my life and I can find the greatest pleasure in the moment. I try not to let that hold me back from craving the brighter light farther up the tunnel. There is no perfection. However on earth there is always improvement.
    The knowledge I have gained so far is a tiny flashlight in a universe of darkness. AP Lang can be another tool for me. It will allow me to communicate with other flashlight holders, and together we can create a sun for all people. In other words, I want to be a more adept speaker, with a greater arsenal of words and techniques. I am willing to do my best to improve my writing, and gain more control over it. I am also going to push myself into situations where I have to meet new people. My personality is vibrant and unique. After years of shyness, self-doubt, and struggles, I value myself. I can not see any reason to hold back from the world, aka Oakcrest.
    One concern casts a large shadow over my hopes. It could be the outline of Godzilla before he attacks and consumes me or simply trees shuffling together in a breeze of nervousness. I keep questioning myself. “Will I sink into the comfortable and give up?” I ask, and sometimes I can not find an answer. Sometimes I feel my confidence slipping through my fingers. In these moments, I know that I am growing. I am challenging myself, and that is never easy. However I have always believed it will be more than worth it. This year I am finally ready to find out.

  65. “Time, where did you go? Why did you leave me here alone? Wait, don't go so fast I'm missing the moments as they pass.” Chantal Kreviazuk’s first stanza of the song “Time” captures my exact thought toward junior year.

    Growing up I was privileged enough to sit on top of the Egg Harbor Township High School press box and witness every commencement ceremony. My mom, as the coordinator, use to tell me that one day I would be out there shaking hands with the principal, seeing most of my classmates for the last time out on the field. At the time, I laughed and looked at those giant students. They were geniuses; they had intelligence that I would never be able to obtain. They were flawless.

    The thought of graduating high school, and not seeing most of the people you spent your whole childhood with was a scary thought. However, it is now reality. We are entering junior year. From start to finish odds are that all of us will transform into much different people. Our work ethic will improve, our maturity level will increase, and all of us will have a common goal… college.

    Junior year is thought of as one of the most challenging years in school. Despite the workload that is inevitable this coming year, I believe this year will be unforgettable. Now being accustomed to the school and our schedules, it is easier to plan homework and studying time. To name a few things different from recent years, juniors will most likely break out of their shells and cheer more at pep-rallies, by the end of the year we will have another field day championship under our belt, and of course let’s not forget the long awaited prom. Our very first prom that is planned by our own class!

    Now with the good come the bad. This year I have a goal that I want to be accomplished in AP lang. I want to speak up in lang, as much as I do in math. I already know my strong points, yet I never look for improvements on my weak subject areas. For example, I have a thought in my head that I think is wrong, so I do not raise my hand to speak. Two seconds later someone else will say what I was thinking and the teacher will praise them. I hope this year in AP lang I will be able to contribute more than in previous English classes. However, I do fear disappointment. Disappointment in myself but more importantly when I disappoint others. I fear “the look” when someone expects more out of me than I gave them. To me this is a form of failure that pushes me to never make that mistake again. With this extremely important year practically on my sholders, as class president, I am going to try my best to never have to face “the look.”

    By the end of junior year I hope to know where I want to attend college. My goal is to play field hockey in college and obtain a scholarship to a division one school. Physically, I have been in better shape and this year I need to get back to what I was when I was a gymnast. Being in good shape for a high school program is far different from being in shape for a college program, and I want to be ready for anything that comes my way. As for academics, I feel I have been pushing myself the last two years to get to the point I am and I could even go further. With three varsity sports and four AP classes, I need to work extra hard this year to stay where I am in the rank. Lastly, with my social status I am content. Honestly, it does not bother me if you have a problem with me. I have friends and do not have many enemies. All you need is a few good friends and you are set for a fantastic junior year.

    Class of 2011 is in 11th grade, which means this year will be amazing right?

  66. I feel very liberated. I feel like I could take on the world right now and come out on top. I want this feeling to last forever. It's just, when you're with the people you love, and you're on the swings and you tilt back and you see the stars, thousands of miles away, and next to you is your best friend and on the other side of you is the boy you used to crush on, and everyone is laughing and happy, a feeling of contentedness rushes over you and you never want the moment to end. (I can't effectively tell you how I feel right now in an interesting way at this moment. I'm feeling really dull right now, I'm sorry. I suppose I'm just tired but there's also a lot wearing on my mind.)

    I can't wait to finally begin my junior year. I'm trying not to think of the essays I have yet to finish or the homework that will inevitably consume my nights in a week. All I can think about is the good times that I will have and the people I hope to meet. I can't lie and say that this year is simply going to be a dream, but I’ve braced myself for all that’s to come and I suppose that’s all I can really do at this point. I hope it's rocky and that I can positively learn from every single situation thrown in front of me. I'm ready to work hard and to meet my OWN expectations for once in my life. Junior year has already opened many new doors, the doors halfway open, and doors that should have never been closed. It’s only the beginning.

    I believe in testing limits and that icy ecstasy of stress/anxiety. It's the most demanding times that shape you and I think this moment in my life is what I've been waiting for. Of course I don't believe that one year will change my life entirely but it will send me in the right direction. This year isn't just stressful because of the work, but because responsibility starts to kick in full throttle. I’ve already started to sink into constant panic because lack of studying and sleep, but this is just a jest of what’s to come in the next couple of years. I’m not where I want to be yet but I believe I will be able to get there with all the drive bundled up in me. We all make mistakes but it’s never too late to make things better. The reason why I haven’t succeeded in the past is because I haven’t kept my drive up. I’ve promised myself to use positive affirmations and a positive attitude.

    Besides all of the Academic goals I’ve set for myself there are also social and personal goals I want to accomplish. I want to let my true colors shine to prove to myself that I’m not the delicate person I’m made out to be. I’m actually the opposite. I see myself as fierce and daring; hopefully that’s what I’ll be able to make people see. I also want to learn to not depend on the people surrounding me, I want to grow into an independent young woman with high hopes and dreams.

    As hooky as it sounds, I feel like I have finally found my people. These are the people that I've been looking for, for years, which share my interests and like to talk about random things that most people wouldn't get. They enjoy sitting around for hours just talking. And just talking is enough. There's no need to embellish it with anything, although the occasional snack runs are convenient and fun. But the conversation is effortless and it flows easily from topic to topic, ranging from the deep to the superficial. There's nostalgia but it isn't the complete focus. For years I feel like I've spent my time conversing about the past.

    High school is hard, no one denies that. But I honestly think it's what you make of it. If you spend time with people that make you unhappy, or if you avoid people entirely because you're afraid of what they'll think of you, you're going to have an even worse time. Just be yourself. Find those kids that love being around you because they like your personality, not your purse. Find those people and don't let them go.

  67. -- I hope all of you can feel happy and carefree so you can relax and do what you’ve set out to do . Don't let people hold you back. Be yourself forever and always. In the wise words of Dwayne, "You do what you love, and f*** the rest." We're young and wild and free. Please just don't let yourselves be held back… Ever , Don't try to grow up so fast.

    Most of all, I’m going to never EVER EVER let fear get in the way of following my dreams.

  68. Sarah L, you are truly an amazing writer! Your first paragraph made me laugh, but still portrayed your message very well, and very intelligently. I wish I could put my thoughts down in words as well as you do. "It will allow me to communicate with other flashlight holders, and together we can create a sun for all people." Sarah, I know you are going to be someone who makes this world a better place. I've gotten really close to you this past year and I can just tell you're a person who's going to change the world.

  69. Simon V : Simon, your response has been more inspiring than anything that anyone else has said so far, because you were totally honest about it. Saying that I disappointed you, shows me how much some of my friends care about me. From being in class and sitting at lunch together almost everyday last year, I'm think you know my personality pretty darn well. I'm glad you've noticed the change, because it really is there! I am trying my hardest to be the person I know I can be, and like I said, the person that everyone around me (especially you!) deserve! Thank you so much <3

  70. Lombardo-- Your writing gives me icy chills because of the passion you always include. I really feel you when you say “Call me crazy. I am. I’m fairly aware of that by now. Let me call myself alive. I tempt my passion and push myself daily". Reading this made me antsy and thrilled to be able spent another wonderful year with you. Your optimism tends to creep up on me in the most splendid way possible. Hearing these thoughts couldn't bring me down even the slightest bit. I believe this is a start to a fantastic year, keep your head up and the passion exploding out of your eyes.

  71. Junior year is definitely the most important year of high school, from what I've heard, and from what I've experienced so far. This is the year where there's a lot of work, expectations, drama, and competition. This year I definitely expect there to be plenty of those things. However, through those things, I really believe that it will help us all become more mature and help us find ourselves. Also, we're all going to learn as a whole how far we can push ourselves to become the best we can be.

    This is my first year in any AP classes, and I think that AP Lang will definitely give me the push I need in order to get back on track in school. I don't really fear any AP classes or any of my other classes, I just think they're going to be difficult. They'll be especially challenging for me because last year I'm not going to lie, I slacked off a lot. My home life wasn't as great as I was used to, so I used school to get away from my problems and just have fun. This year I stepped up and took some harder classes to get back in the zone. But honestly, I like going home after soccer or whatever sport is that season and being sweaty and dirty and working on my homework as I eat dinner. The reason I like this is because when I put my head on my pillow at night I can actually think to myself, “Wow, I really accomplished all of that today.” That feeling of satisfaction is all I need to keep me going.

    I think that 11th grade is going to be my favorite year of high school because we're finally all growing as one and becoming a fun grade. My freshman/sophomore year I didn't think that our class was ever going to be as close at the 08 or 09ers. However, now I feel completely different. The class of 2011 has a ton of spirit, friendliness, and is full of good laughs.

    Academically, socially, and physically I honestly believe that I'm where I want to be, but not where I could be. I could be higher ranked, I could be more popular, and I could be more physically fit. But honestly, I want to be where I am. Being ranked in the 20's means not too much pressure for me, and pressure is something I don't necessarily appreciate. Socially I am friends with basically all of the juniors and the seniors and even the alumni. There's not a crowd of people that I want to be friends with that I'm already not friends with. I have just the right amount of people in my life, and I have a ton of real, close, and dependable friends. And last but not least, physically I am where I want to be, too. No one should ever complain about their looks because that's just the way God made them. Health is the only thing that anyone can ever ask for, and as a varsity athlete for 3 seasons I couldn't ask for more health.

    All in all, I'm really excited for junior year to kick off. Our class is really coming together and academically I'm not afraid to take on any AP classes. AP Lang is just what I need for that extra push to keep me in line this year.

  72. I love inspirational quotes, like “go big or go home” and “follow your heart” and “shoot for the stars” and if you know me, that’s what I always say and that’s what I plan on doing this year. I mean business, basically.

    Even though this year hasn’t started off extra horrible (I’m constantly mad, upset, or fighting with someone and dealing with those “callow” people) I plan to pick things up and get focused.

    Last year, I had a horrible time. I didn’t like any of my teachers or classes. CP English and History were dreadful. Bunje already heard my rant on my English teacher, so I’m of course expecting a better, more entertaining, educational, class. I love to write and I barely did any of that last year. I hope to become better and write on my own free time. So I’m really looking forward to these blogs and just writing my opinions and feelings.

    So, for this year, I have set high goals for myself (all displayed under wraps in my star hanging in Bunje’s room); and that’s to bring up my GPA/class rank. I’m really tired of not being as smart as my friends. I know it’s not supposed to be a competition, but as a highly competitive person, I will use whatever push I can to succeed those goals. It really hits me hard when my friends are talking about their classes and I see their tests and they’re doing well, so I plan on going for gold.

    My favorite part of the year is soccer season. I love the girls and the games and being out their and getting pumped and the energy of the game, but it sadly takes up time. So after soccer season, I really plan on getting involved. Student council, GAA, and being a pear mediator (if there is anything other than soccer I love, it’s being there for people). So, this year is going to be the best. It may be off to a rough start (very rough) but I plan on making it great! Class of ’11 is very dear to my heart. Everyone who is involved I love you all! High School has, so far, been the best 2, and soon to be, 3 years of my life! So many memories, from soccer season to football games, semi and prom, and cant forget field day (going all the way this year)! Let’s show Oakcrest who is boss! We are upperclassmen, but let’s make sure the senior’s know we’re here. 11 in a 11 baby!

    So as this blog ends, it just reinsured me of my goals and how much passion and drive I have towards my grades, my friends, my class, and myself. I want to go big or go home, I want to go for gold, I want to reach for the stars and follow my heart; I just want to be the best I can be and accept nothing less.

  73. Stephen-- not to sound cliche' but I love you to death. I know you're going to do fantastic this year and you'll exceed your dreams by a landslide. Don't stress yourself out it'll make things harder in the long run , I know you can do anything you set your mind to.

    Over the past year I've witnessed you becoming a beautiful sassy young man. I'm sure everyone see's the "craze" in your eyes that is going to eventually explode into a million jokes and laughs. Keep up the positivity and make this year the best yet.

  74. JV- With what you said about the whole challenging ourselves with the AP classes, I totally agree. I think like we take the classes to look good on applications and all of that obvious stuff, but secretly, we like the feeling of being overwhelmed with work and studying. Because, of course, after we accomplish our homework and ace that really hard test, we LOVE the feeling of satisfaction. I think that satisfaction is really what keeps us going and is like a secret reason we all take AP.

  75. Meggg- AH!!! CP English and history sucked, and I definately understand where you're coming from! I'm completely with you like with getting back on track and working really hard this year in AP just because last year was so horrible. I have a bunch of effort left over from last year that I plan on using it this year to make up for my stupid year last year.

    And with soccer season and all of the memories, we've got half of high school to keep them coming! Hopefully our class keeps up it's close-ness and we bond more throughout our last two years of high school. Keep going for gold

  76. Shelly- Your first paragraph like touched me! Like honestly, you're COMPLETELY right. Those are the little moments we all live for, and they're most likely to happen throughout our high school years. Junior year is when we're all going to bond as a class and help our school be the best school ever with the most fun events and the best sports teams there are!

    And from what I heard you say in homeroom today, well there's two things. One, I'm really sorry to hear what happened. But most importantly, two, you're totally right about have the time of your life in high school and just keep your friends around.


  77. Shelly- I LOVED your inspirational final paragraph. Thank you for believing in all of us, and I absolutely agree with you. NO ONE is going to get in the way of my dreams. We're young, so let's live it up while we can. I really admire your confidence and optimism. :)

  78. Alix: With much to fear this year, I love how you are committed to having a new attitude. From when I completely misjudged you in sixth grade to now, you have grown and matured. I remember sitting in some classes thinking, “wow this girl from Philly is so smart, what were they teaching her there.” However, the last year I have noticed that you did not care as much. Alix you are so smart! Start caring again because you are ready for this year, just start thinking about success and trust me it will happen. You will be fine!!!

    Kristen D: I understand the problem of already having trouble to finish homework, but trust me it will get better. Every night is a new battle, but remember it all pays off in the end. “I often feel as if I'm missing out on a lot of things with my friends because I'm stuck at home doing work.” When you made this comment, I just wanted to say that trust me you are not missing out on anything. Often times you’ll probably get invited out on a night that something important is due, and everyone will probably talk about the next day in school. However, no one will remember or bring it up again. Most of your true friends will not forget about you, and make time around your schedule. It’s all worth it in the end.

    Sarah C: From our first day of freshman orientation together, when I totally creeped on you, I knew you were one smart kid. I had heard stories about the infamous Sarah Chamberlain being an amazing softball player. Now seeing firsthand how amazing you really are, I can’t help but also noticing how focused you are on playing softball in college. Trust me Sarah you will play and get a scholarship! I just don’t want you to stress over it. You are extremely intelligent and sometimes your grades can suffer because of your commitment to softball. Trust your skills, you have talent! You have everything it takes to make it in college as long as you take the knowledge I know you have and put it to use more than you have in recent years.

  79. So junior year is here. Well I’m hoping that it is not as tough as people say but I have a feeling it will be. Whether it is or is not the toughest year I’m still hoping it will be a great year. Sure I may feel overwhelmed at times with everything going on in life but I still plan on making the best out of this year that I possibly can. The fact that this the third year out of four is kind of shocking though. I mean I feel like I just started high school but in reality it’s already half over. When I hear announcements for juniors I still don’t realize that they are even talking to us. I guess it will take me some time to get used to it. I know that this year comes along with some major testing but it also brings fun times. I’m not just talking about school events but just everyday events that make life funny, like walking through the halls with your friends and hearing them say something so funny that you can’t help but to laugh so hard that you completely don’t notice all of the things that you may not like about school. Then there are the times in class that just consume your attention so much that you can’t help but to talk about whatever it is that you learned to everyone. As far as what I would like to get out of AP Lang, I definitely want to gain knowledge that will help me.

  80. Gwen-- Your passage is the one I can relate to the most. This year is so important (to state the obvi) , we all should be thinking about our accomplishments and activities that we have joined throughout the past two years. I know that I need to step up in that area. The only club I'm in is band. I've written out many lists on ways to improve my shy-ness when It comes to activities, bit this year I'm actually going to take charge.

    On another note, I believe that noone actually will ever find them selves. You are who you are, the decision you make and the one's you have made make's you who you are. Don't worry about being who you want to be, be yourself.

    I'm watch ANTM and tyra said this superfab quote that reminded me of you. "Fierce has many faces"

    Ps-- it took me 20mins to realize who Ayanda is..

  81. Thanks Shelly, I love you too! We've had so many good times in the past year and how ever many months that we've known each other! I'm going to try my best not to stress myself out, and I'm doing well at it now, but I don't know how stress free I'll be in the future! haha.

  82. Part 2:
    I know I have a lot of work ahead of me before I can come close to being a good writer and understanding things more coherently. Yes I want to pass my classes just like most people do but I also want to understand everything I learn. I do not want to end this year with questions and misunderstandings. I want to take all the knowledge that I possibly can with me to college. College definitely has to be something that stresses me. I am still not sure where exactly I would like to go. The reason for this is because I just recently came up with an idea of what I would like to have as a career. I’m still not sure though but since time will never stand still I definitely plan on looking into different colleges very soon. Other than that the only fear I can really think of for this year would be that time seems like it is moving so fast and no matter what it will keep doing so. I am pretty much where I want to be physically and socially. I’m happy with the friends I have and I’m always glad to meet new ones. I started off knowing only a few people freshmen year and since then I’ve made many friends that I wouldn’t trade for the world. I’m pretty happy with who I am, I mean sometimes I criticize myself but I still like who I am. Academically I wish my grades were a little higher sometimes especially in my math classes, which is where I’ve had the most difficulty. Other than that I plan on trying to accomplish my goals while at the same time trying to keep the stress level down.

  83. Hannah/Chrissy , that means a lot to me I hope everyone can take in what I posted. You have to live for you and be the happiest you've ever been.

    It's not just living in the moment, it's making/being the moment.

  84. Jourdan S. : I think it’s great that you know exactly what you want. It sounds like you have the determination to accomplish most, if not all of it, too. Don’t doubt your abilities because you might just surprise yourself. It is amazing that you manage to balance all of the things that you have going for you. I’m taking three AP classes and I feel like that’s a lot so I can’t even imagine how much energy it takes to accomplish everything you do. But don’t worry I think you can do it as long as you keep that determination you have.
    Chrissy H: Your writing style is amazing! What you wrote is amazing. You’re point of not giving up is a great one. Sometimes I feel like I want to give up but then I find encouragement in other’s writing and realize that there is no need for giving up. What you wrote is definitely encouraging and it definitely makes you think twice about giving up on your dreams.
    Stephen W: That positive attitude that you have is truly and absolutely great. The fact that you are staying positive no matter how much work you have is amazing. A positive aspect is a wonderful thing to have and not everyone has that so no matter what I hope you keep up that way of thinking! P.S. I love that you wrote this -->“When you do well pat yourself on the back, and when you don't do so great eat some chocolate and work to fix what you did wrong.”

  85. Deanna:
    I love your take on this all. You reminded me that obstacles are not to be gawked at, but overcome. I don't set up a plyometrics course so I can admire my handiwork, I set up that course knowing that my job is to get through it as hard and fast as possible. I essentially want to thank you for providing the insight that enables me to put the challenges, or obstacles if you will, of junior year into perspective. Instead of quaking n my boots, I need to strap them on a little tighter and blow through this course and the entire junior class owes it to themselves to do the same. Like one amazing individual once said (you may know her), "Class of '11. Success is implied."

  86. The thought of this year makes me dizzy, exhilarated and giggle in complete ecstasy. I mean, after all, it is my first year of Oakcrest High-School! …Wait, no, that’s not right. I am now entering my junior year? There’s still a familiar air of those freshman days in my mind as if it was only yesterday! I have had senioritis ever since I was a tiny embryo in my mother’s womb, but my Oakcrest days are actually coming to a complete end soon. I am still enthralled with the fact that it’s my junior year. There are so many mischievous schemes and adventures that I have mind: getting into the L club (license, not lesbian!); the party bus/prom; powder-puff; upper-classman privileges; and well, just almost getting out of ol’, sunny Oakcrest High-School.

    But, how could I ever forget about all of the grueling, excruciating hours of DBQs, RRLs, and standardized testing ahead of me? Did I forget to mention that this school-year scares me shitless? Hell, I might not even be who I was for the past two years! Come check me out of the asylum once this year is over because I’ll probably be a delirious mess in the end. Beyond the four high-school years, this year will be ultimate determinate of my complete being, physically and mentally. There’s no time for screwing up, slacking and going to the Alternative School or getting a C’s on tests because now, something as little as not doing homework could possibly shift my grade completely.

    Besides dreading all of the upcoming work, I’m pretty excited for four AP classes. With such extraordinary teachers this year, how could life go wrong? Also, my classes sound quite interesting. Not only have I heard about all of the fabulous tales that dwell from Lang, and US History, but at least all of this will prepare me for college. Time-management is so vital for a successful life, and this year will help me learn how to balance my social life, family/Whiskey time and studying all at once.

    When I first stepped into Oakcrest, I expected girly drama night-and-day (excluding the love scandals last year). But, I’ve never really stepped into those soap-operas because I guess I haven’t really opened up opportunity for them. I’d love to keep it this way. Also, another thing that I’m hoping to get out of this year is basically completing all of those New Year resolutions that I haven’t even completed yet. When we were making those stars to decorate the AP Lang room, I couldn’t even figure out what to write for my goals. In fact, it wasn’t about figuring out what to write, but more so of how to cram in all of the individual goals. I’m sick of planning on doing all of these things, yet never coming to terms to finishing them. But now, for real this time, THIS year will be different, and I mean it more than ever before.

    I hardly have any fears about class of 2011 because in the end, we’re all of the same class, working for at least one similar thing, to survive Oakcrest High with good memories, and nobody can take that away from us ever. Besides, we’re most likely going to throw an outrageous prom, and be the champions for Field Day from here on out. What’s there to fear? One of the only things that I fear about being in this class is that, now most of my friends will have graduated, as if most of them haven’t left to college already (sarcasm). It pains me to think about how some of my closest friends are on their way out in the real world. My biggest fear about this isn’t that I’ll forget about all of them, but more so that they some of them won’t be around to reminisce with me about the good old days.

    Obviously, I’ll never be where I want to be socially, academically and physically because why should I ever settle down with being comfortable? Knowing that there’ll always be somebody better than me at any particular subject makes me excited to take up any of those unspoken competitions. There’s always room for improvement!

  87. Smelly Shelly - Find those kids that love being around you because they like your personality, not your purse. Find those people and don't let them go.

    I loved this part. I felt like freshmen year, everyone was still in middle school mode. Now I feel as if most of our class is mature and almost seem like adults. (Notice how I said MOST. Some of our fellow You guys know.)

    I also feel like I've found a good group of friends which I don't have to feel nervous around, or put on a fake smile and nod to everything they say so they don't shut me out. Hopefully we both find even more friends like this! ;)

    Stephen! - Open that mouth! haha! I have so much fun with you in lunch, you're really fun to talk to. I hope you do speak more in your classes so people get to really know you and understand how cool you are! I'm having the same problem myself. I'm pretty shy with new people, but I hope to change that. Lets make it a goal this year! Woo!

  88. I'd just like to say that I had absolutely no idea who Ayanda was and I felt like a jerk for not introducing myself to the new girl. I love you, Gwen!

  89. PART 1 :

    Quite unexpectedly, I am exploding with excitement and shouting with glee for junior year! I AM THRILLED FOR THIS CHALLENGE! What's unexpected is that, since forever ago, I was never seen as the type of person who would be outgoing about anything. These past two years of high school shaken my entire world and I've grown stronger with every passing day. Filled with personal troubles and drop-dead lifelessness, my freshmen year was a completely mess. Fortunately, I made drastic changes sophomore year which saved me but caused me to feel like a freshmen twice. With the start of junior year, I'm finally getting the chance to LIVE in high school and experience what high school is all about, including the drama, the stress, and the agony. By the time August rolled around, I couldn't wait for that first day of junior year!

    Now with all this excitement, I have sky-high expectations for this year. Of course, with five AP classes, I expect to be over-my-head exhausted with work. I see my nights filled with no more than six hours of sleep once the force of AP classes hits me. I see my body flopping night after night, exhausted from my two time-consuming activities: Band and Cross Country. On top of that, SATs and college and scholarship research will be one more challenge to conquer in my life. I'm aware of it all and I'm prepared to attack it with full force. I also find a strange thrill of the massive amounts of learning and late-night panic attacks. The speed, the rush, and the stress of fast-paced living excite me. Something about it just makes me feel proud of myself.

    With all my AP classes, I’m especially excited to experience to the extreme growth I will gain from all the pressure, mainly from AP Language and Composition. Unlike classes such as AP Chemistry to AP Calculus, AP Lang is truly going to enrich my life skills, which I seriously lack. In particular, speaking has always been my major downfall and with any luck, I will gain the confidence to allow what I say to be heard. Even with blogs, maybe I can understand myself better through letting my words out and in public’s eye.

    And sure, I may want to show the world that I can tackle any challenge. But my fear in these obstacles is my physically body will not allow me to keep up all I want to accomplish this year. What if less than six hours of sleep isn’t enough? Over the summer, I’ve thought about it and knew this was going to be the tallest hurdle I would have to jump over. Thus, from getting a coffee maker to studying early, I’m geared up and ready

  90. PART TWO:

    As for the condition of my life, I think, considering my status as only a teenager in high school, I'm doing just fine where I'm at. Obviously, I may find myself socially isolated almost the entire day. And I may feel academically in over my head. And I may be physically drained from running with lack of sleep. But life gives what it wants to give and I just roll with it. Being a teenager means I have to travel rocky roads no matter where they’ll lead me. When I’m in a low point, half the time I’m miserable, but the other half, I’m struggling and learning about life at the same time. Sometimes I’m thankful for that misery because without, I wouldn’t be the same energized person I am today. Junior year is going to be one crazy ride. I am so excited! =D

  91. um..just in case other's get confused. Ayanda and Gwen..are me. Hahahah. Sorry for the confusion. :]

  92. Part 2:

    (I feel mad dumb but I have something else to say)
    I'm scared. No one lying, no joking. I used to slack and cheat and be a horrible, horrible student. I hate myself for being that way. So it will be hard to escape from all those ways, cause it was what was easy, but not what was right. I'm currently in the process of learning right from wrong and growing up, and that scares me:
    I have never been in an AP class, never taken an AP test and im overwhelmed right now. All the homework plus soccer and friends and LIFE. I'm an easily stressed person. I can't handle when someone is mad or upset with me or if I'm doing bad. I care too much to the point of insanity.
    But as Bunje said the first day of class, if you're not in pain, you're not working hard enough.
    I'm physically in shape (going on 3 year varsity athlete) but mentally and emtionaly, I'll add that to my list of things to do this year.

    And as Taylor Swift says:
    Because these things will change
    Can you feel it now?
    These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down
    This revolution, the time will come
    For us to finally win
    And we’ll sing hallelujah, we’ll sing hallelujah

    So I plan on changing my views and get the drama out of my life and getting the knowledge in my head.

    To Shelly: "High school is hard, no one denies that. But I honestly think it's what you make of it. If you spend time with people that make you unhappy, or if you avoid people entirely because you're afraid of what they'll think of you, you're going to have an even worse time. Just be yourself. Find those kids that love being around you because they like your personality, not your purse. Find those people and don't let them go."
    That really hit home for me, cause I have the greatest group of friends and I'm hoping to remember this when I'm scared and when I'm down and when I need help. I know I'll have to work to keep my friends because were all over the place this year, but I'll remember this little piece throughout the year. It's too know other people feel the same about friends and having that support system.

    To Taylor: I hope I can have the same drive you have to do well. I know from being your friend that you stressed and never went out on weekends so you could work your butt off, and I have always said that I want my life to be my life, and I'm learning other things come first. So reading you 're passage and seeing how all your hard work payed off, I'm going to aim for that 4 and maybe put my life on hold so I can my future and priorities first.
    P.s: I quite enjoyed the Degrassi reference

    Sarah C: Girl we are the same page, last year was horrible and reading your blog (along with everyone elses)makes me want to do well. And I think that if we're all on the same page and we all help each other we can all be one big happy family. You can do whatever you set your mind too, I really look up to you and your busy life but also being smart and still being fun! You're always so happy and you seem to be doing well. So keep it up wifey!

    And to everyone: I feel like everyone is so much better at writing than I am and I really enjoyed the way people view the world and how they want to do. You all have great ideas and goals I admire EVERYONE! If you can dream it, you can do it! Let's make this the best year ever! Good luck everyone!

  93. Brittany O: Yes, I am a firm believer in the goodness of chocolate! Haha. To stay positive the first thing you have to do is recognize that its going to be a tough year. There's going to be stress, there is no way of getting around that, but realizing it off the bat makes it an easier pill to swallow. At least thats just my opinion.

  94. KTG: That should be our goal! You're such a cool and fun person to talk to! We just have to voice our coolness to the rest of the world! Haha.

  95. Bella:
    "My biggest fear about this isn’t that I’ll forget about all of them, but more so that they some of them won’t be around to reminisce with me about the good old days."
    I have the same fear, but let's look at this way, would you rather have that memory, than have none at all.
    It's better to have all, than nothing. But if someone really means that much to you, then you'll stay in touch. You always get by with a little help from your friends, so keep that and keep in touch. And if they love you back, they'll stay in touch. Friends come and go though, but memories last forever. So stay you and keep them memories coming. You're sure in some of mine, so it's impossible to forget you girl :)

  96. Simon....
    I think for whatever reason a good majority of the AP students have a procrastinating problem. I personly know most of us didn't even start our summer work until the week before it was due. You are not alone. I wish Oak offered a "here's how to be organized" class. I tell my self the same thing you do every year. However, I do have confidence that this year we will succeed in our goal. Simply out of necessity, the work load will kill us if we don't.

    P.S. I admire your self confidence. Go Simon!!!!

  97. (Reply to Stephanie W.): "Next, they ask if I am happy with where I am in life. I can honestly say that I am not happy. I would love to be a hundred times smarter and more dedicated so I can rise in the class rank. (Right now, I am only 25.) Socially, I feel like an outcast where ever I go. I do not fit in with the kids who have been in the Gifted and Talented program since the third grade. I just got put in with them in the eighth grade."

    Girl, I feel exactly how you feel! I'm always glad to be reassured that there are people who like to continue growing, even when they're doing well enough. When I think about class rankings, it reminds me of this one time that I was on this date with boy. Sure, he was smoking hot, but when we talked about school, I rambled on about how I wanted to do better and join more activities. So, figuring through matching hypothesis (AP Psychology has gotten the best of me) that I'd pick somebody with common interests? NOPE. The poor kid was okay with being 148, and not doing being involved in school whatsoever! So obviously, that was a good-bye! How can one be so okay with doing under par?

    I know that you weren't part of SEEK, or any of those 'gifted and talented societies'. Well, guess what? Me either. I was denied from SEEK due to the 'lack of creativity'? (If that's even possible for me) The thing is though, is that, it doesn't even matter about who was a 'smart kid' in the past because not only does success and intelligent come with potential, but what does it matter without ambition? Think of it, Steph, there's been so many kids who have dropped out of the accelerated programs for god know why. Some are burnt out, some settled down for average, and some wanted a 'social-life'.
    So, don't mind the past. You know who you are, and what you're doing now! Keep up the good work.

  98. This year, junior year is going to tough but, I wouldn’t want it any other way. Life is like a huge obstacle course and like every obstacle course there’s always the one part that is extremely difficult, that is what this year is going to be like. This is the year that everyone that cares and loves you is looking over your shoulder making sure you don’t make the wrong decisions. Decisions that can change and/or shape the direction your life may go. Then again I’m speaking mostly about me, yes it’s a hard year for most, if not all; however, for me I have many expectations that’s going to make this year easier said then done.

    As for my expectations, I have them high. This year I have decided to take two AP classes, this one of course, and US. History. Not including the other honors classes I took. Academically, I am not where I would like to be. That being said, that’s one of the few expectations I have. To better focus myself in my studies to not just pass a class but, pass them with flying colors. Socially, I am most defiantly not where I would want to be. Unfortunately throughout this year (meaning from January to now) I have lost a number of friends. I wanted to start of this school year and go on with it meeting new people but, people that would accept me for who I am, nothing more, nothing less. Accept me for my race, color, personality and for the main reason why I lost a number of my friend, my sexuality. For those who are reading my blog may read this a think “Wait what? If his talking about his sexuality then he must be. . .” Yes I am gay. And unluckily with the world that we live in some people believe that’s the most disgusting, sinful, unlawful thing in the world, or better yet a disease. Although this is something I’m going to have to deal with all my life; I hope I can find some friends that wouldn’t be bothered by it. Physically, I am also, not where I would want to be. I am a runner. I am currently on the cross country team and I also, participate in winter/spring track and field. As some may “starch the truth” I’m not. I am not the best person on the team or even one of the people that the team needs to win a race to gain the extra point to win us the meet. This year as our team has lost a huge number of great runners, I have to step it up. I want to be the person the team needs, the person that wins, not all, but most of the races. With that said, I don’t have just expectations academically but, socially, and physically.

    “What are you hoping to get out of your AP Lang class . . .?” This is probably said from almost every, if not all, AP Langer. I’m hoping by the end of the year to become a much better writer and reader. You might read this and say “Reader?” I’m not saying I can’t read because I can. What I mean, is I want to be able to read a book and not just read the words in the book but read what the author message is, what he/she is trying to get through. As for writing, I want to be the type of writer that everyone hopes or looks forward to reading from. Don’t misunderstand I don’t want to become a Journalist or author at that instead I want to be able to write a letter or essay for whatever reason and surprise the person reading it especially coming from an Hispanic male.

  99. joey: awh man joey..I just got mad respect for you. I mean being my neighbor and all, I already loved you, but now from everything you said and your goals and your opening paragraph it all hit me hard cause I feel the same about school. And I really hope this year you get some really close friends and you are on top of things. I have so much respect for you now, so you haven't lost me. I wish nothing but the best for you

  100. Simon 'My Eternal Lover' Vuong - You're comment made me smile like a big idiot. Haha. And although I mourn the death of your social life, we'll find someway to hang in for at least 5 minutes in another class. ^.^

    Shelly 'Fiery Temptress' Steelman - First off, sorry about the Ayanda confusion. I changed my name to make it easier for people. But other than that, I'm really happy that you're deciding to come outside of your shell more and more. Every year that I've known you, you seem to progress susbstantially when it comes to showing your true self. I've watched you become more comfortable with not only your friends, but also the new people that you meet on a day to day basis. By the end of this year, I don't think you'll ever have a problem with public speaking or presenting a project ever again. Haha :]
    oh, P.S - I never actually thought of simply just living my life and I always thought there was something more to be found inside of me. But maybe realizing that there is nothing more to living life other than living it, is exactly the kind of thought I needed to find all along. Hmm..

  101. Alexis- The question of where I belong definitely puts the fear of God in me, which it should. My passion is rich and powerful like oil, but it’s under the surface. It has to be carefully mined, and that never fails to be a dangerous job. It can also show up in some different and surprising places. The one comfort is to look outside of yourself, and realize others in all positions and stages of life are trapped in the same dilemma. You can never know what you are supposed to do for the rest of your life. Everything changes constantly. Earth and time have no pause button. I don’t know what I want to do, and I’m not sure about what I can do. However we are placed in this strange position, where we have to decide.
    When I think about missing a homework or letting myself slack one night, I picture a mountain climber taking one awry thoughtless step, then tumbling all the way down the mountain. You are right. When you slip on one thing, it only get easier to give up on more things. Personally I don’t see any reason why being committed to school means you can’t enjoy those high school moments we’ve all idolized since childhood. I almost never introduce myself to people either, and I’ve missed out on a lot of chances to “branch out.” But why not go for it now? We can only miss out more if we don’t.

    Steve- Your attitude alone gives me confidence. Being an AP student and knowing as many as I do, I have learned that a lot of the insanely unbearable stress we feel is self-inflicted. We worry about EVERYTHING. Either we don’t feel like we are good enough or we don’t feel challenged. I don’t see why you can’t be calm, and cool, while still working hard and being successful. You go Steve!
    In freshman year you were quiet and shy, then in sophomore year I got to know you a lot better. You also became a lot more outgoing and confident. The real Steve is a diva. You are opinionated and unique. I have full confidence that you will be bolder and more social this year. You should join a few clubs, and push the boundaries of your comfort and confidence farther. Boldly go where you have never gone before.

    Simon- You don’t fool me. I know you aren’t simple. If you were simple, you would sit in the back of general classes. You would feel self-conscious, because you haven’t seen someone who reminds you of yourself plastered on a billboard. You would see what you want to see, instead of having such a clear perspective. I admire your willingness to challenge yourself until you “die.” I also enjoyed seeing that you will kill your social life and meet new friends in the same paragraph. I know that AP classes are taking over our lives, but you can still make time for your friends occasionally. I’m relying on mine to keep me sane through this year.
    Although there probably isn’t anything on the planet that can keep me grounded when I have to face what I want to be. Soon "I don't know, but I don't care because I still have plenty of time" is going to hurt us and hold us back instead of giving us an easy out. I’m impressed that you so easily own up to procrastinating. I am a horrible offender in this category, and yet I always complain, when I’m swamped with work. I think the most effective cure is to try to form good habits now.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Junior year arrives and my mind is bursting with expectations. I know I must do well, but success does not happen by thinking of what I should have done or what I must do. I believe it best to take things full on, with “can’t” removed from my vocabulary I know I will arise the best I can be. The present moment is where I am and as Buddha once said "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." Because with concentration and eliminating all negative options I find it impossible to come up short.
    AP language I know will test me at first and working hard is the only solution to becoming better. Training yourself to need less in life and achieving more comes only with pushing yourself harder every time. I am not intimidated about low AP practice test scores or that every week will appear harder because without gradual rising challenges we will not change in the outcome. But of course I have my fears, and who wouldn’t? One of the most demanding classes will have its challenges but conquering them is where the real challenge lies. This class is created for pretty much one key purpose, to prove oneself in passing a college level class to get credits. We can only be taught how to achieve this goal; the work is up to the student who is willing to cope with the rising challenges and overcoming failures with marginal success. It may seem pretty extreme but what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
    I am not happy with where I stand academically, socially, or physically. I know in every aspect I can do better and substantial change is something I look to achieve this year. I believe with dedication I can climb higher academic wise, I look to pretty much for lack of a better word obliterate competition this year. Both socially and physically I look to improve by building character and well simply building muscle. These are just among a few things I look to improve or overcome this year. I am not a person of goals but of practically eliminating the source and possibility of failure, because in my eyes failure is anything less than my best.

  104. Dylan - Stop thinking and start feeling.

  105. (RE: Taylor) "Though I obviously have not been through my junior year, from what I hear and what I can guess, this year is going to be…AFWUL! I expect nothing less than that and I hope that this year will not fall short of terrible. I love years when I do homework for hours, when I am literally tearing my hair out because I cannot study one more second, when my social life is thrown to the bottom of my list of priorities because my classes have soaked up any extra time in my schedule (Ok I’m not going to lie, I could do without this.) As crazy as all that seems, it’s the truth. Years where we float by, they are easy and fun, but there is no challenge. I, like most others, take these classes because we are above sitting pretty with an easy A. Would it be nice sometimes? Absolutely. What’s the fun in that though? Sophomore year with Mr. Sera was the worst school year in my life. But when I looked down and saw a 4 on my grade sheet from that AP test…I’ve never felt better in my life. I worked so hard for that grade and if it was just handed to me, I would not prize it as much as I do. So will this be a hard knock year? I sure hope so."

    Well-said. This year will most likely be one of the worst years ever, yet somehow be amazing because that's how every year seems to be? Like I said in my post, this year is the ultimate prep-up for college. We're going to learn a thing or two about time-management because without it, our lives will be miserable and unbalanced. At least in college, we'll have way more experience than those who have taken the easy way out. We'll know how to balance our social lives, love lives, academics and so forward because all of these classes!

    And must I say, it'll be worth it. Think about all of those kids who sleeping away with A+s... They're not taking advantage of school at the moment, and eventually they'll see the heavy wads of money that will be required to go to college. When we do well in our AP exams this year, we'll only be spending $80 for credits. Worth it, right? It'll ALL be worth it in the end, I always say... Plus colleges will love us ten times more than those taking the easy way out because seriously, what does 'college prep' really matter to colleges anyways?

  106. Part oneeee!

    Junior year, WOW! That’s all I have to say...I remember being that mullican freshman not knowing anyone, over the past two/three years i have met more people than anyone not from port/greenbank/mullica can imagine. You could say freshman year i got lost in the crowd, I had mostly college prep classes, and hated it! I did no sports and went to a grand total of 3 student council meetings. I was a loser. haha. So about halfway through freshman year my teachers were all recommending me for honors and so on.. I eventually sat myself down and said, "What am I doing". I wasted most of my freshman year doing absolutely nothing, so I signed up for honors/AP track. This was the greatest decision I’ve ever made without a doubt, no more sitting in a silent classroom with people too concerned that they'll be made fun of for answering, or people to cool to have an opinion. I was finally in a class with people urging to let their voices be heard. Not to mention the people i met...JV, Gwen, Kristie and so many more these are people that I became such good friends with, but never would have met without these classes.

    Back to junior year.
    So now I'm a big bad junior, I’ve turned my whole High-School experience around. Last year I made varsity golf. (Yes we have a golf team) and I was just appointed to student council board. I went from almost being lost in the cracks of Oakcrest but some how pulled myself back up. As for this year, I'm apprehensive to say the least. Junior year should be a challenge though. Harder courses, more homework, difficult exams. These are the trials and tribulations each and everyone of us must go through. It really shows what we're made of and what sort of students we expect to be in the future.

    Taking this AP lang class was a tough decision for me. I knew my writing needed improvement but, was i ready for the rigors of AP lang? Now fast forward to the first day of class, the mood of the room was tense, to say the least.. but as the days went on I became completly comfortable with the type of environment that I'll be working in for the next 170 odd days. Looking back on it now I couldnt have made a better decision on who to place my devoloping writing skills in the hands of.

  107. When Ms.Bunje showed us how last year's class did over 100 responses on a single post I just thought they were crazy, honestly. hahah Now I see the truth. This thing is FUN! I love it. I finished my responses yesterday and I find myself obsessively checking back to this (in a similar fashion to facebook) and reading EVERY SINGLE NEW POST! This year is gonna be great you guys. We are all so full of excitement, passion, and most of all courage! I am so proud to be a part of this class! <3 times infinity + 1

  108. Junior year will definitely be the worst and best year of high school for me. We've all heard many times that our four-year journey through high school will help us discover who we are as people, but I think this year, our junior year will be the core of this discovery. It's the year that will truly challenge each and every one of us to the point where we might want to give in. It's the year that will determine if you're ready to take on an independent life.
    This year both terrifies and excites me. I'm afraid of not knowing. Not knowing where I'll end up for the rest of high school, college, and ultimately life. To some extent, I believe we all live in that constant fear of the future. As much as it's terrifying, it's also thrilling to take risks and to not know what will happen next. I think junior year will be exactly like this for me.
    As for my expectations, I know is that this year will be filled with stressful and demanding obstacles, and taking risks. Taking four AP classes will no doubt be beyond the difficulty I imagine it will be. But it won't be impossible. But I feel like I'm not up to the standards that my parents want. To me, it is extremely important to satisfy my family's expectations of me, but sometimes my family expects too much of me and when I fail to live up to them, I feel like I've disappointed myself by disappointing my family. I want to accomplish things this year that will be praised my my family and myself. This year I want to beat my personal record for my 2K test in crew. I want to raise my GPA from good to amazing so colleges can actually notice me.
    I'm hoping AP Lang will not only help me with writing skills and vocabulary, but also with building my broken confidence to achieve my goals and dreams that I've written on my star.

  109. Bella- I too feel the school years have all combined in one hazy fog, it was just yesterday I was an oblivious freshmen walking into the doors of Oakcrest. The dreaded work ahead seems so sudden, but I believe it best to just go with flow because the things we are learning are worth it in the end. The one thing you pointed out was that of the learning in the upcoming classes, which I find exciting to expand my knowledge in numerous subjects and having the test in the end just lets me know it was worth it.Those hours of grueling studying that await us in the near months ahead

  110. Alix 'Supa Hardcore' Leszczyski - I agree, I agree! Hahaha. But I thought the other classes were crazy too...until we reached 100 comments and not everybody has even posted ONCE yet. At the rate we're currently going, we're going to be wayy better than the classes before us! We're going to set the bar amazingly high! Up to the sky! And it'll be easier than cherry pie! Woo!

    Oh, and <3 times infinity + 100 [hehe]

  111. I know I already wrote three, but I can't resist writing this one.

    Joey- Reading your post, I felt incredibly overwhelmed and overtaken by emotions. I may be white, straight, and protestant, but I’ve still had tastes of being an outcast. For you, I’m sure it is much more difficult since race and sexuality are monstrous issues that affect the entire world. Please hold your head up. If “friends” can leave you because you are different or they are worried about what others will think, then they are not friends. Even in Oakcrest, there are open-minded people who will not judge you for your differences, but will embrace you for what makes you, you. Not only am I “not bothered by it”, I want to support you, because I know how hard it must have been for you to face this challenge in your life. If you want a friend or just someone to talk to, I’m there.

  112. Yeah, I feel like we're going to be THOSE KIDS who post like....200+ responses EVERYTIME. Actually, I hope so! I'm already so proud haha.

    but, Gwen do you really want to start this??

    <3 times infinity + ORANGE PEELS

  113. At the moment, I am scared to death. I don’t know how I’m going to make it through this year. Four AP classes is a bit much, I know. I constantly ask myself why I put myself through the torture. I could easily do CP classes, have a social life, and not be stressed out every single minute of every single day, but instead I chose the AP track. I wanted this year to be MY year. I wanted this year to be the most enjoyable, the year when I would have the most fun. However, the more I look at it, the more I am dreading the upcoming year. I haven’t even been in school for two weeks yet and I’m already feeling the pressure. Everything has to go perfectly this year. I can’t screw up my grades. I can’t drop in class rank. I need to achieve perfection, or at least as close to perfection as humanly possible. Perfection must not only be achieved within the walls of Oakcrest, but at the pool also. I must make every practice and perform perfectly at every meet. This is the crucial year that can affect all my plans for the rest of my life.

    With all the stress that this year will certainly bring, at this point, I’m just trying to make it out alive. I don’t mind enduring one year of agony if it means that the rest of my life will be picture perfect, just how I imagine it. Of course, that is not guaranteed. That’s an impossible wish. Not EVERYTHING is going to go as it is planned in my mind. I understand that. But I need to do everything I can to make my dreams attainable.

    This year, I hope to continue on the same path I’ve been traveling on since elementary school. I’ve always been in the “accelerated” group. I feel like it’s expected of me. To tell the truth, I was seriously considering not taking the AP Lang course, but I felt that my writing and reading skills needed to seriously improve. After all, I want to get accepted to my dream college. Is it possible? Of course, but it largely depends on this school year. I need to work to my greatest potential. But this great fear inside of me keeps telling me that it’s impossible. Sometimes I don’t think I’m smart enough or have enough will power to make it through, but I continue to push myself to the limits. I just hope I don’t push myself over the edge.

    As of right now, I’m exactly where I want to be academically, in terms of my transcript. I’ve done everything possible for colleges to be impressed. However, a lot of times, I find that my main reason for taking such a overload of AP classes and working my butt off is just to impress colleges, and not for myself. Sure, I want to be successful, but who said someone who has taken CP classes their whole high school career can’t be successful? Out in the real world, there isn’t a presumed “accelerated” group. Everyone appears exactly the same. What if AP classes are really holding me back? They greatly limit the time I have for social events. Maybe I am lacking in social skills. After being at the top my whole life, I’m scared to death of entering the real world and ending up at the bottom. I see myself sitting in the big office with the wall of windows overlooking the streets, with assistants of my own who run my errands, answer my phone calls, and keep my desk impeccably clean. But in the back of my mind, I fear that I’m going to be sitting in the crapped cubicle, piled with papers that need to be filed and a computer that barely functions. What if that’s my fate? That very possibility scares me to no end. Hopefully, this year I can sort all of this mumbo jumbo out in my head. Hopefully, I will be able to realize all that I can achieve without having doubts. Hopefully, this is MY year. It’s all up to me now.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Jon '..Jon' Williams - Aw! I feel like your a Lifetime movie about moving up in life. Haha. I'm so happy that you decided to move into the AP track. It would have been such a waste of a brilliant mind if you stayed behind. :)

    Alix ' D: ' Leszczynski - You know I'm allergic.

  116. JV: I have to start off by saying that I completely agree that you sit at lunch with the most fabulous people in the entire school. I love your optimistic view of the upcoming school year, especially since I’ve been extremely pessimistic about it so far. I know exactly what you mean when you explained how you take out your anger by yelling at your younger siblings. I find myself unleashing my anger towards my parents, so it’s good to know that I’m not a crazy uptight freak. Inspired may be a strong word for this situation, but you’ve definitely allowed me to take a look from a different perspective of the upcoming year. It has certainly helped me lighten my negative view a bit.

    KTG: I think it’s awesome that you want to pursue your art! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If art makes you happy, that’s all you can ask for in life. I yearn to have such a strong passion. It seems as if everyone knows exactly what they want to do for the rest of their lives and I’m sitting here with absolutely no idea. Hopefully I will be able to get a grip on that this year.

    Jourdan: The fact that you’re taking FIVE AP classes while being involved with the class AND taking your soccer schedule to the extreme makes me realize that maybe I don’t have it so bad. If you’re able to do it with such a chaotic schedule, without making an overwhelming amount of complaints and whines, I don’t know what I’m making such a big fuss about. Thank you for allowing me to realize that I need to calm down because I can do it. Like you believe in yourself, I need to start believing in myself.

  117. I’ve always been told, like so many others, that junior year is the most challenging, yet most important year of high school. I’ve seen people like Jordan Colbert handle five AP classes last year, and to be honest, I thought a lot of the stories of horror were a bit exaggerated. However, now that the school year has actually started and all the formalities are out of the way, I feel the tremendous amounts of pressure. Having five AP classes is a gargantuan undertaking. Like anybody should, I’m hoping to get a five on every AP exam, even though that’s stretching hope pretty far. I’d love to stay in the top ten, but I worry sometimes that the amount of work I’ve taken on will kill me. Five hours of sleep isn’t healthy… and that’s what I’m gonna have to contend with routinely. Socially, I’ve never been too good… I suppose I have friends and all, but I’m not very outgoing, and honestly, a lot of people really just don’t like me. Maybe that’s why I don’t say much… but that’s irrelevant. I think too much, and low confidence isn’t going to get me anywhere. I guess I’m pretty close to where I want to be academically. This year is gonna be tough, but I’ve taken it upon myself to finish it, and I’m going to. All the hard work is going to be rewarded in the end. I still have no idea what I want to do in college. I’m very indecisive, and thinking about things that are going to affect my future drastically really isn’t what I need right now. I’m trying to take this all one day at a time. Everyone around me thinks that I’m brilliant and that I should know everything, but I really don’t. I don’t know what I want to do. I have no idea what I’m good at. Honestly, everything I do is just to try and figure that out. I don't understand myself at all, and every day is a quest to find out who I really am. I’m not sure if any of this made sense, but that’s how I feel about junior year and myself. There’s not really much else I can say.

    Kristen D: You have a much more positive outlook on things than I do. I'm pretty strange in that I'm pretty competitive, but I usually expect the worst while working toward achieving the best. My outlook on things is pretty weird, and sometimes I think it would be easier just to view things the way you do.

    Jourdan S: You captured exactly how I feel about this year. All through middle school it seemed like everyone made a big deal out of tests that weren't even challenging. Even when high school came around, nothing really changed. I expect this year to be the hardest one I've had by far, and even though I might resent the lack of sleep and occasional bad grades, somewhere in the back of my mind it's going to feel good knowing that I finally really challenged myself and came out on top.

    Kelsey C: I fear "the look" more than anything in the world. I hate disappointing people, so it kinda sucks having high expectations from everyone. However, this fear is what drives me sometimes. I don't like to disappoint people, so I work particularly hard to avoid disappointing them more. When I get a bad grade, it doesn't make me mad because I wanted a better grade. Instead, it makes me mad because the people around me expected me to get a better grade, and I don't like to disappoint other people. If I had no peers, I would be the laziest person to ever walk the face of the earth. I'm pretty weird that way.

  118. Part two.

    As I was saying in my earlier post I'm thrilled where I'm at in Oak right now, I'm at the top of my game and the only place to go from here is up. Everything's been going my way and with hard work and dedication all of my goals for the future will be acomplished. I know this year will be difficult and I've braced myself for it. And again I'm very excited what junior year holds for me.

  119. #1 Dear Bella:

    What can I say other than I LOVE the way you speak! You have such a great ability to use adjectives and it makes your entire blog so crazy and so you. My favorite part was when you said “mean, after all, it is my first year of Oakcrest High-School! …Wait, no, that’s not right.” I definitely imagined you speaking exactly like that in real life. You’re writing simply shines your personality in a way I’m sure I could never do. And also, I completely agree with you that we all have such extraordinary teachers. All you really have to do is have a good time while learning. I mean, that’s the only way I see to get through the stress.

  120. #2 Dear Brittany:
    You know Britt, I’m really proud of you for being happy with yourself. Most people aren’t! People who are okay with themselves are better people to be around. Out of all the people in AP Lang, I think you’re probably the only person who freaking out about junior year or making junior year such a huge deal out of AP classes. And I admire that because some people, like me, really need to take a chill pill sometimes. Hahaha! You are definitely the person I will go to when I panic over school.

  121. (RE: To Dylan) 'The present moment is where I am and as Buddha once said "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." Because with concentration and eliminating all negative options, I find it impossible to come up short.'

    That quote is just splendid in so many ways. I won't lie, on some particular days I just seem to reminisce and think about how I've had 'better days'. But, the quote just reminds me with the fact that, what does the past matter anyways? I love this quote because it always reminds me to push forward, and not to be okay with being comfortable.

    I feel like most people in general, seem to run to what is safe, due to past experiences. I know that most of you kiddos here HATED Thoreau, but I, for one didn't, so I'm going to refer to his works! On Thoreau's belief of advice, Thoreau believed that advice wasn't completely helpful due to the fact that all experiences are different, no matter how similar some turn out to be. Plus, there are always expectations. I know that this Thoreau-speech might have seemed as if I rambled, but I'm getting to my point... I hate when people propose the two words (like I said, there are ALWAYS exceptions), 'never again,' because not every experience will be as wonderful and cheery as the last one... In fact, it's better that way that there are bad-days. What's success without failure? Or happiness without sadness?

  122. Bella I agree with you to the dot.

    "What's success without failure? Or happiness without sadness?"

  123. Sarah- I feel that you explaining about comfort caught my eye, it is those AP classes with teachers telling you things that your ears just can’t comprehend that makes a person so uncomfortable. If I feel comfortable in a class then it actually means there is no challenge. It is when I’m in an AP class and I just want to gasp at the giant load of homework or that our test will be twice as hard as I expected makes it feel like Advanced Placement. It’s the challenge that keeps me awake. If I’m finding myself saying “why do I have so much work” then I’ll know it’s because I want to be ripped from my comfort zone and thrown to that pack of wolves we call AP exams.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. JorudanS:
    I totally, absolutely, understand where you are coming from. I know I am not taking as many AP classes as you are but, I can understand how you may feel. I have only took two AP classes this year but with the rest of the classes I have and sports after school can be overpowering, so I can only imagine how overwhelming it is for you. Always having the thought about the exams when they are like 8 months away and then focusing on your sport to get better, do better is very stressing. But, the key thing to doing great on you exams and soccer is managing your time wisely. Trying to manage your time is hard, making the plan is not hard but, actually following through it is the difficult part. If you can learn to manage your time you will not only do well in you exams and soccer but, have time left over to have the social life you want to improve.

    After reading you blog I can honestly say I admire you for it. And I don’t even know you. This world that we live in is full of people stereo typing other people because of how they look, what they are, or even how well educated one is. So what if you’re the prettiest person in the world, you shouldn’t become a model because of it. So what if you’re the fastest person in the world, you should become an Olympian because of it. And in your case so what if you’re smart or an AP kid, you should be able to go on in life doing whatever it is that makes you happy. Something that when you go to sleep at night you actually look forward in the upcoming day. That’s all that matters in life one’s happiness. Don’t ever let anyone tell you you can’t do something because you can be whatever you want to be; especially living in America.

    Let me start off by saying I read your response to my blog and that really means a lot to me. Having people that will support me is such a great feeling inside is unexplainable. As for your blog, what really hit me that most was the part about your GPA/Class rank. I know what you mean. I haven’t always been the top of my class or had the highest GPA but, this year is a new year. A year that I want to not only surprise those around me but myself and I believe that if you have the same mentality in your head you will do the same. It’s easier said than done but, what would life be without a challenge.

  126. #3 Dear Maryam:

    I’m one hundred percent sure that you will satisfy your family’s expectations! For me, I completely understand the pressure a family can give since my family wants me to live up to the standards my sister set. And many times, I fail, but I don’t look at it as a disappointment. I look at it as a chance to try again and prove them wrong. After all, what’s the best feeling in the world than to say “I did it!” It’s a challenge, Maryammmm! I know you’re the type of person up for challenges. Remember when you said you wanted to do death-defying and crazy things when your older? =D

  127. Sarah L:
    I just wanted to let you know how ecstatic you just made me feel just by reading your response to my blog. I always, I mean, ALWAYS love to hear that there are some that actually would accept me, for me. I cannot even explain how happy you have just made me feel. Hopefully I can find more people like you.

  128. Lucas:
    We've been friends for who knows how long, and just to state the truth, you've always been smart and always will be. Your desire to learn is unsurpassed by anyone in our class. As for you're Confidence level, well... I can think back to the days of 5th grade when you used to just stand out in the field with you're lunch box. Then one afternoon i invited you to play kickball, 5 minutes later you were better then half the people out there. One thing led to another and you eventually started playing football. in a matter on one year you're cofidence level boosted from kid with his lunch box, to super cool football player. In my book you have more Confidence then most students I know. And about you're future dont sweat it I havent seen you try one thing that you havent become good at with hard work.

  129. (RE: To Alexis) My fears for the 11th grade and this class would probably be failure. Not the literal, "You received an F" kind of failure but I fear just completely cracking and falling off the face of this earth because of too much stress from work. I know that if I am in complete control of everything I have on my plate, I will be able to do my best. But if I just suddenly shut down from stress, the domino effect will commence, everything will slip and I will end up feeling disappointed in myself for not handling things more efficiently. On the other hand, I also fear being so consumed with work that I will miss out on typical high school "making memories that will last forever moments". I don't want to miss out on precious time with my friends."

    This is how I often feel. In fact, just this summer I was contemplating whether I should drop out of some AP classes, to actually do some college prep classes. Why? It's sort of difficult making friends OUT of the band and AP circles, that I just want to go out and meet others. But, as you can see, I decided that I was being stupid and that I'll find 'scholars who like to party' in college anyways. Plus, why should I waste school-time not learning? Obviously, everything will pay off.

    I didn't mean to ramble! I'm sorry. When I looked at that friends quote, 'making memories that will last forever,' I giggled just a tad bit. You should never worry that you're spending too much time doing superb in school! Plus, haven't you made memories already? You've stuck into a pretty tight group of friends for a while, and I'm sure that there will be so much more time left for memories anyways. Don't worry! Plus, we're only 15/16 anyways.

    Another thing is that, 'what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.' I know that that has already been used in this blog already, but it's so true. You're learning such a valuable lesson in it all, and that's time-management. Eventually, we will all be on our way to college, but you and all of the other AP kids, will be able to manage your lives so much better than those who don't really have to deal with our AP troubles. Whenever you feel stressed, and feel like crying, go for it. But just know, that you will always be able to get back up with even more strength than before. :)

  130. Maryam,
    I have know you since 6th grade, you are an amazing person. You try your best and are dedicated to school, crew, and your friends. When it comes time to apply for colleges next year, admission offices will definitely notice that.
    I don't know your parents, but I do know that anyone who knows you knows you are NOT a failure.

  131. Brynne- "Now, it’s my junior year and I am no longer feel the fear I felt as a freshmen. The word to describe my inner thoughts about junior year is fearless! Every year I feel that every fear or doubt that I had in myself has inhibitated me from succeeding to my full potential. This year fear is not a factor."

    I feel this paragraph is spot on with my thinking. Even though doubts can flood my mind it comes down whether or not I can do it. If I believe then fear does not affect me, actually the bigger the challenge the larger my urge to do better. Without challenges there wouldn’t be any growth in a person which I feel comes from failure and success. If a person goes into something believing they have the ability then those fears cannot decide their outcome, because believe me those nerves have lost me my share of points in the past. I know that belief is the route of success and failure of many students. But with keeping a positive state of mind and the ability to push forward through new obstacles can decide ones outcome.

  132. Bella: I see what you mean about wanting someone who has the same interests as you. M boyfriend is a senior and sort of lazy but I know he trys hard. His excuse, it is a lame one, is that he does not want to do all the extra work because he is afraid that the stress will change who he is and he likes being the mellow person he is. Now that I think about it, I see why people are like that and, of course, I am still with him because we do share other common goals. What I am getting at is I don't think anyone should settle for less than they are able to do. I like people that take on the challenge and work their butts off to get the grade, just like I do.
    As for the smart kid thing- Well I have always held that for the reason no one liked me in middle school but I guess it truely does not matter anymore. I mean, I AM IN HIGH SCHOOL NOW! I am a junior. Why am I still worried about middle school drama, right?
    Oh and I have one more thing to say. I am sorry about the trouble we had last year. It was not your fault or mine. I hope you are not still upset with me about it. Missunderstanding played way out of proportion. Oh and how dare those SEEK people say you are not creative.

  133. Megan S:
    I can see where you're coming from (and yes I've heard your entire rant about high school and junior year in particular before) You're an extremely intelligent student and an awesome writer, I feel that you're very in tune with you're goals and what kind of woman you want to become in the future. So, just stick to what you know you want for yourself. And I'm not saying friendships are bad, but you need to think about yourself a little more and not get stressed out by the little "callow" boys in our school.

  134. (RE: To Joey) "Accept me for my race, color, personality and for the main reason why I lost a number of my friend, my sexuality. For those who are reading my blog may read this a think “Wait what? If his talking about his sexuality then he must be. . .” Yes I am gay. And unluckily with the world that we live in some people believe that’s the most disgusting, sinful, unlawful thing in the world, or better yet a disease. Although this is something I’m going to have to deal with all my life; I hope I can find some friends that wouldn’t be bothered by it."

    Whoever decided to drop you as a friend, wasn't a real friend. A real friend wouldn't necessarily condone EVERYTHING you do, but a real friend SHOULD definitely respect your decisions/choices. Being gay is your choice, and even though we may not know each other, I definitely respect you for your courage that you have already came out with the truth. Some people hold in the truth for their whole lives, but it's so brave of you to have already done that. And even so, I respect that you can say that on a blog that you may not even know everybody personally.

  135. (Re: To Steph W)
    There are absolutely no troubles between us anymore. That's all in the past now. :)

  136. Once sophomore year ended I was already anxious for Junior year. Now that I’m finally here I feel no anxiety at all. I keep thinking things will go great as long as I give it my best, and I feel as if I can. This year, I want to start afresh. I’m not going to complain like last year of the truck load of homework I got every night and the sleepless nights I got from it. These are AP classes, what can I expect? I know that this year will be tremendously hard compared to the years before and I’m a bit intimidated for what is to come, but right now I’m feeling more positive. Hopefully that won’t change as the year goes by and hopefully everybody else feels the same!

    I’m not where I am academically in AP Language and Composition. As you can tell by how I write, I can be placed last if we were to compare all the writings of AP Langers by how effective we write . Obviously in AP Language and Composition I need to step it up, ginormously. Last year I used to slack off a lot, especially, in AP Government. I gave up the fact that I can do better in HN English II, handing in papers without thoroughly checking it. As long as it was done on time, I was satisfied. Also writing is my weak subject. However I plan to make all my weaknesses into great strengths this school year. As for the rest of my classes, I’m pretty happy with it.

    Where am I socially? I don’t really know, I’m not so much of a social butterfly. I’m quiet and can be very shy at times, which is the reason why I find it difficult to express my opinions. I’m more of an observant person, I enjoy observing what people have to say. It also explains my boring side because when I do have something to say I don‘t have much to speak of. Maybe I’ll progress during the year, come out of my shell and get that guy I like to talk to me. Kidding! (about getting the guy I like talking to me). Or am I?

    Finally, am I physically where I am? I can laugh! At times I want to be in physical shape but then I’m already skinny so why bother putting all that effort? I feel as if being skinny gives me an excuse to not work out because I‘m lazy. However I do miss getting in shape. I remember being on the track team my freshman year and it was plenty of fun! My friends were in it as well and I felt healthy even though I can only run half the distance of a typical girl should normally run in a track team. Yes, I was horrible at it but at least I tried. This year I‘ll TRY getting in shape. If I don’t then, I’m pretty much fine with where I’m at, being 105 pounds.

    This year will be very challenging, especially for me. I have so many goals my junior year I want to accomplish in very little time. Twelve school years have passed by so fast, soon this year will too. All I want is to achieve as many goals I can and make this year a memorable experience.

  137. Hey Fellow Bloggers!

    Every since I was a freshmen I distinctly remember my mom and step dad every night would sit my brother down and have the "junior year talk". They basically would give him that whole ordeal on how “junior year is your most important year and how this is the year colleges are looking at you." My brother just nodded barley grasping the message. When I heard this my big blue eyes widened and thoughts of fear flooded my brain. Now, it’s my junior year and I am no longer feeling the fear I felt as a freshmen. The word to describe my inner thoughts about junior year is fearless! Every year I feel that every fear or doubt that I had in myself has inhibitated me from succeeding to my full potential. I am just sick of my low self- esteem putting myself every minute of the day, fearing that I am not smart and incapable of achieving what I set out to do and always believing I need to reach nothing less than perfection. This year fear is not a factor. My expectations are to simply strive to the best of my ability and to turn my fear or doubt I have in myself into positive energy. I just feel there is nothing for us to fear this year, I understand the work load is intense and the test is insane, but I am use to working my butt off. Nothing in my life has ever come naturally to me, so knowing this I am not fearful of these dreaded AP courses. I know most of you guys fear failure, but failure is inevitable. The good part of failure is it’s not permanent; we can surely learn from it and move on the road to success. Many of you guys fear the future or college, but the good thing about junior year is that “Yes" it’s hard and important, but after this year is done and over, you still have another year to grow as a person and get a basis of what your future has in store. That’s why I believe this year in AP language I except that we will grow and mature as individuals, and I feel Ms. Bunje will help us to express

    Academically, I don’t really know where I stand as of now, but I am continuing on this path not to fear these AP Classes! I am a hard worker and never back down, so hopefully my grades will benefit from that quality. Socially, I am a social butterfly which can have positive and negative effects. I feel content with my variety of friends I have acquired over my high school years and most of all I love how they keep me focused, grounded and in the past gave me strength and confidence to believe in myself. Many of you know me, as "psych runner" or know I run a lot, but sadly I don’t feel physically fit. What I am talking about is that I feel I over trained myself resulting in muscle fatigue and I have reached a plateau in my running. I am not going to fear these factors because if I were to succumb to these fears all my dreams about stepping my game up or even possibly running in college will be threatened. Overall, I feel junior year will become my best year of high school. I know I am going to be challenged mentally and physically, but hard work is always the solution to face these challenges. This year I want to feel fearless, I am tired of fearing every year because I feel I haven’t really enjoyed the “depths “of high school!

  138. Kelsey C:
    One part of you're entry really made me think about how I am developing in each class, "I already know my strong points, yet I never look for improvements on my weak subject areas." Never before have i thought about this, throughout my whole highschool career, ive had one strong point, that was history. As for math i've always thought of my self as a second rate student. That I was just no good at math in general. Now I'm looking at it in a whole different perspective, its not that I'm not good at math, like something genetically was wrong with me. It's the fact that i haven't been applying myself properly in that certian subject.

  139. My eye-lids have grown heavy due to scrolling through, and staring at all of these tiny pixels!
    AP Lang will definitely be interesting this year. I'm excited!

    Good-night kiddossss. Good-night moon. <3

  140. #3 Kristie
    “I honestly think I am going to die before this year is over. No one in my family has ever attempted college so I have no idea on what steps to take. I see my friends signing up for PSATs and SATs, they have trust funds already and they’ve got their dream school. Me? I’m FaceBooking people from that party the other night.”
    First, your reply made me “Awhhh.” On your post, maybe being the first to go to college is a good thing. You’re the first one to go onto something big, to go further and work harder. That’s liberating and exciting!
    Dream school (?!)…when people ask me where I want to go, I stare blankly and wearily reply, “College?” You are not the only one confused and hopefully this year will help us all out. As for money, I don’t know who your friends are, but we are all worried about that! But these classes bring scholarships and I know that you’ll get one! You’re smart, well rounded, and with a dream of running your own magazine, you’re clearly driven. So be optimistic because everything will fall into place!

    #4 JourdanS.
    “The people around me are prone to hyperbole. In middle school, every teacher built up the Grade Eight Proficiency Assessment, or the GEPA. It was to be the biggest, baddest test I had ever taken. What a joke.’
    I love, love, love your intro! It was very clever and made me think! I never thought about the whole picture, but you are absolutely correct! All of our teachers build up these tests to be the hardest we have ever taken and quite frankly, they are just another test! Like AP Government, I was actually kind of angry that I was so scared for that test, when it was easy. As for SATs, I have not taken them, but I pray that I will have your attitude afterwards! I love how school almost seems effortless to you and you do really well at balancing it with your super star goalie-ing! So keep doing what you’re doing, because it works and you’re awesome! =)
    #5 Alex N. “Against my better judgment I signed up for four AP classes this year. On the first day of school each one of my AP teachers told me that their class was the hardest class in our school, and than preceded to give me their reasons”
    I would be a little scared, too, with four APs! But if you tell yourself four is too much, than it is. You can handle what you believe you can handle and you can handle this. You may have your blonde moments (which I love because they brighten my day even in the most boring of classes =p) but you’re a smart girl and you will do fine!
    I understand what you mean completely about being “the perfect student.” We have to be in AP classes, we have to be involved with sports, be in activities and do well in all three. It definitely keeps the pressure on! But that’s what we signed up for and I’m up for it, just like everyone else!

  141. #6 Simon
    “Before I start, I just want to say that I am honestly excited to learn more about my friends through their writing and to answer future blogs. Although I will inevitably stress and get frustrated over blogs in the very near future, and even at times regret this statement, I know that I will learn to appreciate this blog when my Junior year is over.”
    Your entire post made me laugh! I’m not sure if it was supposed to, but it did. I loved your confidence and you’re slightly depressing descriptions like, “Our social life contracts the chickenpox. Our free time develops osteoporosis and shrinks until death. When we are finally dead, however, we rise into summer heaven as a reward for our educational sacrifices.”
    To the first paragraph, I could not agree more! I think it is so much easier to think about and then convey your thoughts in this format. Maybe we will get frustrated with controversial issues, but I cannot wait for it! Currently, I am not doing calculus because I just cannot step away from this blog! My name is Taylor Palm and I am officially addicted to this blog!

    #7 Megan
    “Last year, I had a horrible time. I didn’t like any of my teachers or classes. CP English and History were dreadful. Bunje already heard my rant on my English teacher, so I’m of course expecting a better, more entertaining, educational, class.”
    The end of freshman year (or was it the summer? ) when you opted out of the Costal/ Sera cohort, I knew you would be in for a rough year. You are a great writer and you express how much you love English all the time, of course not going for the challenge would leave you frustrated! Sometimes I think you don’t give yourself enough credit for how smart you are. Like you said, when you buckle down, you’ll do amazing. Whatever tools you need to push yourself, to go the distance, utilize them! You’ll do great I believe in you girly!

  142. @Jon Williams

    The entire time that I read your post I smiled because I remembered that freshman year I never even heard your name before. Now you're this 'big bad junior' who wears plaid and new balances instead of those natural woodsy jackets. I'm really glad that I got to meet you and I'm glad to see that you're growing up with us in the AP track.


  143. I actually have to stop blogging now to do some other school work, but i want to say this real quick..

    Joey R. - I just came across your post when i was rereading everything, and I just want to say that I totally admire you. Your courage to not only tell your friends about your sexuality, but to also announce it to several people you don't know in this blog, I feel is truly commendable. There are many people in this course who are already ready and willing to accept you as their friend. And from my experience, the people that you meet and befriend here will NEVER leave you like that. Although we may be in separate periods, never feel discouraged from talking to or confiding in anyone of us, because we will never feel bothered by or disgusted by you just being yourself.

  144. Ok--I know I said I wouldn't creep on you guys, and I swear in the future I won't....but I just have to tell you all how, well, I am just...just...well, I am shamelessly filled with joy right now. Your posts are so beautifully constructed, wonderfully insightful and heart-wrenchingly honest--it is, in a word, humbling. Thank you all for taking my class.
    Ok--that's it, I promise. Bunje, out.

  145. Responses:
    Kristie-- I'm with you on the stress. I am so stressed about SATs, college, and doing well this year. No one in my family has attempted to go to college either. But we shouldn't let that bring the slightest doubt to our minds. You're brilliant, talented, and you have a great personality that a lot of people love (and will if you ever become a "crazy being.". Haha.)I know you'll definitely get into a great school and start your own fashion magazine for sure.

    Deanna--Your writing never fails to inspire me. Reading your uplifted my drained spirit. I love your optimism and confidence about this year. I'm glad to hear about the progress on your opinion about humanity and how it has improved because so has mine, although my progression is slow.

    Lombardo--"The knowledge I have gained so far is a tiny flashlight in a universe of darkness. AP Lang can be another tool for me. It will allow me to communicate with other flashlight holders, and together we can create a sun for all people." I love you and your writing so much! I especially love this quote from your blog because it's such a cute metaphor. I have always admired you and the way you think. Your optimistic, funny, and insightful. I completely understand when you said, "I live in fear . . .and I love every second of it." I'm the same. I have recently taken risks that I would never have imagined I'd take a year ago. The fear of the risks makes me want to them. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks myself crazy. Haha.

  146. @Deanna

    You know ever since freshman year that I'm notorious to give out diva faces that are truely intimidating if I do say so myself. Those are, of course, just to test you. Everytime I see you, I am inspired of all the things that you can do and then some. You truely amaze me with your talents.

  147. Joey- I am positive that you will meet many unique and magical people who will value you, and want to get to know you. I'm overjoyed that my response made you so happy, and I am really looking forward to getting to know you.

  148. Part 1:

    Sitting at my computer, writing this post, I still cannot believe I am a junior in high school. I would still answer the question, “So, what grade are you in now?” with, “I’m a sophomore at Oakcrest,” because this all seems surreal. I don’t know if I have “Peter Pan Syndrome” and don’t want to grow up, or I don’t want to face the fact that this will be the most important year of my (so far) short life. There is no doubt in my mind that academically and athletically this year will be difficult and demanding. In the end, however, success wouldn’t feel as sweet if I took three AP classes instead of four, or if I trained four days per week instead of six. In a way, I’ve asked for all of these extra stresses, but I’m up for the challenge and could not be more excited to get cracking!

    Other than stress and lack of sleep, I have high expectations of what this year will bring. First of all, I hope to develop stronger relationships with my friends. Since my weekends are usually reserved for homework and swim practice or meets, I want to change that this year. Everyone only goes to high school once (obviously/hopefully) and I want to make my experience the best it can be. There is no use in sitting home on the weekends when there is life to live outside it’s boring walls! I am lucky I have time to enjoy and cannot think of a better way to spend it than with my friends. Athletically, I have even higher expectations. This year I am striving to make more “cuts” for Junior Nationals. Junior Nationals is a swim meet held in March for elite qualifiers. Swimmers from all over the country travel to compete in Orlando, Florida. The qualifying times are fast, but I am close in five events and intend on swimming the qualifying times, or even faster times. I really want to prove to myself that I am a national level swimmer, and attending this meet with a full list of events will definitely do so.

  149. Part 2:

    After testing the waters during my first week of school, I have an amazing feeling that, academically, junior will be rewarding. Though tremendously different, all of my teachers seem exceptionally knowledgeable; I cannot wait to learn everything they have to teach. I am confident to say that AP Lang will not be different. This year I hope to improve my writing skills and learn how to adapt vocabulary words to my “everyday talk” so I don’t waste my time memorizing. Writing is one of the most important lessons taught in school. If you can write, you can basically do anything. However, I would like to refine my writing because I’m sick of being a mediocre author. Also, I would like to learn to use vocabulary words because they are of no use to me if I only learn them so I can spit them back out for a quiz one week later. By intertwining them with my “normal” vocabulary I would never freeze when speaking because I don’t know the exact way to say something, or give smart people funny looks when they use fancy words.

    AP tests are most definitely the scariest exams. Ever. Therefore, my only fear this year is that I won’t be ready to ace them. Even though it’s probably not healthy, I strive for perfection and nothing less. When I receive my scores in the mail this coming summer, I don’t want to say, “I could have studied more” or “Why didn’t I try harder? I could have done so much better!!” Hopefully, I will be well prepared for the exams and not regret what I did or did not do to study for them.

    Academically, socially, and physically I think I am where I want to be… for now anyway! However, mentally, I’m not so sure. At the conclusion of this year I would like to learn more about myself. This is kind of a lousy example, but everyone knows the “Pick Five Things” application on Facebook that ask your top five favorite movies, what you can always be seen wearing, what you like to do, etc, etc, etc. I admire the people who answer these questions truthfully because I wouldn’t even be able to choose one thing, let alone five. Maybe it’s all part of growing up, discovering your “identity,” but by the end of this year I want to be able to take every “Pick Five Things” quiz on Facebook and not only answer it honestly, but with confidence as well.

    All in all, I am psyched to have a fabulous year! Whatever happens, I hope I will understand that life is a learning experience and grow from the mistakes I will inevitably make. Good luck to all of the AP Langers in reaching the sky-high goals they set for themselves. Let’s help each other as best we can and make this year one to remember! ☺

  150. @Joey R

    If you haven't read Gwen's post before this one, read it because my comment's going to be in regards to hers.

    I don't want to sound arrogant or anything but I do agree with Gwen that with our level of thinking many of these people that you will be in class with will probably be some of the best people you will meet at the Oak. Being with them for such a long time makes me realize that without these people I would not be who I am right now.

    I would not be the confident person that I am if it weren't for the people that I've met through this course. I would not be driven to compete and succeed if it weren't for these people to challenge me.

    Joey, I don't know much about what we're all going to face work wise in AP Lang. But I assure you that all the people in your class are amazing people. They've been there for me from the start and they'll welcome you for you until we graduate.

  151. Joe R.- Seriously, your first paragraph really left me wanting to read more. You are so right this year is all about the decisions we make! I feel even though its only high school that these decisions will shape our overall future. From the past I have told you how much alike we are as runners. We both I feel like the feeling of running and how it makes us feel fearless, powerful and strong. We are both good and have potential for greatness, but our not elite. My team didnt lose many seniors, but I feel that I need to step my game up to prove to myself and my team that I am capable of helping them win! Also, I love how you are so honest in your writing and express how you truly feel. I am so happy I met you and you will never be considered a disease to me, but you to me I consider you an amazing person

    Jon W. - Jon, I really thought your blog was very funny. I dont know if thats the effect you were going for, but it made me laugh. Anyways I felt the same way as you did about freshmen year like I basically wasted it and for sure " got lost in the crowd."I feel your like the first person that didnt really have the best freshmen year because all my friends loved theirs! I also feel like the more I got invovled in the school the more my life turned around also. I like your writing because it has so much character and its really entertaining!!

    Dylan M.- I loved your blog! It really spoke to me and every line I read I felt myself smiling at your thought process because its very similar to mine. I love your Buddha quote because for so much of my life I have dwelled on what has happened in the past and how if I dont stay on top of that my future will end up like the mistakes I have made in the past. Thats why I feel I need this junior year is to just be in the present with my friends, my work, my running and leave the past behind and worry about the future later. Yeah, in my blog I said " I want to be fearless," but of course its human nature to have fear about this year. I am glad to hear though you are someone who wont let those fears weigh you down because the odds are against you if you do. Wow, I just cannot express how pleased I was reading your blog because thats exactly how I wont my mind set to be for this year!

  152. @Kelsey C

    11 is in 11.
    I say we make a wish!


    ONE ONE!

  153. “The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.” (Ivy Baker Priest). This quote is the epitome of what I feel as my time at Oakcrest dwindles away, threatening to end at any moment. I loathe growing older and becoming more “responsible”. Sometimes I wish that I could go back to freshman year, when life was simpler. I feel like a small child constantly checking the closet for the boogeyman. Everyday I check, knowing that he is there waiting for me to go to sleep so that he can choke me with the ugly sweater my grandmother gave me three years ago. The boogeyman of my nightmare is the end of, possibly, the best years of my life. With the risk of sounding immature, I would like to say that I do not want to leave. I just want to stay in high school forever. Stay a kid forever. Yet, even I can feel, leaving Oakcrest would not be the end of the world. It will be a beginning for the immature, loud, and frightened Uroosa, to grow up.
    These classes are going to be difficult. Actually, that was an understatement. This year is going to be excruciating. The AP students are going to drown in a sea of homework. Yet I (and most likely, the rest of the class) would rather be challenged then bored out of my mind in a class of mental oppression. I do not want to leave any class feeling utterly numb and mindless. I have opinions, maybe not the most innovative or intellectual stimulating, and I expect to be heard.
    I fear many things in life. Yet my utmost fear, the one that sneaks into my nightmares sometimes, is that I will never find the reason why I was put on this earth. I am very religious, and trust that God knows what destiny holds for me. But what if it is me that is dysfunctional? What if God does have a plan for me, but I can never find it? I am sixteen years old. I have never been in love. I have never done anything of any significance. I have not made the world a better place. What if my life continues to be the way it was? What if I spend the rest of my days clueless and insignificant? My life, though wonderful, is meaningless. I want to do something important. However, I feel like I will never accomplish it. Not in my AP class. Not in my sports. Not ever. For everyone’s benefit, I am going to end the melodramatic aspect of this blog. I am happy in my life. It is only the fear of what my future holds for me, that frightens me to death.
    I do not believe that it is ever possible to be where I want to be academically, socially, or physically. I believe in constant self-improvement. There is always room to be better. I can always try harder in my studies. I can always try to make more friends. I can always attempt to run faster and harder. The second that one stops trying to better themselves, that is when problems begin. Self-improvement is human nature. We live. We learn. We change.
    Thinking about my time at Oakcrest coming to end, leaves me with a feeling of hopelessness. Oddly, at the same time, I feel a feeling of excitement. Maybe as this chapter in my life closes, a new important one will open. A new phase in my life, where I can find the meaning to all this mess. Life is a cycle. With every end, comes a new beginning and I am almost ready to begin all over again.

  154. Mar- This is so ironic, because a few days ago I was thinking about how proud and amazed i am at you. You have taken risks, succeeded, and put yourself out there in ways you never would have as a little freshman. In your post I was inspired by how you described finding yourself as a "discovery" instead of another chore. Let's make it an enriching, awesome, and (of course) challenging adventure.

  155. Everyone that is Uroosa zebs, she couldnt post hers!!


  157. sorry for these annoying comments!!

  158. To Lucas:
    Well to start off I am one of those people who think you are brilliant! I hope that doesn’t annoy you but if it does then I’ll take that back. I completely understand what your saying. I’m kind of going through the same thing excluding the whole brilliant part. I don’t know what do after college, I haven’t done any college research, it’s all too soon and confusing. I’m also finding myself, as well, I don’t really know who I am. I never thought I’d ever say that. Anyways, just like you I’m also figuring things out so you are not the only one.

    To Maryam:
    I couldn’t have said anything about junior year better than that. I also am scared of the upcoming year. Not knowing where you’ll end up in life is a pretty scary thought. I was going to post something like that up but then I scared myself even more! So I talked more positive and you should to. Maryam, I’m also going through the same thing you are. My family expects a lot from me. They want me to be number one in everything I do. They like it when they see me study and they want to see more of that and this year I can guarantee them they will since I’ve taken 3 AP classes. However, I think, people in our position should do nothing, right now. Don’t take in what they say, hovering in your mind all the time. Right now you should just focus on Junior year and later on, when the time finally comes for you to leave high school forever, you should then worry about that. We have enough to worry about. I’m not saying that you should upset your parents but just let it all come in when the time comes. Go with the flow. I hope everything I said made sense.

    To Dylan:
    It is true “…what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” For instance, when I’m running I feel like I’m going to dead but as days passes by my legs get stronger. I also feel AP Lang might kill me, but then again all that hard work will pay off and I’ll get stronger. Everything else you wrote is true as well. Don’t worry we’ll survive the class, well maybe you will more than me.

  159. Brynne:

    “I know most of you guys fear failure, but failure is inevitable.” -BK

    I agree with you completely and you just inspired me to just let go. Seriously. I just had a revelation! I am so proud of you for attacking junior year with no worry and, if you’ll let me, I really want to join you. Thanks for opening my eyes to a path other than complete perfection. I’m going to try really hard to remember this and apply it to different aspects of my life. ☺


    “I need to achieve perfection, or at least as close to perfection as humanly possible.” –Kaitlin

    About ten minutes ago when I posted my blog, I felt the exact same way. However, after reading Brynne’s post I realized that perfection is in the eye of the achiever. I’m not trying to go all “AIM quote” on you but what is meant to happen always will happen. You are destined for greatness because you are a hard worker and a wonderful person. Don’t stress, girlfriend! You’re post made me realize that this year is very important, but it can still be a blast at the same time.


    “My fear is not failing grades, but failing to complete everything I want to.” – Kristen

    I feel the exact same way about being stuck at home doing homework instead of enjoying my time with friends. After reading this quote, I realized that most people give up one for the other. However, we’re totally in the same boat on this one. I’m glad I have someone to relate to with working in advance and trying really hard to accomplish all of my goals.

  160. I agree with the people who say junior year is the toughest, most demanding year. I am only taking two A.P classes but it is already demanding. I am also taking a few honor classes. Just the classes alone will be hard to deal with, but than you add PSAT and Sat and HSPA. That’s five big tests to take. I feel that I can take on the change and pass it with flying colors. I will be out of the people who have to work a little harder to get it but I believe I can do it.
    This year will be hard but also very fun. My classes are hard but I have great teachers to help me through the year. I am expecting this year to be my toughest year of high school. I am hoping that I become a much better writer this year. I also want to get at least a 4 on the A.P exam. I’m hoping to get the most out of my classes this year so that I can really figure out what I want to be the rest of my life. I fear the most in this class is that I will get overwhelmed and fall behind. I am going to change myself and no procrastinate. I will start tomorrow. I also fear that I will not do as well as I should on the SAT. I am more optimistic that this will be a great year so I plan to take over my fears. I would like to be higher up on the academic scale. I can do it if I just focus and try a little harder. I just wish there was more hours in the day. I am fine socially though. I have friends in Oakcrest and also in other schools, like Absegami. I would like to be just a little bit stronger. This way I could destroy my two kilometer time for crew. My school will come first though. I am making a promise to myself not to slake as much as I have in previous years and to stay on top of my game. This should be a great year.

  161. @Brynne K

    My dearest Brynney,

    Growing up is inevitable. It's something that we all have to go through and sometimes it's rough. But sometimes, growing up helps us define who we are. Think about all the things outside of high school that we can experience. The world is out there. Even though right now it's not in its best shape, it's still out there to explore.

    Brynne, you mentioned that you're sixteen and that you've never been in love, never done anything of significance, or never done anything to make the world a better place. I think that about two thirds of that is wrong. Who's to decide what is significant to the world? Brynne, I know you, and you've probably done so much to help out. Friendly advice to someone or just a smile to someone who's day's not the best helps the world to be a better place. Little things Brynne make a difference.

    I know that we are growing up but we're still growing. We'll always will be. So, I know that with a person like you, a person that's strong and determined like you will find something. You'll find a great thing and I'm pretty sure that you'll be a phenomenal woman in what you'll be doing.

    Just give it some time, after all, we are still in high school. When the time comes Brynne, you'll know what you're going to do. You're going to be fabulous at it too.

  162. JV thats me Uroosa, Brynne just posted it for me cuz it didnt work

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  165. I know this is extremely late and it doesn't matter (I already finished my blog last night). I was reading through the comments after I posted mine right now, and I want to thank everyone that commented back to me. I feel like I'm giving a speech but Taylor, Chrissy, MaryIAM, thanks guys :)
    and Chrissy, let's go to L.A. together!

  166. Wow I definitely feel that this year is the most demanding year, but not the only demanding year. When I think about the journey one must take throughout their high school it gets a little overwhelming to even think about. First you have to consider the fact that all of your sweat, work and tears, for me it was rivers of sweat, lots tears and loads of time/work, goes into one final factor to determine whether you excelled your high school career by a letter grade one a piece of paper and a score on one crucial test. Second you must consider the huge decision making that also comes into play when talking about high school year, for instance choosing whether work or passion is more important to you. Whether your passion is taking up sports, interests groups, school band, or choir, maybe just taking part in family activities, it all comes down to what is truly important to you. I have found that choosing between the two was one of the hardest decisions I have probably had to make in my academic life. Like I mentioned before that is where the rivers of sweat and lots of tears came into play. Third you must truly take out time to think about how important friends are to you and which friends are important to you, because high school students can be some of the most vicious individuals on the planet in my opinion. One has to worry about whether other students/ “friends” are detrimentally hurting their name, or other words back stabbing witches. So with that said you must choose your friends wisely, you have to decide if a person is going to lift you up with encouraging words or just someone to talk to when things at home don’t go very well. In a nutshell high school is demanding all around, because these few years can make or break us, this could be the best years of our lives or the worst years of our lives, it’s all about what you make of it.

    I feel this year should bring me lots of success and lots of answered questions. I feel after this year a lot of things that I have once wondered about will be answered in full, maybe not everything, but ever question I have asked myself about my high school life, what it will bring and if the choices I have made have made or broke me. Sadly I will not know that answer to that question until this school year is over, which means until the majority of my high school years are over. All I can do is hope that in choosing work or passion I will not fail, and in choosing certain friends over others I will not fail.

  167. I am defiantly hoping to succeed in my AP Lang class this year. I want to be a good writer. I choose the words Good Writer, because I don’t want to just be a better writer I want to actually want to succeed at the art of writing. I get emotional when I think about how much I would love to express the way I feel in an intellectual and well thought out manner. I HATE when I try so hard to get my point across, but it doesn’t come out the right way and I would like to improve that. I feel if I do excel in being a good writer I will take this up to be a career as a writer for speakers in high positions such as the government. I would like to develop a passion for English and writing; I feel as though I am a very passionate person in what I believe in whether it is religion or anything else not involving religion, and I want to be able to express the way that I feel and be confident in my writing so that I may encourage others. I would also love to pass this exam with a four or a five.

    My fears are not succeeding to my best abilities and beyond, my fears are not making it to the end, my fears are failing. I would like to overcome my fears though. In that being said I have formed a system in which I can overcome those fears and strive for my success and that system is called prayer and keeping my eyes on my goals. I feel that’s all I need. Socially, I feel I am doing very well and I have no problem in that area “at least I would like to believe ;-] ) because I have some pretty good friends y my side, but as for academically I feel I want to do better than I have the past two years. I have not done bad my past few years, but I cannot say I am where I would like to be ,because I have not yet reached the GPA I have been striving for or let alone even graduate. Physically I am not where I want to be, because I want to work, play sports and do school and I have not yet been able to accommodate all three, but I am hoping that I one day will be able to focus on school and sports and just be happy!

  168. Kyra- I feel the same way that you do in having some college prep classes this year. I had to listen to my friends and scold me about how taking CP classes would e taking the easy way out, but I had to make that decision myself, knowing that everything is riding on this year just spooked me out, and I fear maybe I am taking the easy way out, but girl do not worry about the level it all comes down to how you feel and not OD’ing on classes, because we all know that is just another word for major emotional breakdown, and we both know that is no good like plaid and stripes. Keep shooting for your goals girl, because I believe in you. ;-)

    KTG- Right on KTG, you tell them how it is. I found myself doing whole lot of nodding thinking laughing and applauding at your blog comment. I think you are absolutely right in everything you said, by THE mid January of my past two years I found myself saying “now I fully understand why people tend to get so overwhelmed and want to drop out of Honors/AP classes, I don’t know if I can do this”; but soon I found myself saying wow I am almost through the year just keep going and that is what you did and I am proud of you. And as for focusing on what you love and taking good classes I applaud you, because I myself can’t even do that, and I think it is hard to not care about what others think, and I look up to your passionate beliefs because of that. Keep it up!

    Sarah C- Wow, what you said was very moving. I give you major kudos in what you are doing. Many people spend their whole high school years goofing off and they don’t realize until about senior year or the end of junior year before it is too late to do anything about it, but you did and I am proud of you. I truly hope that you keep your eyes focused in what you believe in, because by what you wrote just encouraged me even the more and I thank you for being strong enough to share your feelings. Keep encouraging others!

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  171. Where I am today is the direct result of where I have been. All my life, I’ve been running from my past, desperate not to become trapped by what lurks there. I was trapped before, in a life of destitution, pain, regret, and fear. It is said that a tiger let loose from its cage will leave not because of what lies beyond the iron bars but because of what there is to leave behind; the same can be said of me.
    I was once placed with students who could barely focus long enough to take hold of a pencil and the violently retarded because of my condition. Now I sit among motivated youths with a will to succeed- but I hardly belong. I am here because I don’t want to be there, with those weak-minded people who take pleasure in pain, who lack discipline, honor, and respect. I was there, and I don’t belong. I am here, but I don’t belong. The other students are motivated to achieve esteem, fight their way towards a ‘higher education’, and live their dreams, whatever they may be.
    I’m still running. No place worth going to can be found by standing still. I am here to seize my destiny. I am not here to learn, but to become. This is my junior year of high school, the real beginning of the rest of my life, and I am prepared to live the way of the warrior. I will arm myself with words, wisdom (an amalgam of knowledge and understanding) will be my armor. The advanced placement courses are not just courses, but learning experiences for life lessons. They teach dedication, perseverance, courage, and respect, skills that will serve you far longer than anything learned. I chose to take Advanced Placement Life to better myself. You cannot help others if you cannot help yourself, and that is what I want to do more than anything else: be useful in the world. I have no fear, I never have, only anticipation of what the future holds. I will never stop running, not until there is no cause left fighting for, no soul left worth touching. I hope this is where I belong, because if this isn’t the beginning of the long and winding road, I don’t know where it is.

  172. It’s pretty late for me to posting but, I wanted to add my input into this blog (go figure). What I expect to obtain out of my junior year; is what I expect out of every year at school to add tools and skills to y arsenal that I will need to succeed in life. Throughout my career here at the oak I’ve had trouble with time management, organization, and procrastination. Those are the three things I hope to improve on the most. This blog is a perfect example of what I’m trying to convey. Had I been more organized I would not have forgotten that the blog post was due on Wednesday night.

    Also I’m expecting to interact with my friends and classmates outside of school more often. This year I would like to think that I am more established socially. When I was younger I changed schools constantly I attended four different elementary schools. So I don’t have friends that I’ve known for an extended period of time, like most teenagers my age. Although this year I’m hoping to change that, I’m going to try to be less of a jerk for lack of a better phrase.

    As far as academics this year I’m hoping to see a dramatic increase in my GPA. I’m also going to try to narrow down my list of eighty-five school down to about twenty. I’m pretty sure of what I want to do with the rest of my life so this year is going to be all about setting myself up so that I can achieve my goals. This year I’m pretty nervous for the sat and other standardized test that myself and my former angry Cuban teacher find ridiculous.

    Lastly for athletics. This year I hope to obtain three varsity letters in cross country, diving, and spring track. I also hope that the marching ambassadors win championships. This year I plan to work hard on and off the field in hopes of reaching the challenging but doable goals that I have set for myself in each of these sports. So to put it simply I want to make the most out of my junior year be kicking butt and taking names.

  173. Sandy, i love youu!
    plaid and stripes, just like john foster =]


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