Monday, November 30, 2009

The 7-Point Creed

In class today, I did a very shoddy job of explaining the 7-point Creed to you all. Sorry about that--my mind was wandering ;)
In any case, I have copied and pasted a brief explanation taken from Wikipedia below:

John Wooden's Seven Point Creed,[1] given to him by his father Joshua upon his graduation from grammar school:

* Be true to yourself.
* Make each day your masterpiece.
* Help others.
* Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible.
* Make friendship a fine art.
* Build a shelter against a rainy day.
* Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day.

If you don't know who John Wooden is, look him up--his story is quite remarkable. As I said, I deeply admire him and the things he has accomplished as a coach and as a human being. As you know, I don't say that about very many people.
In any case, your task for this week is to come up with your own 7-Point Creed and share it here. I know that I am asking a lot of you. I know that this is not something you can do in two days. And this is why I am extending the deadline until Sunday night. You will really need to put a lot of thought into this. Ask yourself these questions to help you along:
What do I value?
What are my morals?
How do I want to be perceived by others?
What do I want my legacy to be?
What have I learned in my life?
What else do I want to learn?

Now, I certainly don't want you to answer those questions and consider that to be your creed. Remember, a creed is a sort of guideline for living, but it is also completely subjective. Look at Wooden's creed again. The statements there are kind of ambiguous and can be open to interpretation, don't you think? So, when you are doing this, try to keep that in mind. However, it is precisely BECAUSE the statements are ambiguous that you will have to explain what you mean by them, what they mean to you and why you chose them. Always the why.
What you are basically doing is creating a blueprint by which you can live your life. YOUR life. Nobody else's.
After all, who is more important than you?


  1. i got first word!!!!
    hahaha jv!

  2. My 7 Point Creed. Well here it is:

    1. Never fear the things that make you happy, go for gold and follow your heart.
    2. Lose the remote, never yourself.
    3. Don’t worry about the “what ifs”, hypotheticals are for losers.
    4. Live with random spurts of spontaneity.
    5. Cherish the right people and cherish them well.
    6. Words are your tool…Build.
    7. Be open to love.

    1. My Aunt recently passed away this summer. Until 2 weeks ago, I had lost the last gift she had given to me: a gray and pink plaid journal with a hand written inscription on the back cover, “You can be anything you want…want it all.” Sometimes the things that make us truly happy are somewhat unattainable, sometimes everyone and their second cousin are telling you that you shouldn’t go for it. But being Taylor Palm, I generally don’t listen. Just because what makes me happy is a stretch, doesn’t mean I can’t succeed at it. If I want it all I’m going to go for it all and no one can stop me.

    2. I will change and grow but I promise to always know who and where I am. If I have to buy a tracking device, I’ll do it. If I have to hire a private detective, I’ll do it. I’ve lost countless bobby pins, 3 cell phones, at least a hundred hair ties and a few remotes in my 15 years. But one thing I’ve never lost and one thing I certainly don’t plan to lose is myself.

    3. What if I had gone for it? What if I had studied one more hour? What if I had stayed home that night? What if? Better Question: What if we all stopped asking what if? Any given action can result in thousands of proceeding hypothetical scenarios. Choose one. Don’t look back. Fretting over what could’ve happened will only make you forget about what could happen next, “Forget about the past and keep moving forward.”

    4. You could think of a lot of adjectives to describe my life. Boring is not one of them. Why? Spontaneity. Consequences are rarely on my mind. I do things on a whim and sure, sometimes the end result isn’t…perfect. But at least I’ll never break point 3. Spontaneity. It adds excitement, it opens the door to a world of unknowns, it’s the spice of life so let’s get cooking!

    5. This one is probably the most obvious. It’s easy to appease the wrong people, I don’t want to do that. It’s also easy to know the right people and cherish them not so well, also don’t want to do that. The right people deserve the world and if I could tie a lasso around it a la It’s a Wonderful life and hand it over, I’d do it. I promise to cherish these people’s presence, friendship, thoughts and most of all, cherish who they are.

    6. As I discussed last week, I can talk. This pertinent skill of mine was put to the test just this weekend and I came out on top. I can kill a debate, I have rights on perfectly composed ambiguous statements and I kind of play puppet master like a beast. All of this is due to words. Sure I could pay attention to calculus instead of writing this, (I wrote down my blog during calc in that notebook from my aunt) but calculus will NEVER help me in life. Words will. Sounding right and being right are very different things and it takes someone with some serious word skill to prove that…I’m up for the challenge =).

    7. For those of you who really know me, this may seem atypical. Taylor + Love(?)= Close your eyes and imagine an atomic bomb, complete with surround sound, ear shattering explosions. I don’t like love, I don’t like relationships, I don’t even like “talking.” Why? Fear. Fear that I’d get hurt, fear I’d hurt someone, fear that I’d be the worst girlfriend in the world. Yes, this all contradicts point 1, but hey, nobody’s perfect. All I want is, not exactly now but someday, to at least be open to love. To tear down my walls of fear and come out ok on the other side. Someday I actually will follow my heart <3.

  3. This is going to be so hard Bunje. After my fail in class today, I am feeling a little shattered. However, I am going to try my hardest to make my morals make sense to others.

  4. Mine is going to be crazy long.... I am kind of embarrassed

  5. My 7 Point Creed….

    1. Be bold, Be different, Be true to your heart
    2. Be Nice but Strong
    3. Have a strong mindset
    4. Be Honest and Trustworthy
    5. Burn no bridges
    6. Put others before yourself
    7. Love without fear but not blindly
    7.5 Don’t forget about Karma

    I actually thought that these would be way harder. At first, they were completely hard to think of. Thinking about what I thought I should live by and a little of what I do live by is hard because I am so influenced by others that I am not quite sure what is my own. I hope that makes sense. However, conversations in class and fights with my parents, which happen way to frequently I am sad to admit, I started to see where my parents were trying to push me and also where I just did not believe the same things that they did. I swear, at least I hope, it will all make sense in a second.

  6. 1. Be Bold, Be Different…. But always Be YOU!
    One of the most important things that I have ever really learned is that I am not happy unless I am not like everyone else. I do not like to fit the mold of the average teenager. I am a little more modest, quite, and independent than the average teenager, at least in my eye. I do not brag or talk about all my wonderful accomplishments, not that I have many. I do not really speak my mind or toss around my opinion because no one really cares about my opinion because they are too busy trying to defend their own and I like the idea of living on my own. All these things make me different. However, being bold and following my heart just fall along the lines of not letting your ideas or values get trampled on. You have to be able to defend anything you believe in because there is always someone trying to break you down. By following your heart, it allows me to stay where I want to be. People can push me, challenge my values, question my beliefs, but they can never change me because I stay true to my heart and who it thinks I should be

  7. 2. Be Nice But Strong… Grrr
    It is always important to be respectful and nice to people. You have to respect your teachers and their wishes, respect your parents and their wishes, and just be nice to the people you meet. If you are not those two things, you probably won’t have many friends. However, this part of my creed came from a conversation my father and I were having. I am usually a very nice person, too nice. I let people walk all over me, disrespect me, and usually let me down. This is a problem. I want to be a nurse. Nurses have to take orders from doctors, doctors who already think they are way too cool to be associated with silly old nurses. It is important for me to, yes, be nice and respectful, but I need my point to be heard. If a patient is not getting the care that they need, it is my responsibility to make the doctor know that I feel this way and change it. This applies to way more things than just my career though. You need to be strong when asking your boss for a raise or the lead in the play. You even need to be strong when a certain teacher is not giving you a grade that you think you deserve. All these times you need to be nice but strong and for that reason, it made it into my creed. I even had to change a few things to fit it in there.

  8. 3. Have a Strong Mindset… Think Think Think—Pooh
    I cannot explain why I think this is so important. Well, I can and I will but I am going to complain the whole time I am doing so because it is hard to explain. Anyway, I said in the beginning that I am easily influenced. In a way, this is good. (Yeah, thumbs up!) However, it can be a bad thing when people are influencing you to do the bad things, (Oh no, thumbs down!) I do not want to name any names but a particular person that I have…. “discussions” with on a daily basis is always trying to make me change my mind. Sometimes I am just being a silly bull and I do not want to see the truth that is right in front of me. Other times, however, what this person is trying to change in me is not at all for the better but it is something that will only tear me down in the end. I think that it is important to be strong in what you believe so that you can tell whether what a person is telling you is good or bad, true or false, vrai ou faux… that last one was French if you did not know. Having a strong mindset, allows a lot of the time that I waste second guessing myself to be used for something much more productive, like my AP Lang homework!!

    4. Be Honest, Be Trustworthy….yeah, that says it all.
    I once heard a saying that went something like “you are who your friends are…” This can be interpreted in a hundred different ways or just one, but I usually take the path less traveled. I attract the kind of person I am in my friends. For example, if I am a lying, cheating person, my friend will probably not be the nice, respectful, honest person. So besides the reason that I want honest and trustworthy people to surround me, I also have such a big problem with dishonesty and untrustworthy people that I would never want to be one myself. Being honest allows people to trust you. Trust is a major thing in relationships, all relationships. It is almost the key to relationships. I am a person who craves relationships, friendships and romantic ones. So I need to be those two things.

  9. 5. Burn No Bridges…. Do not play with fire either
    Have you ever heard the quote, “Do not burn any bridges because later it will be that exact bridge that you need to get home…” Yeah, me neither. I made that one up. However, it is this on going lesson that my parents have taught me through the mistakes of my sister and brother that by burning a bridge now, you will often need that bridge later. You probably have no idea what I am even talking about. By bridges, I mean relationships. Do not burn relationships that you will need later. It is like you do your two weeks notice when you leave a job instead of just walking out. By giving your two week’s notice, you may be able to get the job back. However, when you walk out, the job probably won’t be available to you any time in the future.

    6. Put others before yourself… no I do not mean giving up being line leader
    This is something that I have always followed my whole life. If I am hungry but so is my best friend and I only have one dollar, guess who gets lunch? I have done that I do not know how many times. I truly believe that it is important to always put others before yourself. Being known as a person who always puts others before themselves is a pretty good reputation but the feeling that I get when I help someone out weights any other silly reason. The people I care about are my life, without them I would be completely lost and without a way. My friends, family, and boyfriend are the only people who will ever see me for who I truly am because these are the people that matter most to me. If they were suddenly not there, I would find myself in a very bad, downward spiral. My loved ones are more important to me than myself, which I have heard is rather bad from hundreds of people, however, I love them and I would always want to care for them and have their health over mine. Plus, I attract the kind of people that are like me and I know they have my back too.

    7. Love without fear but not blindly…. “You’ll poke your eye out…”
    The last thing I have on my creed is how important love is to me, to us. It is almost the number one thing that separates us from animals, besides our thumbs anyway. It is so important to love who ever your heart wants to love because there is a reason that the love is there. However, it would be completely stupid to continue letting someone hurt you just because you love them, right? If I loved this guy who constantly cheated on me every chance he got, would that love really be worth it? NO! However, did I learn something from loving him? Yes! I am a very scared person. Loving people after my Mommom died was really hard for me. In fact, I did not honestly let people care about me until last year. (My Mommom died when I was 8 and in the 3rd grade.) I learned, though, that fearing love was rather silly of me because in those dark years all I wanted was love. That is all I ever really want. Love my husband, my kids, my patients, my friends… etz. It is one of the most important things that I have ever learned and I had to put it in my creed.

  10. Don’t forget about Karma…. Yeah, I believe in it,
    I know I am not actually supposed to name another one but I thought that I could not actually describe who I was or what I live by without adding this on the end. Karma is something that no one controls. You do good things, good things come back to you. You do bad things, bad things come back to you. I have had both happen to me; however, I really like the first one though. True life story and than my blog is done.
    It was Black Friday. The Wal-Mart was silent, no one was stirring, not even a mouse…. Yeah, right. I was in Wal-Mart on Black Friday. My mother was standing in these god-awful lines to get this big present for a family member. Now these lines were created because some dude got trampled last year in the Wal-Mart in New York. All around the store, aisles are blocked off and people stand and wait until 5am to get what ever it was that they waited hours to get. The line for the check-out stretched all the way back to the baby clothes and I stood with my mother and talked to the lady that was right behind us.
    “Gosh, I am not sure I am going to make it in time for those PJs on sale over there…” the lady whined. I was kind of bored and offered my boyfriend and I to travel the distance of the store, through mobs of angry and crazy shoppers, to grab her some pajamas for her darling children and than bring them back to her. With a smile and a yank at the boyfriend’s shirt, I was off.
    “Why are we getting this for her? I don’t even know her.” He whined. (Silly boys.) “Because, babe, it is nice. Plus, it is good Karma. … And I need some of that! “ He thought he was really going to get out of this. HA! After telling him what sizes we needed, laughing at him because he had no idea what I was talking about, explaining the girl’s sizes to him, and hustling my way through hordes of people, I made it to the Pajamas that were on sale.
    Pushing my way through people to get air with pajamas in my hand, I shuffled around to find my boyfriend who was staring at the bags not making heads or tails of these sizes. Boys… HA! Once we were done, my mother called and said they were out of the line and told us where to meet them. Two ladies screamed my name in the middle of the toy section because they were giving out the electronic at the paint counter…. Yeah, who knows?... I found my mother and this lady. As I handed over the pajamas I had to sacrifice my life for, my hand came back to my side with a crumbled up five dollar bill.
    “And this, my dearest baby, is called Good KARMA.” My boyfriend looked baffled.

  11. 1.) Laugh at your mistakes.

    2.) Eat Dessert before dinner.

    3.) Practice doesn't make perfect.

    4.) Don't get mad. Don't get even.

    5.) Don't play hide and speak.

    6.) God is no Santa Clause.

    7.) Don't knock it til' ya try it!

    1.) You're going to have bad days. There's no way to get around that. You're human, and you're going to make mistakes that can mess up your day, or even ruin your life. Who knows? The best thing to do is laugh and just get over it. Whenever I don't get good marks, my dad spends the night screaming at me, but in the morning where I awkwardly meet his eyes, he explains, "Kaitlyn, it's a new day."

    2.) Life. Is. Short. I'm a procrastinator. I'd rather read a fun novel, and draw before I get down to my homework. (Maybe why I'm posting at such a late hour? haha) I guess it's just my mind set. I know it's not a good thing, but I always push the work for later. It may not be responsible, but in my opinion, doing this makes life more enjoyable and fun. Plus, I work well under pressure. I guess I'm just one of those people who would rather have a huge piece of chocolate cake before their din-din. I believe I'll always be this way.

    3.) Perfection does not exist. I really don't like the phrase, "practice makes perfect!" It's STOOPID! Practice makes... improvement! (That sounds dumb.) Seriously though...even if you believe your at the top of your game whether it be sports, hobbies, or academics, you still might have a slip up. You can't be perfect all the time. This kind of goes with number one I guess.

    4.) I was never really an angry person. I keep my negative emotions locked inside and only let them out when I have a breakdown or something. I've learned from experience though that even if I'm pissed at someone, it will only get worse if I seek revenge on them. The shit will hit the fan sooner or later. BELIEVE ME.

  12. 5.) Technology is wonderful. Today's advancements allow us to find old friends and relatives, and get in touch with people across the globe and blah blah blah. TECHNOLOGY IS BAD AT TIMES. (Don't get me wrong, I love me my youtube.) Forms of communication such as texting, im, and facebook chats are really making a mess of interaction. I know that sometimes I say things to someone online in a message that I wouldn't dare say in person. I believe everyone's done this at least once. Whenever I want to put an angry and ribald statement in someone's truthbox, I stop myself and tell myself that once again...THE SHIT WILL HIT THE FAN!

    6.) Now, I'm no expert on religion. As a matter of fact, I don't even know if I believe or not. I'm very confused at this time. What I do know is my opinion that many people get the wrong ideas about God and what he's here for. There's a song my Regina Spektor and it goes like this..

    No one laughs at God in a hospital
    No one laughs at God in a war
    No one’s laughing at God
    When they’re starving or freezing or so very poor

    No one laughs at God
    When the doctor calls after some routine tests
    No one’s laughing at God
    When it’s gotten real late
    And their kid’s not back from the party yet

    No one laughs at God
    When their airplane start to uncontrollably shake
    No one’s laughing at God
    When they see the one they love, hand in hand with someone else
    And they hope that they’re mistaken

    But God can be funny
    At a cocktail party when listening to a good God-themed joke, or
    Or when the crazies say He hates us
    And they get so red in the head you think they’re ‘bout to choke
    God can be funny,
    When told he’ll give you money if you just pray the right way
    And when presented like a genie who does magic like Houdini
    Or grants wishes like Jiminy Cricket and Santa Claus
    God can be so hilarious
    Ha ha
    Ha ha

    I've met many people who have the idea that if they pray hard enough and go to church more times than someone else, they'll get more benefits. I remember I got in a huge argument with a friend when she was in a car accident and when she was unharmed and the passengers were injured. She explained that because she was so faithful to God, he saved her and must have been teaching the other car a lesson. It turns out that the man in the other car was my cousin, and he happened to be very religious. Hmm.

    7.) I used to be a very picky eater. I would not want any foods on my plate to touch, and would not try anything new. EVER. As I grew, I've learned to LOVE food (haha!) and it's so exciting to try new foods! Trying new and unexpected things is what makes life unpredictable and fun! If you're not sure about a guy, go on a couple of dates with him and give him a chance! Don't immediately say that you're bad at a sport, or can't do something unless you've really tried it with all your will power. You'll never know if you don't try!

  13. Steph - I really enjoyed your response! I wish you'd have more confidence in yourself! You're great!
    "I found my mother and this lady. As I handed over the pajamas I had to sacrifice my life for, my hand came back to my side with a crumbled up five dollar bill."
    Karma is great! I liked that story the best. I thought it was cute. I like doing random but kind things for people because I admit I do it for the warm feeling, but also for good karma.

    Taylor - Lose the remote, never yourself.

    HA! I loved this one so much. I'm one to lose EVERYTHING! Seriously, I can have something in my hand and just drop it and walk away without noticing. (A serious problem. What the hell.) It really hit home with me and was really clever! You go, butthole!

  14. Have fun.
    As the old proverb goes, “All work and no play makes Jourdan a dull girl,” Alright, so I doctored it a little to make my point, but it works. I surely don’t have the time to work and then play, so I combine the two. I’m the kind of person who blows out the speakers (it’s happened) and gets complaints from my neighbors (it’s happened) because I’m home alone and have a few chores to do. Since the complaints and the speaker incident, I stick to headphones; they’re much cheaper to replace and the neighbors (usually) don’t complain. I sing to the broom, dance with the vacuum, and keep the beat with the dishes I’m stacking. I have fun with my workouts and I try to enjoy my homework, when possible. The “C word” makes that last bit a little difficult, but I do my best.

    Play to win.
    Mia Hamm once said, “The person that said winning isn’t everything, never won anything.” Vince Lombardi won A LOT, but he said, “Winning isn’t everything, but the will to win is everything.” I agree with both. I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever tie the laces on my cleats without the will to win. Winning IS everything. I’m ultra-competitive. People have told me that “It’s just a game,” but why should I be satisfied with being just another name on the roster? I am going to win. No one keeps score in life, but I can surpass myself. I can work harder and more efficiently until I improve on my previous performances or pull more knowledge from schoolwork.

    Have Faith.
    We should all know this one: “You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith.” I was feeling nervous before a game two Saturdays ago and rightfully so: there were over eighty college coaches present, including thirteen of my top twenty. On the ride to the game, my mom picked up on this and told me to have faith. God already has it all planned out; he knows what college I’ll attend and how much scholarship money I may receive and under which coach I may play. There’s no need to stress. She gives me the same basic reminder before SATs, ACTs, AP exams, team try-outs, and most other games. I’ve worked hard up to this point, so I need to relax and have faith when show time comes.

    Sleep on it.
    I know, I know, what about “Never let the sun set on your anger,”? But I read this poem called Shadows by D.H. Lawrence:
    “And if tonight my soul may find her peace
    in sleep, and sink in good oblivion,
    and in the morning wake like a new-opened flower
    then I have been dipped again in God, and new-created.”
    Sleep is refreshing, and it’s no good to make a rushed decision, so sleep on it. When it comes to big decisions, I like to take a day before giving a definite answer, if the opportunity is available, of course. Although sleep is refreshing, the basic point is not to literally go to sleep, but to think things through, mull it over a bit. Like Bunje said, it’s MY life. If I want it to be the best it can, I feel that I need to take the necessary time in making decisions. I try not to regret things, so I try to make decisions I won’t regret later.

  15. Apologize.
    I had to cheat and use Google to find a quote for this one, but I like it. “No one ever choked to death swallowing his pride.” Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days. Everybody knows what, what I’m talkin’ ‘bout. Everybody gets that way. I suppose I should attribute those last four sentences to Hannah Montana before I get sued for plagiarism. But seriously, we all make mistakes and putting pride aside and apologizing is a paramount testament of character. The way I look at it, losing pride is a whole lot better than losing someone I love, plus it feels pretty darn good sometimes.

    Say “Thanks.”
    In my life, I’ve learned a few magic words- abracadabra, wingardium leviosa, havity no gravity, please, sorry, and thank you. I already addressed the “sorry” part and “please” is just part of basic manners, so that leaves “thank you” as the only meaningful one left. But it’s only meaningful when it is, well, meant. There are a lot of people and things for which I am incredibly thankful, so I think it is important to let people know. When I pray, I begin by expressing my gratitude for big and little things alike. Sometimes (I should do this more often), I thank my mom for very specific things out of the blue. There are people who I am grateful for who I don’t ever say “thank you” to. I really should thank more people more often to convey how thankful I am.

    Life goes on.
    Robert Frost said, “In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” Whatever happens, life goes on. At the end of freshman year, when I needed surgery on both of my legs, I couldn’t go out for the state team. I couldn’t be there for my soccer team. I couldn’t walk for a few days short of a month. Heck, I couldn’t even take a shower for a week! But I wasn’t dead. I could strengthen my upper body. I could cheer on my team at games. I could roll around in my wheelchair, and, once I got over the allergic reaction to the morphine, I could go to the boardwalk or mall with friends. A few months off of soccer don’t compare to what many others go through, but those months did prove to me that a change to my life didn’t mean an end to my life.

  16. Taylor: I love the way you worded some of yours. They sort of made me see how silly we can be sometimes. "Lose the remote not yourself..." I like that. It brings a whole new site of how silly I can be.

    Katie G: Almost the same as taylor, I like how you made me realize that i shouldn't be so hard on myself. It sort of made me realize that life can be so much easier if I just accept the fact I am going to make mistakes

    Jourdan: “No one ever choked to death swallowing his pride.” I love how you used that quote. I wish that I could tell every guy in our school that, I am sure there would be a huge decrease in the fights but it really was a strong source for your reasoning.

  17. Katie G: I am glad you liked my little story. I kind of like telling them but I am a person who cannot sum everything up. I tend to ramble. I have heard a hundred times that I should have more confidence in myself. I try but there have been a few things that make it hard for me to see myself better than anyone else. Part of confidence, at least I think, is feeling better about yourself than others. Not putting others down, just seeing "Yeah, I am pretty awesome." Problem is... I do not think I am that much better than the average person...

  18. Tay-Tay:
    You're 100% right; hypotheticals are for losers. Of course, that makes me a loser sometimes, but I know I'm being a loser when I pull out my little box of what ifs. But I don't think people should automatically forget about the past. I've learned that through soccer. Playing goalkeeper is about a bajillion percent mental. I used to be a what-if person. "What if I had pressured her?" "What if I had anticipated the shot?" and questions like that would rush my mind after a goal was scored on me. But I had this coach tell me to take a little something from my mistakes, spin it, then forget. Like if I let a goal in over my head, instead of focusing on the fact that I was just scored in and I suck for being 5'10" and still getting scored on overhead, I focus on what I need to do better nest time, then push the incident out of my head. That was long, but, yeah. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post by the way. :]

  19. Steph:
    “Do not burn any bridges because later it will be that exact bridge that you need to get home…”
    Well said. I'm going to quote you one day. My mom always tells me the same basic thing, and I tihnk it's true and of major importance in navigating through life. I've always been taught to act with class because at any given time, I may find myself at someone else's mercy, and they'll have no reason to help me if I've slighted them in some way.

  20. KTG:
    First off, I love how you establish your tone through your diction (not bad, huh?). In other words, I like it when you use cool KTG-like words (din-din, stoopid). I can read your post without reading your name and know it's you writing.
    On a more content-based note, I'm a huge proponent of "Don't knock it 'til ya try it!" My mom makes this amazing dish and I know it sounds weird, but it's spinach-stuffed, bacon-wrapped chicken breast. When she first made it, I pretty much just stared at it. The second time she made it, I dissected it and ate only the chicken. The third time she made it, I was feeling adventurous and decided to give it a fair shot. BOO YA! I had seconds and would have had thirds but I don't think that would have been the most beneficial choice for my health.

  21. 1. Silence is underrated
    Talking has become one of the most popular American pastimes. “How’s the weather?” “Can you believe they’re still together?” “Ewww! Why is she wearing that?” Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. While holding a meaningful conversation or sharing the occasional bit of gossip is perfectly fine, I personally think that it is just as important (if not more so) to sit back and enjoy the silence. Constant chit chat tends to block our view of the world around us, the big picture. Sometimes filling a moment with silence, taking a quiet step back from the bustle of daily life and reflecting on what really matters, is more appropriate than spewing out words.

    2. Do your homework
    It has been said that practice makes perfect. I prefer to say that practice makes better (Is anyone really perfect?), but either way practice is requisite to success. In everything I do, I try my best to “do my homework”, or practice/prepare. This could be in anything from the obvious (school), to riding (going over schooling exercises and training strategies rather just “hacking out”), to something as silly as grocery shopping (making a list before entering the store to save time).

    3. Leave that cow alone; he has no spare ribs.
    I’m vegetarian and a staunch advocate for animals’ wellbeing. While these ideas aren’t always linked (you could be a meat eater and still support animal welfare… duh!), they’re similar enough that I want to cover both under one heading. I’m “veggie” for many reasons: general disgust with the idea of eating animals, the effects of mass meat production on the environment, and the despicable conditions in which “factory farms” keep meat animals, to name a few. Similarly, I can’t stand the idea that anyone would want to harm an animal. Perhaps some people are simply ignorant (like in the case of the donkeys I visited today with hooves so overgrown they could hardly walk… maybe their owner didn’t realize they need a farrier), but anyone who has a grain of human compassion should see the hurt in abused and neglected animals’ faces. As long as I’m around, I will do my best to help animals in need.

  22. 4. Smile
    This is one of those things that I really need to work on and that I have to remind myself of quite often. Smile. Relax. Don’t take things so seriously. Honestly, I’m awful at just having fun. I always worry that there’s something I need to get done or that I’m coming off as boring or whatever. Point is I worry a lot and I don’t relax enough, but, bit by bit, day by day, I’m trying to change that.

    5. Keep it Simple
    I over-think things way too often. I spend tons of time pouring over every aspect of even the simplest decision. Although attention to detail is important, it’s just as important not to overdo it. I constantly remind myself to keep things simple. When I catch myself over-thinking something unnecessarily, I’ll stop, take a step back, and consider what parts of the issue really matter to me, then I’ll make a decision. Similarly, I try to make my life in general less complex. For example, during freshman year I spent a good fifteen to thirty minutes every morning before school picking clothes, straightening my hair, and applying makeup. Now, I lay out my clothes the night before, I don’t straighten my hair, and I go easy on the makeup, if I use it at all. Simplifying my routine has saved much time and stress.

    6. Do what’s right for you, when it’s the right thing to do
    Sometimes, it feels like I’m being pulled in a million directions at once. It could be by other people (Friend: “Go to the movies with me tomorrow.”, Teacher: “Make sure you get your homework done early”. Mom: “I think we should go out to dinner as a family tonight.” Tristan: “Mom I want to do blah blah blah! I never get my way! Jessie, you’re coming with ME!”), or, worse, by myself (like the case of my conflicting ideas about what I want to find in a college and do with the four years of my life after high school). I just tell myself that, when I have any choice, I should do what’s right for me as long as it won’t hurt anyone else. If going to the movies would make me happiest, that’s what I would do. Life is short, and I want to make the most of it. The problem is when the conflict is internal. The best thing I can do is take a deep breath and explore my options while trying to narrow down which path would be best for me.

    7. Rock the world
    Of course, I have big goals… Like in riding, for instance, I want to go SOMEWHERE. To keep pushing forward. To succeed at a big show. To be an effective horse trainer. Be it in dressage, jumping, or what, I don’t know yet, but whatever I choose I’ll strive to rise to the top. But that’s not entirely what I mean by “rock the world”. I don’t just want to “shine”; I want to do something to change the world, on a large or small scale. For instance, I try to fit in as much time volunteering at ARCH (Atlantic Riding Center for the Handicapped) as my/my parents’ schedules allow and helping the disabled kids and adults that go there gain confidence and skills. It makes me feel good to know that my efforts both hands-on working with the riders and “behind the scenes” caring for the horses make a difference in others lives.

  23. Steph:
    “Why are we getting this for her? I don’t even know her.” He whined. (Silly boys.) “Because, babe, it is nice. Plus, it is good Karma. … And I need some of that! “
    You go girl! I loved the Karma story… and especially your references to your boyfriend’s reactions to the pajama-retrieving mission! Karma is such a fun concept. If you do something good, something good will happen to you. Quite encouraging. Of course, there’s the opposite too (bad for bad), but that seems just as fair. While I can’t remember a Karma experience of my own, I firmly believe in the idea, too.

    “Don’t worry about the “what ifs”, hypotheticals are for losers.”
    I read through the blog earlier this week before I actually posted my response, so I saw your post a few days ago. This little quote has seriously stuck with me all week. I never realized how much I think “what if”… I do it an awful lot! While I like to think that reflecting on what I could have done can be beneficial in some ways, your post helped me realize that my borderline obsession with hypotheticals is unhealthy. So, this week, I’ve been working looking forward instead of fretting over what could have been. So thanks for that!

  24. I hope that this is clear to everyone.
    I have found that I care very little for the short-term. My public image, my feelings, my wealth (or poverty) – these are all passing phenomena, not necessary but for being able to sustain ordinary life to support an extraordinary one, allowing me to work for the greater good of the world. When I say the world, I really mean it on more than one level, but for our purposes let’s say the mortal world, human society. I want to make everything better in the long run. A little suffering here and there, though it may seem vast and unconquerable to any ordinary person – a person confined by misconceptions and shortsighted vision – is necessary to do more work, to make life more enjoyable and fruitful over a long period of time for not one but many people. Therefore, my creed (organized in no particular order) contains nothing that is purely selfish, and all of them are practical.

    1. Hold truth above all. There can be no progress if one lives a lie, and lies can in turn lead one astray from the true path to creating good in the world.
    2. Harm only to prevent harm. Force has never been, in my experience, the best way to meet a positive end. On the other hand, allowing one’s self to be harmed hinders progress. The body cannot be kept healthy and useful without a strong mind; a weak body weakens the mind.
    3. Waste not. Waste slows progress by limiting your resources with which to work.
    4. Never assume, but do not discredit intuition. Assumptions are as good as lies in the regard that they can lead you astray, but confining one’s self to logic prevents the accruing of additional knowledge. There is much to be learned from intuitive knowledge, once it is proven with facts.
    5. Err on the side of caution. It is too easy to fall far, undoing much work, when one is careless.
    6. Maintain an open mind and an open heart. There is no one true way, but many ways to meet the same end – and since the end does not justify the means, it is necessary to understand all possible solutions.
    7. Live self-sufficiently. By relying too much on other people, one can become hopelessly entangled in someone else’s failure, inhibiting progress.
    8. Work always for the betterment of the world. Making someone else’s life better in turn makes the lives of their immediate company better, and the effects ripple outward, eventually reaching your life and the lives of every other person in the world. It is much more efficient than helping one’s self alone.

  25. 1. Expect the worst, but hope for the best.
    2. Laugh at everything.
    3. Try your hardest at EVERYTHING.
    4. Don’t let stupid stuff bother you.
    5. Move on; optimism is prime.
    6. Socialize freely and surround yourself with the best people.
    7. Be respectful and helpful, but most of all, be trustworthy.

    1. In life, we all experience our ups, and our downs. Those ups are the greatest moments of your life; and the downs are damn well the hardest. When it comes to something bad that is ongoing, for example, a loved one diagnosed with a terminal illness, or a tough relationship with the significant other, prepare yourself for the absolute worst case scenario, but never give up on trying and hoping for the best. I have done this many times. When my parents first split, there were a lot of smaller scenarios that followed, and so I never gave up hope, but I was always awaiting the worst. When my Uncle Mike was diagnosed with liver and stomach cancers last Christmas, we all knew what would eventually happen, and so I did the same. It doesn’t always make it easier. Losing him was the hardest thing, ever. But if I had not expected it, it could still have been a lot worse.

    2. So, you twisted your ankle and fell up the steps? Laugh it off. So you spilled water on your pants in that awkward spot? Laugh it off. So you totally busted your ass running away from one of your friends in the hallway? Laugh it off. Not only does this make life more fun, it prevents stress. Seriously. You could be embarrassed about these things, and worry about what people would think, or you could get a good laugh and not have to think about it, except when repeating the tale to your other friends. A stress-free life is a care-free life. You cannot eliminate stress completely, but you can sure as hell try. We all need to laugh a little and let the little things go. Don’t take life too seriously!

    3. There is no reason to give up, to let yourself down, to bring yourself down. When presented with a task, no matter how large or small, taxing or entertaining, laborious or fun, do your best. Give it your all. Don’t let others’ opinions stop you from doing what you know is best; row through the race as if your life depended on it. My coach is one of the most inspirational people I know, and one thing he has taught me is this. If you always give up on the little things, you pretty much train your mind to do so for everything. So you need to do the opposite, and train your mind to do its best at every little thing, every big thing, every somewhere-in-between-big-and-little thing.

  26. 4. Drama, drama, drama. To me, it equals “blah, blah, blah.” WHO CARES. Who cares if some girl doesn’t like you because she knows this girl who liked your current boyfriend and she liked him too and wants him. Who cares if some boy wants to fight your boyfriend / brother / best friend because he thinks he is tough. WHO CARES if this girl has the same shirt as you and so she calls you fat because she likes it better on her. It is all meaningless, pointless. Just get on with your life and know that you are above that and better than whoever is trying to change that. This ties in with Number 2; laughing said drama off will only make everything more fun.

    5. This could be paraphrased to say “do NOT be negative.” If something you don’t like or expect happens, do not let yourself stay upset. Don’t complain about it to all your friends / family. Because, let’s face it, not only will it drag you down, but negative people are ANNOYING. When you can be all happy and care-free and floating on your own cloud nine, you don’t want someone stressing at you. And you don’t want to be one of those people. So just calm down, breathe slowly, and watch a funny movie. Life goes on, and you don’t need negativity. Being optimistic is key to a happy life.

    6. Sometimes friends are all you’ve got. But what if those friends were not really your friends? You need to be sure that the people you surround yourself with are good, strong people. They will be your safety net, your stand up comedian, your family. We all love friends. We all want them, and need them. While having a few close friends is better than having a lot of good friends, making friends is fun and important. You have to be social to do so! Get to know a lot of people. Talk a lot, flirt a lot, laugh a lot. It’s not about popularity, its about the fun that be a social butterfly can be. Life is all about having fun.

    7. There are times to be serious in life, however, and it is important to know when to be so. Be respectful. Not everything is a joke. Help people when they need it; be there in a time of need. You want people to know you are a good person, and this is how you show it. Don’t think only of yourself, think of others. Let them trust you, let them lean on you, and let them return the respect that you give to them. Others will return the favor if you do these things for them, and this improves the quality of life. Make life worth living!

  27. Taylor: I love your creed and the points that you make! We might as well just combine ours because I could so follow yours and have a happy life!

    Jesse: I mostly agree with yours, but I especially love numbers four and seven. I love what you wrote about Rock the World, and I hope that you can do everything that you want to do! =]

    KteeG: I AGREE, I AGREE, I AGREE! I love your voice throught your creed, and I love the creed itself! "Today is a new day" is something that everyone should live by. I like it =]

  28. 1. Don't lie to anyone, including yourself.

    Lying to others is wrong, everyone can agree on that. Not only do people end up getting hurt, but it always causes more problems than it fixes. The real challenge here though is not lying to yourself. Just like lying to someone else hurts them, lying to yourself only hurts you. We can do some stupid things while living under the delusions our minds create to satisfy our short-term wants. We spend time with people we tell ourselves are our friends. We do things we tell ourselves we like. We alienate the people we tell ourselves we should alienate. Then the day comes when you realize you've been living a lie and everything you've done has been for nothing. This all starts when you begin telling yourself lies, and I would rather avoid it as much as possible.

    2. Don't make excuses for those who don't deserve to be excused.

    Just recently one of the only adults I can really talk to told me, "Stephen, if you keep making excuses for other people you are going to lead a life full of disappointments." I had to mull over what she said for a few days, and then I realized she was absolutely correct. Although I'm not as bad as I once was, I tend to become emotionally attached to certain people. Those people have always hurt me, and the worst part is most of the time I don't realize how terribly they've treated me because I make up excuses for their behavior. I need to learn that there are some selfish, rotten people out there who will take advantage of me, and there's no excuse for it. If I keep letting those people take advantage of me I really will lead a life filled with disappointments.

    3. Don't over complicate what is simple.

    Life is too short to be worrying about things that I honestly don't need to be worrying about. Western culture has gotten into the habit of over analyzing, over thinking, and over complicating. Simply put, we're making mountains out of mole hills. I'm not saying that thinking is bad, but making something more than what it is is a waste of time and will only lead to feelings of anxiety. I want to spend my time thinking about the meaningful mysteries in life, not the obscure, nonsensical, or absurd.

  29. 4. Don't neglect the obvious.

    How many times have you gone into the refrigerator looking for the Italian dressing and you swear its not there. You look behind last night's leftovers, in all the little drawers, and even in the freezer, just in case. After all that searching your mom comes over and grabs the dressing, sitting right in front of you at eye level. Along with over complicating, humans have begun to ignore the things sitting right in front of them. This makes for a very frustrating life. When we ignore the small problems that could easily be corrected they generally grow into much bigger, more difficult problems down the line. We also take for granted the beautiful things we see every day, especially in nature. I want to live my life taking in everything around me, not missing any single detail, because you often don't know what you truly rely on until it's gone.

    5. Remember nothing is set in stone.

    I am a planner. I always have been. While having everything planned out is good, I need to remember that you can't plan for everything, nor should you try. I can't let the unexpected ruin everything for me, because most things in life are in fact unexpected. On the flip side I also need to learn to do break my plans every once in a while. You can't live your life holding steadfast to a plan, because that's no life at all.

  30. 6. Always improve what needs to be improved.

    When I look at the world I'm living in I see so many problems that need to be fixed, starting on a personal level and reaching all the way to a global level. I want to make it a point in my life to fix the problems I see, not all of them obviously, but as many as possible. I wouldn't be satisfied with my life if I knew there's was something I could have done to make this world a better place and didn't give it my best shot. I have to try every time I get the chance.

    7. Always hope for love, even if you're doubting its existence.

    There are times when I've doubted love's existence, but at the same time I don't want to imagine a world with out it. Intimate love between two people I honestly don't understand and I don't expect to for a very long time, but we have to remember that there are different kinds of love. The love I'm talking about here is the universal force between all people. I don't know if it truly exists or not, but I sure hope it does. I hold onto my hope that in general people aren't totally selfish and that there's a human connection that each one of us can feel. The day I stop hoping for love's existence is the day I die emotionally, I a never want that day to come.

  31. Here's my seven point creed...

    o I'm Always First

    o Family Comes A Close Second

    o Ferocity is Key

    o Clap Against the Beat

    o Give Them An Award Winning Performance

    o Always Have An Acceptance Speech Ready

    o You'll Find the Last Missing Puzzle Piece

  32. o I’m Always First- There’s nothing that aggravates me more when I try to please so man people that I tend to lose myself. There are many of us in the world that do that. This is why I said that “I’m Always First.” Whether it’d be from making decisions about small things in life or life changing moments, I always want to keep in mind what I want to do. Decisions are hard to make. Advice is always sought after from friends and family. But advice is only advice, we can take it into consideration but in the end it’s all up to me. It’s up to me to decide what I want to do with my life. It’s up to me to make sure that I’m taken care off and then worry about others. I can’t keep living a life where I am worried about making others’ lives happy because then I wouldn’t be living my own life. It’s like that warning that they tell you on planes about the oxygen masks dropping, assist yourself before assisting others.

    o Family Comes A Close Second- No matter how much work I have, whether it’d be from the rigorous courses I take from school or the numerous hours I spend at American Eagle, I still find myself spending some time with my family. I’m trying to spend it with all of them, but now I find myself spending most of my “family time” with my little sister. I think one always has to think of family. Family doesn’t just mean your blood relatives. They can be your closest friends that have been with you through thick and thin. To have a strong sense of family helps build a great foundation for a person. The support a family and offer anyone can help people persevere through the toughest times. My friends, that I consider family, has helped me through so much that I don’t know where I’d be without them. I said family comes second because, even though it sounds selfish and self-centered, I think that I have to always think of myself before anyone else.

  33. o Ferocity is Key- Aggression or being fierce is something that is needed to press on. I know that I’ll need it in my life when I go into an industry that’s cut-throat and full of backstabbing. I need to be strong. Being strong is not only just needed in careers, but in everything else you do. Lately, I’ve found myself being weak. It’s not something that I’m proud of. When I’m weak, I feel low. I feel like I can’t accomplish anything. But when I’m strong, I have the power to conquer what I need to conquer and end up succeeding. When strength is in your body, it’s hard to knock you down. It’s hard to beat a person who is strong. I want to live my life to be unbeatable. I’m competitive and strength can help me win. I can be a driving force, a juggernaut, if you will, through all the obstacles that face me in my journey.

    o Clap Against the Beat- Many times in choir we are made to rock from side to side while clapping. Very often there people who miss the rock and go the other way or they are unable to clap and step at the same time. Everyone mocks that person; we make fun of them. But sometimes, that person that rocks the other way is me. You know what? It’s alright. There’s nothing wrong with moving to your own beat. There’s nothing wrong with going the other way. There’s nothing wrong with not following the crowd. In fact, deviating from the norm, specially in life is something admirable. It shows independence and power to be able to rely on yourself. Retaining yourself in this world full of temptation to mold into clones of other people is something that many people are having trouble with. But knowing that I’m doing on my thing will bring happiness. Who doesn’t want that?

  34. o Give Them An Award Winning Performance- I want to leave my mark in the world. I want to make sure that people remember me. As an actor, I want to make sure that the audience will say “Damn. He did good.” I want to make sure that they, the people out there that’s ready to judge me in every single aspect of my life, will know that I am irreplaceable. I am unforgettable. I am…Sasha Fierce. No, just kidding about that last one. It’s just a scary thought to live a life that no one will notice. It’s bad to think that my life revolves around other people’s perception but it’s unavoidable. We’re going into a society of judgmental people that will rank you in places in their minds, so why not leave a good taste in their mouth? But it’s not just how people thought of me that I want to remember though. I want to do some good. I want to make a difference people’s lives that it will make them remember my legacy. I don’t know what I’ll do yet, but I know that I have to find it. I have to find what I will offer back to the world. I will not die until I have done my good. I will not die until I make sure that someone will live on being a better person because of me.

    o Always Have An Acceptance Speech Ready- Whenever people give speeches when they’ve won awards, they always have someone to thank. I want to make sure that I know who to thank when I succeed or do anything of grandeur. It’s not just the fact that I have to know who to thank, it’s the fact that I know I have to be thankful. I have to be grateful for being blessed with everything that I get. I have to be thankful for being able to wake up the next morning and seeing the sun. Having an acceptance speech ready means that you know there are many things that come into play with living life. It’s hard. We can’t do it alone. There’s a lot of other people or things that help you conquer it. So, be thankful. Get ready to list all the names. Don’t forget anyone either, because that’s just not right.

  35. o You’ll Find the Last Missing Puzzle Piece- Walking through the crowded and crooked halls of Oakcrest, you’ll always find road blocks of couples “macking” on each other. Some probably even making babies right in the hall and you’d never even know it. It makes me wonder if these people think that this person is “the one.” I’m pretty sure it’s not. But then, it makes me think, will I find the one? I’m the big jigsaw puzzle, full of pieces that come from all points of my life. Each piece shows every color of my personality and of my being. But, there’s one missing. The one missing is the last piece that I can’t find. We’ll go through long periods of time trying to fit other pieces in it. We’ll force other piece hoping that it’ll fit, even though we know that it’s not the right one. Sometimes, we can cheat and mold the piece to fit but it doesn’t look right and we know that deep in our hearts that it’s not it. But, I believe, that when we find the right piece, we’ll feel complete. When I find the right person, my puzzle will be complete. The missing piece will fit perfectly. It’s going to take a lot of searching, but I know that that puzzle piece will be there. I know that that person will be able to fill the empty space that was meant for him.

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  41. KTG-
    KTG, you have this way of making me laugh every time I read one of your blogs because of the way you write! It’s so informal whenever you say something like “It’s STOOPID!” or ” TECHNOLOGY IS BAD AT TIMES. (Don't get me wrong, I love me my youtube” I’ve read your other blogs and they blatantly show how crazy and ridiculous you can be. I love it! I mean, even with your creed, I wouldn’t be able to understand it at all because it’s written so out of the ordinary(ly?). I loved the play on words in #5, And with your #6 God is no Santa Clause, I don’t want to be sappy, but I definitely agree. People should find their benefits in the fact that they did something to good for another person. That should be enough. But it isn’t because we’ve grown up thinking that if you put something in, something comes out (like a vending machine). But unfortunately life isn’t like that.

    I absolutely LOVE your fifth creed “Burn no bridges.” I have to say, you made-up quote is pretty amazing! I’ve thought about the idea before, but I never thought of it with that analogy. But your so right about relationships. I’ve lost friends that I later whole-heartedly regretted because I needed something. But then I feel selfish because it always seems as if I only want to be friends with or be nice to that person so I can get something out of it. That’s such a pessimistic outlook, though. Still, if I were friends with that person, we would have benefited each other in the long run—knowledgeable conversations, laughter, company. I regret burning down a ton of bridges because I haven’t given people chances to build a solid bridge. I always doubt myself in regards to friendships or relationships.

  42. Jessie
    Just like you, I love some peace and quiet. I always do my homework better at midnight because there is not TV blaring in the background or obnoxiously loud speaking between my parents. I don’t go to the cafeteria because it forces people to talk. I’d rather go to the band room, but whenever there’s a ton of people there too, I like sit to the side or to go into the empty auditorium. I like to sit in silence and relax. But sometimes, It gets lonely, you know? Yeah, the world is full of chit chat, but what I really love is relaxing quietly with one or two other people. So for me, it’s not really just talking, it’s a combination of noise—like music. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE music (band nerd!). But I get lost from the world whenever I listen or play it. (Yes, it’s can be a good thing; it’s usually a good thing for me) Silence brings me back to earth and gets me centered on where I’m at and where I’m going.

  43. Tay Palm
    "2. Lose the remote, never yourself."
    This is such a good point! It can be hard for people to remember who they are sometimes, especially in high school and college. Losing yourself is definitely a much bigger deal than losing the remote, and you put that into perspective! When we lose ourselves (and I said something a little like this is my response) we can hurt the people that really care about us, and we may never find ourselves again. This is such a great guide to live your life by.

  44. JV -
    "Always Have An Acceptance Speech Ready"
    Wow I didn't even think of this one, kind of a "give credit where credit is due" kind of thing. I like this one a lot. Whether it's people thinking that they're alone and they work alone, achieve alone, or it's those people who think they alone just deserve things off the bat, everyone should learn to be thankful, even if you don't want to admit it. I am currently not very fond of my mother, but I must admit she provides for me and puts a roof over my head. That at least I can thank her for. Some people just have to get off their high horse.

    Stephen -
    "Always hope for love, even if you're doubting its existence."
    I so agree with this. It's understandable when people are hesitant to love because of the past, but to completely let doubting it's existence consume you or to completely just close yourself off to it because of past experiences makes me angry. Love is a powerful being, in both positive and negative ways. It's bound to hurt people sometimes, but that doesn't make it any less real.

    Robby -
    "Maintain an open mind and an open heart.... Work always for the betterment of the world."
    These two were my favourite. I do think that if people kept more of an open mind and heart, were a bit more accepting, a lot of the conflicts in the world would be solved. (Emphasis on "a lot" - I know we can never be perfect). And if people worked more macro instead of micro, then we'd be much better off. Working towards a country that only a certain percent of the human race lives in is fine, but working towards a world in which the whole human race lives on is so much better in my opinion.

  45. Seven is an insufficient number. I could have had at least ten more. But I realize that too many would overwhelm somebody if they wanted to follow it.

    1.Don’t doubt yourself, ever
    2.There’s always time to change
    3.Don’t panic about time limits, just do it
    4.People aren’t black and white
    5.It’s a Dog eat Dog world out there
    6.Find insight in every book, movie, etc and learn from it
    7.Indulge often, but don’t over do it.

    1.I’ve mentioned this before in another blog. I used to doubt myself so frequently that I barely got anything done. I used to doubt myself in my ability as a musician. I doubted myself in regards to relationships and friendships. However, as I become more aware of it, I force myself to stop. In doubting myself, I found that I only hurt myself. I didn’t take the risks that I need to do to become another step in my latter of success. I know what I can do and I truly believe in the huge magnitude of my ability. I am amazing. I just have to have more confidence when the timing is right. In each waking morning, my confidence in myself builds. Eventually, it’ll be sky-high.

    2.Back my freshman year, I thought there wasn’t enough time to change who I was. I already started out as, for lack of a better word, a freak and most people had the wrong impression of me: quiet, a push-over, study-junkie. I thought I could never change their impressions of me to what it really is. Yet, as the year neared to a close, I realized how long freshman year felt. In all that time, I could have changed the world’s impression of me! So I decided at that time to become who I truly am on the inside and show it to the world. So this creed basically says that it’s never too late for anything. Once you believe that it’s too late, the things you strive for will disappear. You cannot give up hope now, such as in high school, because there’s always the dramatic change your first year in college. Every change can occur as along as you have the will do it.

  46. 3.Sometime I hate hearing the phrase “Life is short,” because every time I end up thinking about it, I freak out. I truly hate time-limits, even though they get things done in a timely manner. For instance: Deciding the right college. Throughout my high school years, I’ve worried about this in increasing increments. I planned to have a list of colleges by the end of my sophomore year so I can actually visit them this year. But I don’t even have a list now. I think about the time I should take to do something, and then figure I’ll do it at a certain time. But it usually never gets done. I have to live in the now; do things now. Worry about now. I don’t want to put things off; just do it now! In a way, it’s like procrastinating, but involves more than just work or homework. It involves my involvement in band, too. I planned on being a (trumpet) screamer this year, and as I work at it, I realize that if I had more focus and practice, I could have been easily been on last year.
    I have to put all my heart and soul in to the things I do NOW.

    4.When I say people aren’t black or white, I’m not talking about race. I’m talking about other personality traits such as “caring”, “forgiving”, “intelligent.” During my time as a trumpet player especially, I learned different sides of the people in band. For instance, I used to think one guy was extremely strange, but he turned out to be the nicest, sweetest guy I know. Another one, I thought was an incapable child who couldn’t really focus on anything. But then I hear that he’s actually not half bad. People have different sides to their personalities. Like I said in other blogs, personality changes all the time; it’s never constant. I don’t want to judge somebody and label them as having a certain personality, because I would never give have the benefit of knowing them and they will never have the benefit of knowing me. I want to get to know everyone because there is probably a side of them that I would love.

    5.Survival-of-the-fittest. For certain reason, such as my family’s budget and the economic downturn, I’ve been in survival-of-the-fittest mode. I’ve taken more control of my life. I cannot let people push me around. I have to fend for myself, because if I don’t, who else will? I’ve learned the hard way that there isn’t going to be someone holding your hand as you go through the more difficult stages of life. In these times, you cannot let your life go down because, once again, there usually isn’t a person to pull you back up. Some times, other people are just undependable. But if you are your own rock and your own master, you can depend on life going your way more than if you rely on someone else. This doesn’t just apply to the economic issues out there; it applies to all other personal problems. There’s no one more important than you.

  47. 6.In every book, movie, television show, etc I’ve always searched for a moral or a theme as I watch it. And whether it’s banal or cliché, I always find it important. These sources of knowledge can not only entertain you, but teach you. In a sense, everything can teach you something. People find unreal stories interesting because something dramatic has to happen. In these situations, people act in a certain way based on morals and values. As readers or watcher, we should have the duty to understand them and apply it to our own lives. I want to read, a lot. I want to find insight in every book I read, whether scientific or fictional. There’s value in everything; you just need to discover it. Even in television shows or movies, there’s always a message that the authors want to convey to watchers. For instance in 2012, I was baffled at topics such as survival-of-the-fittest, greed, and care for each human. If I could remember the important ones, watching shows would be like listening to a wise old man in a more modern and entertaining way.

    7.I eat. And I eat a lot. I love to indulge myself into anything that sends my tastes buds on a trip to the moon. In this world, there are simple pleasures that people tend to avoid, such as cake. But being young and having a high metabolism, I have the advantage to indulge in everything. Each time I receive of a large bag of candy from, say, Sam’s Club, I constantly find myself eating it all the time. Eventually, it’ll be empty within a week. Whenever, I make a brownie, it’s usually gone within a couple days. I love sweets, but I know that I cannot indulge so much because there are consequences. Too much of a good thing is, well, bad. Easily, I get sick of that candy and move on to the next. I want to enjoy life’s pleasures, like peaceful solitude in nature. But here as well, too much solitude kills the soul. Thus, I want to indulge in everything, but not too much.

  48. 1). Do what makes you happy.

    I want to be happy, and to be happy, I need to do what makes me happy. That doesn’t necessarily mean, however, to only live in the moment and to only do what makes me happy at that precise moment. Sometimes it is necessary to look ahead, and to do what will make me happy in the future. When faced with the option to watch T.V. or to study for an upcoming test, I study because a rewarding grade will make me happier than an hour of television. Doing what makes me happy also means preventing sadness. I study to prevent the hurtful effects of a poor grade. Happiness is the best feeling humans can feel, and all other positive feelings ultimately lead to happiness. Everybody simply wants to be happy.

    2). Help others when you can.

    It’s always good to help people. However, it’s not good to help people when it leads to a significant amount negative feedback. If a homeless person were to ask for money, only give what you can afford to give even if that means giving nothing. It’s self-defeating to help another and hurt yourself. When I grow up, I want to work at a job where I can make a positive difference in people’s lives. I want to help people because receiving help in times of need is truly a magical feeling and I want to help people to feel this magical feeling.

    3). Stand up for what you think is right.

    I know too many people who don’t voice their opinions. They sit there silent until someone notices their silence and then call upon them to speak. Some, even after encouragement, continue with their silence by saying a series of words that don’t take a strong stance. It’s important to stand up for what you think is right, to make your thoughts and feelings known—whether by speaking, joining groups, writing letters, or doing anything—because your opinion may translate into something that positively changes the world and because is just as important as, for example, Barrack Obama’s. Whenever the situation presents itself, I always defend homosexual life styles simply because I think they are “right.” It’s not always the easiest to do, but I do it.

    4). Try your hardest.

    It is important to try your hardest when faced with a demanding task because the best results only come with your best work. This means to invest more time, more thought, more everything into completing a demanding task. Even if the results are not what you wanted, you can at least walk away with personal growth, results that actually represent you, and personal satisfaction in knowing that you gave it your all. Everybody is different, and all anybody can ever ask for is your best effort. I try to try my best at every task, but I can’t help but sometimes slack. Hopefully, I can learn to try my hardest all the time.

  49. 5). Keep promises.

    I keep promises and I break promises. I guess people do both normally, but that’s the exact problem. I don’t want to normally break promises. I want to keep my promises forever, and to do so, I need to avoid making promises I know I can’t keep. For promises that are difficult to keep, but possible, I need to try my best at keeping them. A promise is too sacred, too powerful of a commitment to break. I want to be known as a trustworthy person and part of being trustworthy is keeping promises, to do what you promised to do.

    6). Forgive, but not forget.

    Holding grudges is bad for the holder and for the person who is receiving the grudge. My mom holds grudges. Although she does not express it explicitly, she holds a grudge against her mother-in-law. Grudges inhibit and can even reverse the growth of a bond in a relationship. Although the emotional or physical wounds may never really heal, and we must always remember what happened to us as to avoid being hurt again. We can remember, but still forgive nonetheless. To forgive means to get over the fact that someone hurt you and to give them a second chance, a third chance, a fourth chance, a fifth chance, and a one-millionth chance. Remember how you have been hurt to prevent it from happening again, but forgive so that you don’t further harm yourself through personal anger. I forgive people all the time. I like to think that all people have a little “good” in them and by forgiving trespassers, I give them the chance to show me their “goodness.”

    7). Relax.

    Take a deep breath, and relax. There’s never a need to rage over anything because anger only leads to more problems. I’m not saying to hold in your anger, I’m saying that you shouldn’t get angry in the first place. To avoid getting angry, means that you need to take a step back and calm yourself. Anger and screaming don’t solve anything. A peaceful resolution is an effective resolution. I try to relax when the familiar feeling of furry arises, but I have not perfected this practice as I sometimes release an emotional burst of anger. Hopefully, I can learn to relax as I mature.

  50. Katie: Your creed represents you perfectly. You choose really great qualities to live by, and actually live by them. When you wrote, "God is no Santa Claus" i couldn't help but smile because people really do use God as a crutch. You have amazing insight and creativity.

    Robert: "Maintain an open mind and an open heart." This statement minimally discredited all your other very valid points. All you're points are very exact, and specific, which is why when you say that you believe in living open-mindedly came as a surprise. While I agree 100% to that point, it kind of contradicts the precision of your other 6 points.

    Alexis: That was worded very strongly. :) I love how "bubbles" was used to relate each point and add a personal experience. While I disagreed with some of your points, the one that I try to live by is "passion is key." People seem to be scared when others get passionate, so its good that you remain constantly passionate without worrying about others.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. 1. Be aware of people’s true colors.
    2. Try something new everyday.
    3. Don’t put things off for tomorrow.
    4. Stay positive.
    5. Never take yourself too seriously
    6. You always come first.
    7. Respect yourself and your reputation

    Actions speak louder than words. That’s always the way things go. People tell you one thing, but most of the times do the opposite. The first point of my Seven Point Creed is “be aware of peoples true colors” because no matter what, some people only make decisions centered on themselves. The best example of this one is “fair-weather friends.” Everyone has at least one friend who will drop you in an instant for something better that comes along. Whether it’s a boyfriend, another friend, or more enticing plans. I’m not saying its right, but awareness of how people really act is important in building relationships. Who wants a friend who continuously lets you down?

    Variety is the spice of life, which may be why my life has little spice. I tend to be picky and not receptive to trying new things. Because of this, I settle with “boring.” Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are boring, jeans and t-shirts are boring, and not putting yourself “out there” is boring, but I love/feel comfortable doing all of these things. Trying something new everyday seems like the cure to my mundane lifestyle, so I might as well give it a try!

    One day, procrastination will be the death of me. I ALWAYS wait until the last minute and it drives me crazy. I always plan to do things ahead of time, but somehow I never get them done until the night before they are due. Lately I’ve been trying to stop the procrastination, but adding it as a point to my creed will hopefully put an end to it forever.

    Optimism, optimism, optimism! Everything that happens in your life is a reflection of your attitude. Lately, I’ve been learning about the power of positive thinking. The bottom line is: whatever you think is going to happen probably will happen. By staying positive and looking for the best in unfavorable situations, you will never let yourself down.

    One thing that always seems to ease my worries is laughter. By laughing things off, you see the big picture and realize that the stress you had didn’t really matter at all. Being serious is never fun, and life is all about having fun. When you take yourself too seriously, you lose sight of what life is all about.

    Never let other people influence the decisions you make because you will regret it later on in life. Pleasing other people will get you nowhere because there is no self-fulfillment involved. If you’re no happy with the choices you make from what you do in your spare time, to where you choose to go to college, how do you expect anyone else to be happy with those decisions? You have to love what you do, or there is no point in doing anything at all.

    As lame as it sounds, your reputation is all you can depend on. People judge you on your character all of the time, and when you make one bad decision, it’s a scar next to your name for the rest of your life. Whether it’s as serious as applying for a job based solely on recommendations, or as petty as introducing yourself to someone who has heard about you, but never met you before, people will judge you based on the decisions you have made because those choices are an accurate gauge of the choices you will make in the future.

  53. Taylor P

    “Lose the remote, never yourself.” I love this. It’s unfortunate how so many people lose not only the controller but also themselves. I like your commitment of never losing yourself and your presentation of it. Sometimes knowing who you are is the only thing that keeps the world turning because it is the only thing you can grab on to.
    “What if I had gone for it? What if I had studied one more hour? What if I had stayed home that night? What if? Better Question: What if we all stopped asking what if? ‘...Forget about the past and keep moving forward.’” I laughed when I read this. It’s both funny and insightful. I try to live by this creed when I try not to regret my actions. We can’t travel back in time and change what we have done, and so there is no point of regretting. Instead, we should focus on “what could happen next” and avoid situations that we may possibly regret in the future.

    Jessie B

    “Constant chit chat tends to block our view of the world around us, the big picture. Sometimes filling a moment with silence, taking a quiet step back from the bustle of daily life and reflecting on what really matters, is more appropriate than spewing out words.” First I want to say… nice diction! Your word choice such as “chit chat” and “spewing” really hit me and helped portray the idea of meaningless talks for the sake of talking. I agree with your creed in that silence is underrated. I don’t think enough people appreciate the peacefulness of silence or its power to bring people closer together.
    “Smile. Relax. Don’t take things so seriously.” I used to do the exact opposite. I used to take racist jokes and people too seriously. This made me an unhappy person as I disliked many people. Now, however, I try to live by this creed and it has helped me live a more happy life.

    Stephen W

    “How many times have you gone into the refrigerator looking for the Italian dressing and you swear its not there. You look behind last night's leftovers, in all the little drawers, and even in the freezer, just in case. After all that searching your mom comes over and grabs the dressing, sitting right in front of you at eye level. Along with over complicating, humans have begun to ignore the things sitting right in front of them.” Oh, this has happened too many times. Anyway, I like your creed. I remember in Government class when we talked about how avoiding small problems lead to the development big issues in the future. I also agree about how many of us don’t appreciate what is right in front of us. We don’t take the time to think about how our lives are better than the lives of others. We don’t take the time to think about how we are even blessed to be alive.
    “Don't make excuses for those who don't deserve to be excused.” This is another good creed. It reminds me of how people sometimes stay in hurtful relationships as they make excuses for the partner’s unacceptable behavior. We all need to realize which people are truly our friends and cherish them.

  54. Simon-
    I really like your creed. It reminds of the guidelines to live a simple but fulfilling life. “Do what makes you happy” was very similar to one of my points because I also believe that self-fulfillment is a vital part of a purposeful life. I also like your point, “Help others when you can.” Nowadays, people are only out to better themselves. The human race has lost all compassion and I’m glad you’re trying to fix that.

    Your missing puzzle piece analogy is perfect! I love how you worded it and how it just fits. (HAHAHAHA!) Anyway, I fell the exact same way. Whenever I see couples lining the halls of Oakcrest, besides wanting to vomit half of the time, I hope that I’ll find someone who loves me for the way I am. When you described how you felt about the whole puzzle thing, I swear you described me too… probably because we’re both divas! ☺

    Your creed was awesome, but I especially loved the third point, “try your hardest at everything.” Sometimes people get wrapped up in being the best and winning that they lose sight of trying as hard as they can and being happy with personal success. What other people do doesn’t matter at all. As long you’re happy and trying your best, life is good!

  55. Stephanie W.: "You need to be strong when asking your boss for a raise or the lead in the play."
    You're right, you really do need to be firm with people a lot of the time. Allowing yourself to be utilized is -not- going to make anything better for anyone.

  56. KTG: " I've learned from experience though that even if I'm pissed at someone, it will only get worse if I seek revenge on them. The shit will hit the fan sooner or later. BELIEVE ME."
    Gonna go hulk on somebody if you don't play it cool, Katie! It certainly is true that you don't have to do anything, and eventually you will be redeemed. Just sit back, and enjoy. Sin free.

  57. Jessie B.: "Sometimes filling a moment with silence, taking a quiet step back from the bustle of daily life and reflecting on what really matters, is more appropriate than spewing out words."
    It seems like a lot of people feel that silence is a void, meant to be filled. Those people obviously have never compared the moment that the finch sings to the silence afterwards, pregnant with ponderance and resonation.

  58. Jessie B.: "(Friend: “Go to the movies with me tomorrow.”, Teacher: “Make sure you get your homework done early”. Mom: “I think we should go out to dinner as a family tonight.” Tristan: “Mom I want to do blah blah blah! I never get my way!"
    I'm surprised that there isn't a part for 'Horse: -whinny!-', or is that your way? It's always nice to have freetime, and sometimes its best shared with a friend.

  59. I don't think so, Paola - I can be precise and analytical and still maintain an open outlook. The other points just support a practice of looking before I leap.

  60. 一Fear Nothing!
    Last year, I was on the Oakcrest tennis team as a varsity doubles player. I cried after every match. When I say every, I truly mean every. I hated losing, I hating letting my team down, I hated being a failure. If I had a tennis match scheduled, it ruined my day. It didn’t matter if the first ten hours were exceptionally great. All that mattered was that I had a tennis match, I was going lose, and I was going to cry. That ended this year. I stopped caring about failure and focused only on doing my best. That’s when my story became a classic underdog story. I was told later by a tennis player that the coaches had two other girls to be number one and two, and hadn’t even considered me to be a singles contender. But there I was, number 1. I constantly surprised myself as I beat player after player. As the season progressed, I let go even more. I feared nothing. I played my best and either won or lost. Tennis became fun; I didn’t cry once.

    That brings me to the point of what I learned. Fear Nothing, especially failure. Things are going to happen whether you like them or not. The only thing you can do is attack everything with all you have, every time, all the time. And, as my story shows, good things will undoubtedly happen, or, at the very least, you’ll smile just a little bit more. :]

    二Laugh at Whatever the Hell you Think is Funny.
    In seventh grade, I was made fun of by a few kids for the way I laughed. They called it annoying, arrogant. They told me to stop laughing-- I laughed twice as hard. The point is, always be true to yourself, no matter what other people may think. If you think something is funny, laugh. If you think something is worth doing, do it. If you think someone is worth loving, then love them. It’s such a simple thing that sadly eludes so many people. Only change if you want to, not because you feel pressured to. Otherwise, you’re going to create unnecessary regrets. Plus, we are all so beautiful, so precious. Why would you ever want to be anyone else but you?

    三No Nonsense.
    If you go to a party every other weekend, shop with friends, and then hang out at the movies for two hours, don’t complain about not getting your homework done. This is definitely a strong pet peeve I have. Find out what you want in life and what you need to do in order to obtain it. Then, manage your fun time around it. If you really enjoy just messing around though and things like school aren’t important to you, that’s fine too. Just don’t complain. No nonsense. Get done what you need to get done, and move on.

  61. å››You are Your Destiny; You are Your Heaven.
    I don’t like the concept of praying. It makes it seem as if humans can’t make the world better themselves (example, praying for your mother to be happy, instead of doing something to make her happy). I believe in, as the cliché goes, being the change you want to see in the world. Create your own destiny, change the world. Don’t hate God. If you believe in Him, then for His sake work with what he gave you and stop crying about it!

    Regarding “You are Your Heaven,” I mean don’t focus so much on the afterlife. No matter what any religion preaches, no one has died and lived to tell about it. Basing everything off of fact, we don’t know what happens to us after we die. All we are really sure of is that we are living, right now, and life isn’t forever. So, be your own Heaven. Make yourself happy (without hurting others) and do what you can to be satisfied with your life. That way, whether you believe in a better place or not, you lived your life well enough to regret nothing.

    五Mature, but Never Grow Up.
    As time passes, you should be opening up doors into your personality. You should be under constant enlightenment. Everything should be a learning process and you are becoming a deeper person because of it, cultivating your morals, your values, your character. These blogs do that, for instance. It’s the natural, healthy thing to do. So mature, yes. But never grow up. Retain the kid within. If you try to turn into a concept, e.g. an adult, life becomes a race of standing still, and you begin to forget why you started running in the first place. Over the years, yes I have matured, yes I have developed. But I still love Dragon Ball Z, I still love Spongebob, I still love puzzles, and I still love Courage the Cowardly Dog. And yes, I still say ‘mommy.’ Keeping a sense of your childhood allows you to figure out what really matters to you. Otherwise, you’ll do things simply because they’re expected of you. And that is a recipe for a whole slew of regrets that you’ll probably only become aware of after it’s too late.

    å…­Level Up!
    This is a pretty self explanatory one: Always become a better you! Make your power level over 9000! What good is there in being worse, anyway?

    七Save the World.
    Never lose sight of the bigger picture. Figure out what you love to do, and pursue it in a way that benefits mankind. Even if the entire race isn’t aware of what you do, your contribution to the world is undeniable. We all have a purpose and it’s so important that we all individually fulfill it. No matter how grim things seem with global warming, nuclear bombing, wars, rape, murder, disease and death, there is always something you can do, just by being here.

    I think of it this way: the only view is personal view. This is to say that the your world is the only world, because you can only experience it through your eyes. Thus, the world doesn’t change, but your perception of the world changes, ergo you change. By helping and loving others, you make your perception of the world better. Thus, if you save your world, you ultimately save THE world. :] Especially if you inspire someone else along the way.

    AND THAT MY FRIENDS, is my seven point creed! I’m surprised at the amount of fun I had writing this. ^_^ Time to save the world!

  62. KTG: I found your 7-point creed to be so you. :] I especially love the “God is no Santa Claus.” I’m not especially religious, and I don’t believe in the Christian God or any other God for that matter. I’m not atheist though: I do believe in a higher power and a greater purpose, but like you I’m confused. Because I’m not really sure what I believe in yet, I don’t want to call that greater power God, just yet. Nonetheless, I don’t disrespect religions. And, as you pointed out, no one laughs at God when in a time of need. People should stop picking out flaws in religions to make fun of, if they’re going to second guess themselves in times of hardship. I technically don’t believe in God, but I never disrespect the notion of Him. I’m trying my best to be a good person, and that’s enough for me, right now. I agree though that people shouldn’t try to smirch a sacrosanct belief.

    Ryuteki: Your “When in Doubt, Don’t” is exactly like my first one “Fear Nothing.” I guess, from everything we’ve been through, we’ve both learned together that there’s no point in fearing the unknown and doubting yourself. As my self-proclaimed partner in crime :], I feel like you and I just attack the world. When things don’t go well…well you know that happens a lot and we’ve gotten used to it xD.

    Robbie: My comment on your blog is more of a question rather than a comment. Your very first point, “Hold Truth Above All”-- what do you mean by truth? Do you believe there is only one great truth and life is just the process of finding it and living it? Or do you believe that life is about finding your own truth? Or am I looking too deeply into it and do you simply mean that if you know that a simple truth, live by it. Like, for example, if you are the type of person that needs to study in order to do well in school, and not studying has almost always proven to back fire, then ‘if you do your homework, you generally do better in school,’ is something you should believe in and live by as opposed to an obvious lie sparked by bad intentions, like laziness, such as ‘I don’t need to study.’ I hope you understand my question, haha.

  63. “Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.”
    -Aubrey Hepburn

    1)Don’t let anything compromise your strength.

    In life, you can’t allow people, relationships, and ‘the bad times’ keep you from making progress. Its obviously easier said than done, but don’t doubt that it can be done. I believe people need to be able to find that strength from within, because there will inevitably be a point in your life where the only person on your side is… yourself. At that point, your going to have to see past all obstacles, and you will. All because you didn’t let anything compromise your strength.

    2)Empathy is the pathway to wisdom.

    Empathy is having an understanding of others feelings. Being able to walk in someone else’s shoes, grasping all consequences and ideas being thrown out at you. If you’re able to see past your already set ideals and really comprehend someone else’s pain, then you are on the journey of gaining wisdom.

    3)Being too good is no good.

    My grandma use to say, “Being too good is no good, and being too bad is not bad.” Meaning, always being ‘nice’ and letting people take advantage of you is not only harmful to your emotional health but it makes a weak person. However, getting your way sometimes isn’t a bad thing. Some days you need to be mean; you need to force people to see that you’re there. Life isn’t fair, so why allow people to make it even more slanted?

    4)Be selfish in love.

    Being in love, feels like everything is perfection. Nothing seems to run down your spirits, because you know that you will always have that special person standing by your side. And when you get to feel something as strong as being in love, you need to be selfish. While selflessness is necessary in order to be in love, once you are.. Selfishness is a mandatory in order to keep that love. If you want to keep it, KEEP IT! Love like perfection is a rare anomaly, so make sure you can live it for as long as possible.

    5)Know how beautiful you are, and love it.

    Everyone, yes EVERYONE, is beautiful. Beauty is subjective, and its amazing when you can see beauty in what you assume to be ugly. So when you look in the mirror, you need look in your own eyes, and see how beautiful you are as a person. Brag to yourself, because you really are amazing ;) ! Then, once you know how beautiful you are, own it. Love it. Love yourself, and believe in what you can do.

    6)Understand right from wrong.

    Faith is a necessary human trait. Not speaking directly of religion, but humans need some feeling of support and somewhere to derive hope from. Understanding right from wrong, allows for a basis of faith. As long as you feel as if what you are doing is the right thing, then you will never truly be punished. It’s a basic guide for living, that I know is necessary in society. Some use, already printed guides of what is wrong and what is right; The ten Commandments.

    7)Peace sign up, index finger down.

    Forget the haters. For your strength, journey for wisdom, and selfishness in love, you need to not care. Other people, always think they’re right. But since you have your own idea to what is right, you shouldn’t worry about what they feel the urge to say. While criticism is a beautiful thing, necessary in government and society, it shouldn’t be taken to a personal extreme where you are living your life around what they deem acceptable. That’s the point when you put up the peace sign and the index down.

  64. Jessie:

    “Leave that cow alone; he has no spare ribs.”

    Some of your wordings were so darn cute! I read this about 3 times before it clicked. I was like what is she talking about? All cows have…Ohhhhhhh! It was very clever! With the silence is underrated, though I may not agree because silence makes me uncomfortable, it was insightful and definitely fits in your creed.

    Ps. Awwww your welcome! I never thought my blogs could actually help someone improve their week!


    “But sometimes, that person that rocks the other way is me. You know what? It’s alright.”

    I loved all of your creeds! They were so JV it was ridiculous haha. You definitely do clap against the beat. In the gospel choir part of the concert, you were to the beat, but going so much crazier then everyone! Fiona and I noticed you in a second and you certainly stood out, just like you always do! Oh an the last creed was adorable!


    Although, very true, your creed was a bit cliché. I agreed with all of the sentiments, but maybe next time dig a little deeper or reword them to fit you and not sound how we all expect them to. Being introspective isn’t easy, you just got to hone that skill! =D

  65. Here’s my 7 point creed…

    1. Live with no regrets.
    2. Be spontaneous.
    3. Laugh it off.
    4. Stay positive.
    5. Follow your gut feeling.
    6. Live everyday like it’s your last.
    7. Experience as much as you can.

    Live with no regrets. The past is the past and can’t be changed, so move on. Don’t wish that you did something differently in the past because although it may have had negative effects, if that certain bad effect didn’t happen, a later positive one may not have either. Continue on with your life. Everything will work itself out.

    Be spontaneous. Spontaneity makes life fun and life is too short to not have as much fun as you can. All the best memories are created when you did something spontaneous or something that you’d never expect to. Those memories are the ones that will last a lifetime, so don’t question it. Just do it and have fun.

    Laugh it off. Don’t dwell on anything. There have been so many moments in my life when I was embarrassed, but I’ve learned that laughing it off makes any situation, no matter how awful, not seem so bad. As Milton Berle said, “Laughter is an instant vacation.” It allows an escape from any bad or embarrassing situation you’re in. So just smile and laugh it off.

    Stay positive. Optimism can get you through any situation. No matter how difficult a task is or how awful a situation may be, if you’re just optimistic about it, it will at least appear better than it really is. This past week on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, a little boy was diagnosed with leukemia. Instead of getting upset over it, he accepted it and even started an organization called Be Positive that raised money for those fighting leukemia. If this boy’s positivity won his battle with leukemia, my positivity can win any of my battles.

    Follow your gut feeling. If you’re gut tells you no, don’t do it. Your gut is smarter than your brain. It’s your best instinct, so follow it. Let it determine your actions. Looking back, my gut has caused me to make some of the most important decisions I’ve ever made, so follow it. It will only help you make it through this life successfully.

    Live everyday like it’s your last. Like I said, life is too short. Live like today is your last. I have so many things that I want to accomplish before I die, but the thing about life is that you never know when it’s your last day. So far my life has been pretty boring and routine. I haven’t been trying to make the best of every moment. If today was my last day, I’d be far from satisfied. One of my biggest fears is to die before I accomplish what I want to in life, so I need to start really living. I need to make the best of every moment I have left.

    Experience as much as you can. Accept every opportunity. As long as your gut doesn’t wrench, do it. Even if it’s not the best idea, experiencing something can give you a whole new perspective on everything else in the world. It opens your mind to new things and ideas. It makes you a more understanding person, accessible to more people. There’s no better way to learn something than experiencing it for yourself. So just do it. Experience it.

  66. Taylor: I loved that you added spontaneity as part of your creed because well, I did too! I think spontaneity is so important for life. It makes it fun and worth living! And to what you said about not worrying about the “what ifs,” I agree. I’ve found that spontaneity helps me with this. By being spontaneous, there’s not really much time to go through all the “what ifs” in my mind. This helps me experience more in life and live like everyday is my last! I’m glad to know that you’re living with the same idea!

    Jessie: Silence is underrated. I completely understand where you’re coming from. Sometimes I like to just sit in my room, by myself, to take a step back and think. Taking a step away from everything helps me regain focus. Also, do your homework. Although it makes complete sense, in order to live my life spontaneously, this is not always possible. Sometimes it’s probably better if I had thought about it more, and “did my homework,” but I think sometimes life becomes more interesting when you don’t.

    Simon: Forgive but don’t forget. I think this is very important. I completely agree with you and would even add this to my creed as an eighth point. Grudges don’t help anything. They just weigh you down emotionally. Forgive people for their mistakes, but don’t forget what they did. By not forgetting, you will prevent yourself from going through the same situation. This is very important and I’m glad to see that you added it to your creed!

  67. KTG-+-+-+-+- procrastination sucks....BUT its a huge part of who I am. I soooo agree with what you said about how you just cant do work first. I've tried, honestly I have, but I seem to do worse when I take the time to work first and play second. For example, I don't study...ever. For one vocabulary test I decided to study a LOT...and I failed it. That test was the ONLY test I've failed. I need the fun to put me into a good mood to do the lame stuff.

  68. My 7 point creed in consist of recent situations that will stay with me for awhile:

    1. Secrets aren’t yours to share
    2. Don’t hit and run
    3. Life isn’t court, so don’t judge
    4. Be passionate about compassion
    5. Don’t fight fire with fire
    6. Fuel the jet
    7. 3 H’s: health, humbleness, happiness

    1. Secrets aren’t yours to share
    GOLDEN RULE. This is my golden, number one rule because it has been happening way too often to me. I tell someone something in confidence with the established rule “what is said in this room, stays in this room” and then sealed with pinky promise (maybe this is why Roosa doesn’t like them), but that wasn’t enough.
    So my rule is: if someone tells you a secret, don’t go and tell someone else. It is called a secret for a reason. has 4 definitions of a secret.
    1. done, made, or conducted without the knowledge of others: secret negotiations.
    2. kept from the knowledge of any but the initiated or privileged: a secret password.
    3. faithful or cautious in keeping confidential matters confidential; close-mouthed; reticent.
    4. designed or working to escape notice, knowledge, or observation: a secret drawer; the secret police.
    All saying the same thing: don’t say it. If someone tells you a secret, it should be an honor because they trust you with someone very personal. It should help your relationship. So when you tell, it could hurt it.
    So trust me person who told my secret, I know who you are, and all it did was just hurt our relationship. You also lost all my respect and most importantly, trust.

    2. Don’t hit and run.
    This comes from the fact that I have done some embarrassing things; I have said dumb things, hurt someone or I have, also, done dumb things. But I owned up to them.
    So my rule: What’s done is done, you can’t take it back. Therefore, all you can do is own up to it. Maybe fix it or get over it. Don’t deny something that happened. Don’t lie to yourself or others. You did it, so accept it.

    3. Life isn’t court, so don’t judge.
    I know that when I do something, I do it for myself. I don’t want to be judged. If I do something, just be concerned that I have a reason behind it, and that I’m happy. Don’t judge me.
    So my rule: Don’t look someone up and down and then think you know someone. You never know why someone does what they do, so don’t judge. You also may have no reason to judge, because what you’re judging them on could be something you do. Just accept that this person is the way they are.

    4. Be passionate about compassion
    Another golden rule of mine. This is so important because I genuinely care about people. I would never do something to upset someone. If I did, it would never be on purpose.
    So my rule: it goes along with the generic rule: treat your neighbor as you would treat yourself. So don’t make up something mean, don’t call anyone names. Don’t judge, or tell secrets about someone. Care about their feelings. Before you do something that could hurt someone, think about how you would feel if someone said that about you, or were do to that to you. Think before you do.

  69. Part Two

    5. Don’t fight fire with fire
    If something bad happens to me, I don’t fight back. I wouldn’t want to be like them and sink down to their level of immaturity.
    So my rule: if you fight fire with fire, all you get is a bigger fire. Nothing gets solved. So like I said: they hurt you, don’t be like them, and fight back. It doesn’t solve anything. All it does make the fire get bigger, and then they fight back, and you get hurt, and the cycle continues. Be the bigger person, say something and do whatever you can to fix it. If it’s someone you care about, you should make sure it gets fixed. If it’s someone you don’t know, then their opinions shouldn’t matter anyway.

    6. Fuel the jet
    Every morning I wake up and say today I’m going to have a good day. I make sure that I give everything my all and I just fuel the jet.
    So my rule: make sure you give everything your all. Don’t settle for second place, go for gold! Be number 1! Don’t let yourself down. Have a good day and just make sure at the end of the day you are happy. Make sure you do everything for yourself and what makes you happy. Follow your and go big or go home. Fuel your jet with all things good.

    7. The 3 H’s: Health, humbleness, happiness
    I try to keep myself healthy. I take showers; I stay in shape and make sure I am comfortable in myself. I’m humble, or try to be. If I get a compliment, it makes my whole day! Don’t get cocky. I am happy. I make sure everything I do, is something that will make me happy and others happy.
    So my rule: make sure you’re healthy. Take care of yourself. You only have one body, so make sure it’s how you would want it. Don’t abuse it with things that are bad for you. Also be humble. Nobody likes someone who makes them feel belittled. If someone compliments you, show how much it means to you: say thank you. Don’t be rude and say “I know”. Also return the favor. Don’t act like you are better then them. Lastly and most importantly: be happy. Do things that make you happy. Sadness, angriness, hatred, jealousy, etc: they suck! No one likes a grumpy gill. No one likes a Debby downer. No one likes a negative Nancy. So don’t be one. Be happy. Do whatever you can to be happy. Also make sure everyone else is happy. When everyone else is happy, it is a lot easier for you to be happy. Surround yourself with love and kindness and, of course, happiness.

    These are rules I follow and I am a happy girl. I may get upset sometimes, but then I’m happy because I have these morals that made me who I am and I am happy with who I am. Sorry this was long, but I needed a lot to explain myself.

  70. KTG: OH MY GOSH!
    3.) Perfection does not exist. I really don't like the phrase, "practice makes perfect!" It's STOOPID! Practice makes... improvement! (That sounds dumb.) Seriously though...even if you believe your at the top of your game whether it be sports, hobbies, or academics, you still might have a slip up. You can't be perfect all the time. This kind of goes with number one I guess.

    ^I say the same thing. Except I say "practice makes progress.
    I feel like our rules are similar. I like your outlook on life. I always enjoy reading your blog.

    Paola: 3)Being too good is no good.

    My grandma use to say, “Being too good is no good, and being too bad is not bad.” Meaning, always being ‘nice’ and letting people take advantage of you is not only harmful to your emotional health but it makes a weak person. However, getting your way sometimes isn’t a bad thing. Some days you need to be mean; you need to force people to see that you’re there. Life isn’t fair, so why allow people to make it even more slanted?

    ^I feel like people do take advantage sometimes because I am too nice, so they know i won't say anything to them. So I might start following your rule and lay down the law sometimes.

    Jessie: 2. Do your homework
    It has been said that practice makes perfect. I prefer to say that practice makes better (Is anyone really perfect?), but either way practice is requisite to success. In everything I do, I try my best to “do my homework”, or practice/prepare. This could be in anything from the obvious (school), to riding (going over schooling exercises and training strategies rather just “hacking out”), to something as silly as grocery shopping (making a list before entering the store to save time).

    ^I follow this rule mainly because I am not a good test taker, so I rely on homework as my back bone to help push my grade. So this is a simple rule, I would never have thought of it as a creed point; very clever.

    EVERYONE: I love everyone's rule wish I had made one of my 7 points: follow everyone else's. They are all very clever and all very smart. Don't change them, you'll get far in life.

  71. 1) Words will always be meaningless and hollow if there is nothing behind them.
    2) Live by the fact that you will never deserve what you have been given, rather than by the view of everything you give.
    3) Be the break in your own life.
    4) Even when you are most wary of people’s faults and evils, relish in their redeeming moments.
    5) Chase after your impulses, but never lose the ability to take a step back.
    6) Never ignore pain, sadness, or emptiness. They are there for a reason.
    7) Love your home, but leave often.

    1)Words will always be meaningless and hollow if there is nothing behind them.

    Excuses will be the death of you, if you let them be. They will waste your passion away, and in the process they will hurt you and those around you. If you put your mind to it, you could find a reason outside of yourself for every mistake you have ever made. However they cannot all be coincidental. Words can hold all the power in the world, but only if you offer it to them. If you make the same mistake over and over again and keep swearing how sorry you are, you lose all validity. Recently someone close to me has been letting me down again and again. Every time he tells me how much he cares about me, the truth of his words fades more and more.

    2)Live by the fact that you will never deserve what you have been given, rather than by the view of everything you give.

    I need to clarify that I in no way mean that you should not give or that giving is wrong. That good feeling from giving or doing good is not wrong either. The trouble comes in when you abuse it. I do this all the time. I will clean the dishes for my parents, then make myself feel like Mother Theresa. When they complain about how I have neglected chores, I am ripped down from my cloud perch. I become convinced that the world has attacked me, the saint, unjustly. Many people use these moments to look down on the world, which breeds apathy, cynicism, and resentment. However when I look at my parents, and realize they drove me around the night before, my perspective is very different. I see that they have been driving me around my whole life. This inspires me to at least try to compensate for what they have done. Even if you are not religious, you have to recognize that you live a blessed life. The universe has greatly invested in you before you have even begun to prove yourself. This view inspires passion and action.

    3) ) Be the break in your own life.

    People expect others or the world to change their life, which it will. However they can not settle just for that. You have to be able to assess yourself and your life, then know when you need a change. You should be able to be that change. Whether this means reconstructing your attitude and perspective, or moving across the country, you must be able to step up to the plate. I would not be in an AP class, in Oakcrest, or who I am now, if I hadn’t pushed myself. Despite this, I know that I could have avoided many bad situations, if I had decided to be the break in my own life. Being the break does not mean being self-destructive. Think of all the times people tell you to be cool with things or go with the flow. You can not just go with anything. Don’t be cool when things against your beliefs or conscience happen. If someone is rafting down a river, sometimes they have to let the river take them. At other times, though, they must use a paddle to control it. Sometimes they will even have to put their foot down all together. This is the moment when they are the break.

  72. 4) Even when you are most wary of people’s faults and evils, relish in their redeeming moments.

    If you let yourself hate or avoid anyone who doesn’t meet your standards, there won’t be many people left. It’s human nature to believe we are perfect. Even in our greatest weaknesses and faults, we find reasoning to save ourselves. However people don’t usually put as much effort into finding other’s saving graces. Of course, there are a few people who they believe are worth it, a best friend, a boyfriend, a girlfriend, or a personnel hero. In general, though, we don’t go out of our way to give people the benefit of the doubt. This is not fair at all. Even Hitler, Saddam Hussein, or that girl who talked about you and cheated on her boyfriend had moments when they were not evil. They had moments when they sacrificed themselves for someone they cared for, when they were overcome with compassion for a stranger, or when they truly felt weak and lost. If someone betrays you every time you give them a chance, then naturally you have to be careful. That does not mean you cannot see the good in them and like them for the way they are. My dad can get very angry, and take it out on my family. I have become used to avoiding him. Sometimes he has moment where he really come through for me, and I try to appreciate those moments.

    5)Chase after your impulses, but never lose the ability to take a step back.

    If you can’t appreciate the moment, then I do not believe you can experience true happiness. At the same time, if you cannot bring yourself to look beyond the moment, then you will not find fulfillment and purpose. For my birthday last year, I had a small party. I made lots of plans and had even more expectations. As is usually the case, not many of my expectations came true. However it was a beautiful and extremely fun night. Like the boy scouts say, be prepared. Just never allow your plans to prevent you from enjoying moments that deviate from them. The best moments of life are the ones we could never ever plan for, so you better be prepared to enjoy them. Still, I don’t buy “what happens in ________ stays in _______”, because it rarely does. Therefore you must be able to look at yourself and your life from outside of your perspective in the moment.

    6) Never ignore pain, sadness, or emptiness. They are there for a reason.

    Let’s travel to an alternate universe, where humans cannot have any negative feelings. Life might seem perfect there. What would happen if someone accidentally burned themselves? They wouldn’t know they had even done it, so they would fail to care for it or burn themselves more. Pain is a warning. Whether it is emotional or physical, it is a flashing neon sign that something is wrong. We can’t exactly have conversations between our conscious mind and our soul or body. Therefore we need them to send us these messages. If you are really hurt by a little thing someone does, then you owe it to yourself to find out why. If you suddenly feel empty and lost, you need to explore it, because when you understand it more than you can deal with it. A lot of my close friends habitually ignore these warnings or cover them with a smile. I have watched it tear them up inside. This inspired me to be more confrontational with my own feelings, which has only helped me.

  73. 7) Love your home, but leave often.

    You should always know where you feel most yourself. It might be a certain group of people, a place, a state of mind, or an activity. No matter what things do this for you, they pull you back to who you are. They make it seem absurd to have to question or discover yourself. They become a part of you, and all of this makes them your home. You should embrace and love them, because they save you from the clutches of confusion. Safety and comfort are necessities, but if you never leave them, you will never grow. I went to St. Nicks for nine years. I knew every kindergartener’s name, and every inch of the building. I decided to leave. I abandoned it for a place, where I knew roughly no one. I won’t try to pretend I wasn’t scared or intimidated, but I lived up to the challenge. I made a lot of new friends, and grew a lot. You can’t stay in your comfort zone. Who wants to be a bubble boy? No one, that’s who. Talk to strangers (just don’t accept any cookies, candy, or van rides), try new things, and go to places you’ve never been before. People who are vibrant, confident, and ultimately successful, are the ones who know where they came from, but still test their boundaries.

  74. 1.Learn always.
    Learn from mistakes. Be able to accept when you are wrong and keep that knowledge to help you out in the future. Learn who you are. You change as the years go by from different experiences but learning how those experiences have changed you is important to knowing yourself. Learn about the world and the people in it. In other words never close your mind to new experiences. I have known some people in my life that seemed to refuse to accept any knowledge that they did not already know. I always want to be able to see a new side to every story. I never want to stop learning about the world no matter how old I become.

    2.Keep your heart open.
    Meet as many people as you can. Keep old friends but strive to meet new ones. Even when you feel as though you have all the people you could possibly need in your life, don’t be afraid to become friends with the new people that enter your life. Some people may bring happiness or sadness or anger to your life but never let that influence how you see others before you know them. There are so many people in this world so why not meet as many as you can?

    3.Don’t worry about winning! Mistakes make life.
    Set goals for yourself and push yourself to accomplish them but don’t be upset if things don’t turn out exactly how you wanted them to. Just try your best at accomplishing what you want and turn your mistakes into something better. When I took art last year I would always feel disappointed if I made a mistake that I believed would ruin whatever I was drawing or painting. I was ready to give up but my art teacher told me that sometimes the best art comes from mistakes. So I applied that to certain aspects of life and decided that I could use some mistakes and turn them into something beneficial.

  75. 4.Carpe diem.
    Translation: Seize the day. This pretty much summarizes a major thing I would like to live by. Not only is this the title of my poem but it’s also a phrase that my coach used everyday when we were in Florida for our cross country trip. Live each day as best as you possibly can and never let life just pass by. Try not to always wait for things come to you but instead go for them yourself. If an opportunity is close then grab it; if it’s far then run and jump for it. Just never give up on something that seems to be worth your time.

    5.Lose the anger, keep the memory, gain the smile.
    Why stay angry over things? Don’t hold anger forever because if you do then you are losing possible moments of joy. Don’t forget the moments that made you angry though because those are some of the moments that you could learn from. Instead of becoming angry, focus that energy towards positive things. Try to use that energy to make yourself and others around you happy if you can. Anger has never seemed beneficial to me so I try to hold on to it for the shortest possible amount of time that I possibly can.

    6.Take time. Breathe.
    Have time to yourself just to think, to stare off into the distance, or to just simply imagine. Don’t become so busy that you don’t have time to remember yourself or the simple things in life. Always set time aside so that you can just be by yourself. Allow yourself to let go of any stress that you have and let your mind walk on its own with only you by its side. Don’t get so caught up in life that you become so focused on only work. Have fun and remember who you are and what you want.

    7.Don’t worry if strangers care.
    Don’t become so concerned with what others think that it causes you to change who you are. Let people just accept you for who you are. Act silly or goofy or whatever makes you happy, if some random person you don’t even know cares then don’t worry about them. Just keep who you are and don’t let the opinions of others run your life. I’ve noticed that I am happiest when I’m not at all worried about what anyone thinks and while I already try not to care I do to a certain degree. So I’d like to improve on that, pretty much forget what people say or think because they’ll always have an opinion but that doesn’t mean I should worry about it.

  76. Paola: I really liked your creed, I agree with almost all of the things that you wrote. I especially like the first one. I completely agreed when you wrote “…because there will inevitably be a point in your life where the only person on your side is… yourself.” That is so true, I think that we need to hold on to our strength for this specific reason. If we didn’t then we wouldn’t necessarily be able to hold ourselves together.

    Simon: “Do what makes you happy.”
    That’s definitely something most people should live by. The main goal behind everything people do is to be happy and why shouldn’t they be? Everything feels more relaxed and joyful when people are happier (sort of like Christmas time). So doing what makes you happy seems like a really good point even if it does mean working for that happiness. I mean it’s worth it in the end right?

    Shirley: “I want to get to know everyone because there is probably a side of them that I would love.”
    I love your attitude here. It sounds like you could find something good in everyone which is adorable. =) I agree though that there are many sides to people. Each individual is so complex and you can’t just classify them in a couple of words. Getting to know people yourself is a great thing to live by. I also love what you wrote in your 6th point about discovering the value in everything. I think that there is some kind of purpose for everything especially as far as teaching lessons, no matter what they may be.

  77. 1.) Make imagination reality.
    2.)Never give up on love.
    3.) When in doubt, laugh it out.
    4.) Don’t follow the leader. Follow the heart.
    5.) Live with no regrets, only regret what you haven’t done
    6.) “Your body is your temple”
    7.) Mind your manners!

    1.) I would say my imagination isn’t anything of the ordinary. When I was little, I’d vivaciously play with Barbies. I believed in Santa Claus until my classmates convinced me he didn’t exist. In middle school, I constantly imagined myself singing in front of a sold out crowd, and with my brush-microphone and charisma in hand, I rocked out in front of my mirror. “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one”. We all dream the greatest of fantasies, only to be crushed by the facet of reality. From television, my family, and general life, I’ve noticed how miserable adult workers are. That aspiring piano player is now a stock broker. That once backyard explorer is now a cubicle inhabitant. What if I become one of those miserable workers who regret the missed opportunities? My brilliant and sparkling imagination shouldn’t just be packed away for eternity once I become an adult. It should thrive and never be ignored. I imagine myself to be an actress. So I’ll be that. I’ll imagine myself passing this AP Calculus test. So I’ll do that. Even if your imagination might fail, at least you look back and can rightfully say, “At least I gave it my all.” Life, simply, is what you make it, so why not pursue it to the fullest extent? Like Mrs. Rock wisely proclaimed, “I do whud I want!”

    2.) Okay, so maybe I’m a little too young for this whole “love” thing, but I’m not cynical on the subject. My interpretation of love is the immense feelings for someone you absolutely care about. You could love your family, friends, and, of course, your soul mate. I love my mom. I love my dad. I love Brynne. I know I will never give up on my strong feelings towards them, for they will always hold a place in my heart. Yet, I’m gearing this statement towards relationship love. You know, the love between a man and a woman. I’ve never had a boyfriend, nor any true emotional attachment to a boy. However, I’m a firm believer in love, its existence, and all of those cliché and sappy beliefs. Love is out there, and I know someone is out there for me. Even if it takes a whole lifetime, I can’t give up. This totally seems far-fetched, and I know I shouldn’t be worried about it right now, but love pops up when you least expect it. It’s better to wait for it come to you rather than impatiently look for it. I mean, most of my friends have been kissed, and I haven’t, but I’m not getting intolerant. Heck, I’m only sixteen.

    3.) I mess up. A whole lot. What do I do in times of embarrassment or doubtfulness? I laugh. Laughing is my addiction, for I may as well go to rehab for it. This statement is completely self-explanatory. Nothing is more relaxing than a good, old laugh. It both eases the mood and releases that unnecessary tension. I laugh at myself persistently. Just yesterday, I hit my head really hard when I fell off a playground slide. I laughed until I cried. Focusing on the negatives just makes life less fun. Why do that to yourself? The best movies contain all of the genres, including comedy. My life is a movie, so let’s add a little comedy relief to ease off the drama.

    4.) I’ll admit my friends influence me, but I won’t do something my heart won’t allow. I fully follow my heart at all times. Thus, I barely go to parties, or lie to my parents. It just doesn’t feel right. My heart is my conscious, and I insistently follow its orders. Peer pressure is for cowards, and although I am a coward, I won’t do something too crazy. Make the decisions for yourself, not for anyone else. Outsiders may come and go, but your heart will always be with you. Following the leader might just leads you towards some stupid mistakes, or even worse, jail. (okay, maybe I’m stretching it with the jail thing).

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. 5.) As I look back on my first sixteen years, I reminisce to the stupid mistakes I’ve come upon. The time where I told my counselor I wanted to take AP Calculus. The first and last time I drank. The time I dyed my hair (which was two nights ago). Stupid mistakes? Yes. Do I regret them? Absolutely not. If I was on my death bed and someone were to ask me, “Is there anything in life you wish you could take back?”, I would proudly say,” Nothing at all.” I made those choices, and there is nothing I can do about them. Time traveling doesn’t exist. Why worry about the past when you can learn from it in the future? Experience is what gives you knowledge, and besides, you can never take back your mistakes. Just last night Fiona, Taylor, and I snuck out of Taylor’s house at 2 in the morning. Ironically enough, we snuck out to play on the playground at Shaner school. For the first five minutes, I was completely paranoid, worrying if the cops were to catch us. Sure, we might have been caught, but it was better than I expected. In fact, it was probably the highlight of my week. However, I do have regrets. I only regret what I haven’t done. In other words, I regret not trying out for O*Girlz, I regret not taking dance classes sooner, and I regret not my history homework from two weeks ago. As a hypothetic, I’ve always wondered, “What if I did that?” Life’s too short to miss opportunities.

    6.)As stated in Corinthians 6:19-20, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” I’m not much of a religious person, and I’m not too sure on the temple being owned by the “Holy Spirit”, but I like the concept of the body being a temple. A person has only one life, and one body. In my personal beliefs, I relate the body to a worshipper’s temple: It’s sacred, it’s beautiful, and it’s private. Divulging your breasts isn’t exactly beautifying your temple. Thus, I cover up a lot. Fiona describes my style as being “cute professional”. I don’t ever wear tight clothes and I hardly wear revealing shirts. I would much rather have someone recognize myself by my face than my body. However, that’s pretty impossible for guys. Nonetheless, I treat my body with the utmost respect. I couldn’t even think about having an eating disorder, or anything remotely destructive. So, I want to sustain my healthy, covered-up body. That means no tattoos, no plastic surgery, and no purposeful harm. A natural body is a happy body.

    7.) I’ve grown up in an impeccably trained household. We open doors for others, say “thank you” at a mere constant, and instinctively use our basic manners. No excuses. It’s not only vital to be courteous to others, but it’s simply the right thing to do. Hospitality pays off in the end, so why not be rich? I want a good reputation, and I do want people to condemn me for my courtesy. It’s always kind to be kinder. The world may turn, but your manners keep your head straight.

  80. Alrighty, My Seven Ppint Creed. Here it goes:
    o Never fear the sound of your own laughter
    o Change starts now
    o You lie to yourself, you lie to everyone
    o Angry? Pfft. Forget about it.
    o Be accepting and open to anything
    o There’s always something to learn
    o Shine your light onto the people around you.

    - Never fear the sound of your own laughter:
    Don’t be afraid to laugh. Ever! If it’s funny, then it’s funny. Who cares if no one laughed with you? Maybe you were the only one who got the joke... Let your joy be heard and experienced by everyone in the room. I know my laugh can be a loud sometimes, but that’s not going to stop me from enjoying a humorous moment. And who knows, your laughter may be the only thing that’s needed to bring others into the moment too.

    - Change starts now:
    If I want something to happen, I have to start making it happen now. There’s no point in spending a bunch of time bitching and moaning about how I want something to change, because in the end, I’m only wasting more time. I have huge goals for myself, and I tend to set unrealistic deadlines, but that tendency has taught me to get started on things right away if I want to get them done in time. ( This obviously doesn’t apply to Calc homework... But you get the point. )

    - You lie to yourself, you lie to everyone:
    Lying causes problems. Not only for you, but it can complicate things with other people to. The only thing worse than lying to others is lying to yourself. Allowing yourself to live in a fanciful world, or letting yourself harbor something horrible that you delude yourself into thinking is harmful, is not only dangerous but it can snowball into a bigger and bigger problem that you [ eventually ] will not be able to contain. If you let yourself become comfortable with living with these lies, it’ll only become easier to lie to other people. And I’m pretty sure that’s not the best way to live your life. Long story short, unless you’re planning a surprise birthday party or something, be honest with everyone, and especially yourself.

    - Angry? Pfft. Forget about it:
    Anger + Me = :( I’m not really an angry person. Not because I’m especially calm or anything, but because I try not to let myself get too angry. The reason for this is simple. The angrier I get, the higher my blood pressure goes. Sure, I sound like an eighty-year-old grandmother right about now, but it’s true! Anger and I don’t mix, because it always seems to cause more problems for me. It’s always been far easier to calm down, take a step back and reanalyze why I’m so angry. Not to mention it also prevents me from giving someone a knuckle sandwich every once in awhile. ;)

    - Be accepting and open to anything:
    I was raised in a family that has always taught me to keep my mind open to everything. They never wanted me to miss out on any experiences or block myself from meeting new people or exploring new places. And for this, I am thankful. I love trying new foods, meeting new people, going to new places, doing new things! I love it all, and I will continue to do it.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. - There’s always something to learn:
    This one seems to stem from Mr. Cervi..but it doesn’t. However! Mr. Cervi does always tell us that learning never stops, and I agree with that. I always feel like there is something more to learn, and that we can learn something from any and every experience. I don’t think that we should ever close our minds from acquiring more knowledge or viewing something in a different perspective. You can never learn absolutely everything about everything in your lifetime, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop yourself from trying.

    - Shine your light onto the people around you:
    The only thing that popped into my mind after I typed this was that movie Life-Size with Tyra Banks and Lindsay Lohan. In the movie, Eve [Tyra] sings this song called Be a Star, and it goes like this:
    ‘Shine bright, Shine far, Don’t be shy, Be a Star. Where you live where you are, Be a star!”
    Remember that? Well it actually has nothing to do with this point, but it just reminded me of it. :P Anyway…
    In a previous blog entry, I had mentioned that I preferred being happy if the people around me were happy also. It’s not that I’m dependent on their happiness for my own, it’s just that I’d enjoy the feeling better if I had people to share it with. By ‘shining your light’, I mean to spread your joy and good fortune on to the people you care about. After all, who would want to hang out with a Negative Nancy who does nothing but suck up all your fun?

  83. P.S..I just realized I spelled 'Point' wrong! D:

  84. Part 1
    1. Never stop fighting for what you believe in or want.
    2. Know what your priorities are and don’t let them slip.
    3. Don’t worry as much about capturing the moment as being in the moment.
    4. Never fear change.
    5. Be open to other people’s ideas, but don’t let them change your beliefs.
    6. Know when to say ‘I’m sorry’, and admit when you were wrong.
    7. Know when to ask for help, and be open to criticism.

    1. There will always be people in this world who will try to beat you down, and tell you that you are wrong; with no explanation why. These people are arrogant. You can’t let them crush what you believe in. There are always situations that arise which put an obstacle on your path, but you have to stay focused and get through it. Things worth believing in are worth fighting for, and things worth fighting for are worth believing in. For example, if you are an average student and you really want to get into a top college. You can fight like hell, and do everything you can to get in. If you still don’t get in than you at least can look back and know that you went down with a fight.

    2. In life, there are things you like to do and things you have to do. Nine times out of ten the likes are less important than the things you have to do. It is hard to say no to your wants and do what you have to instead, but it is so important. Everyone would rather go out than do their homework, but in the end grades are more important than going out. When you mix up your priorities on too many occasions sometimes you wind up missing out on great opportunities. Like getting into the college of your dreams.

  85. Dear Chrissy,
    'A natural body is a happy body.'
    I loved that! I always find myself thinking about why certain girls dress themselves in a way that's not at all flattering to a young woman. I have always believed in taking care of your body and I think that it's very important to keep everything natural. Theres nothing that irks me more than someone trying to change their body with something other than a natural method.

    P.S...'December comes and then it goes..' :]

  86. Part 2

    3. For years every New Years I would vow that I was going to take more pictures, and create a scrapbook. This resolution never became a reality. However, when I started high school I vowed that I would make a scrapbook for every school year. I started off great. By the second week of my freshman year I had over one hundred photos. However, a few weeks into my freshman year I realized that I had become so obsessed with capturing the moments and remembering the moments that I wasn’t enjoying the moments. I decided then and there that from them on I was going to stop obsessing about remembering every little moment of my high school career, and start enjoying every little moment of my high school career.

    4. I hate change! I am usually forced into change. However, every time I do make a change I usually love it. I started working at my father’s dinner when I was eleven and I loved working there. The summer before eighth grade my mother wanted me to start working at a pizza place in Wildwood in the summer. I told her she was crazy, that I loved working at my dad’s dinner, I grew up at that I dinner and I wasn’t leaving. But I had no choice; I was forced to switch jobs. It was one of the best changes I ever made. Not only was the money better, the people were better, and the job was so much easier. Things like this happen to me all the time. I am so resilient to change, but once I make the change, I’m usually so much better off. I wish I could get to the point where I wanted to make changes, but for now I will continued to have to be forced. I guess this isn’t exactly one of the creeds I live by, as much as one of the creeds I wished I lived by.

    5. My least favorite kind of people are narrow mined people. Some of the most brilliant people can be so stupid when it comes to simple socializing. Everyone has their own opinions. And all human being should not only respect other people’s opinions, but try to adapt to them as well. On the opposite end of the spectrum there are also people who are too open minded. Some people hear other people’s opinions and change their whole beliefs. There needs to be a balance, where people can hear other people’s opinions, understand where they are coming from, and maybe change your mind a little bit.

  87. Part 3
    6. Everyone makes mistakes; it’s simple to do. Knowing when you’ve made and mistake and admitting it, that’s hard. Most of the time people don’t get bothered by mistakes, what bothers people is when the attitude of the person making the mistake is negative. If you forget to pick up something that your mom asked you to pick-up, and when you get home and realize it you apologize and explain that you simply forgot. Most of the time she will understand. However, if you get home and are like f-it I shouldn’t be picking up your sht* for you anyway than you will most likely get in trouble.

    7. No one is perfect. Especially not me! I get my self into the worst situations and sometimes need help getting out of them. I have no problem asking for help. I believe that it’s better to ask for help, even if it means your showing lack of knowledge, than get stuck in a bad situation. I also believe that constructive criticism is one of the best gifts someone can give you. Without other people’s help we would never improve. How would we ever know if we were doing something right or not if no one ever told you when you were dong something wrong?

  88. Dear Sarah Lombardo
    'You can’t stay in your comfort zone. Who wants to be a bubble boy? No one, that’s who.'
    Haha, bubble boy..
    I remember us having a conversation on this very topic. We were talking about the choice between staying home and going far away and how we'd both take the second option purely for the adventure of going someplace new. I love that you remembered that and put it in your creed, because it's a really good rule to live by.

    P.S.. I beat you in Hang-man. End of Story.

  89. Dear Deanna,
    'Laugh at Whatever the Hell you Think is Funny.'
    YESS!! Haha, I believe in the exact same thing, and that's probably why we enjoy watching Flapjack together so much. :3
    If you want to laugh, then laugh. And if someone tells you to shut up, laugh harder. They're probably just jealous anyway. Hahah.

  90. 1) Experience every thing I possibly can whether it’s effects could be harmful or beneficial to me.

    I chose this because experiences are the most important things to me. I think of my whole entire life as one giant “bucket list”. You never know when it’s your time to die, so I try and experience everything possible before that happens. Whether it’s potentially good or bad, I want to do as many things as I possibly can before I die. I look at my life a lot of times based on my experiences. I think to myself, what new things did I do or try this weekend? If the number of new experiences is high, I say to myself, “Good job, Sarah. Not a bad weekend at all. All I want out of life is to feel like I have lived it up as much as I can.

    2) Be Bold

    I want to stand out in a big crowd of people. I want everyone to know when I walk into a room. I want to catch peoples’ attention with my looks, personality, and brilliance. For example, if I had a business meeting, I would dress up in an outfit that is business-appropriate, but made a statement. I would be bold with my outfit and turn heads when I walk in the room. Next, I would crack some jokes and make people laugh. I would greet everyone like a long-lost friend and by being outgoing and bold, I would make people fall in love with my personality. After that, when it was my turn to speak, I would show my broad vocabulary, brilliant ideas, and stunning solutions to all of the problems presented. Nobody would be able to deny my presence in the room and they would all fall in love with me.

    3) Never change who I am to make other people happy.

    Though I am not elated with who I am now, I don’t want to change for other people. I want all of the changes in me to happen because I want them to. I know I’ll take some certain things I like in others and incorporate them into my daily life, but that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the people who change because they want someone to like them. That is the dumbest life choice ever. If someone doesn’t like me, you know what? That’s too damn bad. Not everyone’s going to love me and I’m perfectly fine with that. I’m not going to change myself to make someone else love me.

  91. 4) Spread as much joy as possible

    Life is already too complicated to be upset all the time. If someone I’m feeling upset one day for whatever reason, and I walk into class and see my friend upset, my goal is to try and help them out. I’m not saying I’m going to solve their life issues, but all they might need is a quick joke or a hug to make them feel better. I haven’t yet mastered the art of making everyone feel better when I, myself, am upset, but I really want to. I love the feeling I get when I make others happy. If someone is particularly upset, I want to help them so they can feel better and I can too.

    5) Make deep connections with all of the people in my life

    I don’t like the feeling I have right now of having a whole lot of friends, but no best friends. I used to be close to a lot of people, but then, slowly the connections went away. Now, I hang out with a lot of different people, but have nobody that I can trust with listening to my problems. I think it’s important to be connected with people and have someone in your life that you can trust.

  92. 6) Stay true to what I believe in, even if it means butting heads with people

    This came about in a funny way. The other day on the bus hoe from school, some kids were making fun of the driver and yelling really abusive language at him. They made this petition and it said “To get the vampire to pick us up later in the morning”. I turned around to the kid who made it and asked to see it. He thought I was going to sign it and I ripped it up in his face. Then I called him a rude asshole and that he was acting disgraceful…. And I had a few more choice words, but I can’t repeat them. I was proud of myself for standing up for something I believed was wrong. It would’ve been easier to sit back and not do anything but I did and I’m so happy that I did. I think it’s important to express my opinions, even at the expense of pissing people off.

    7) Don’t be afraid of commitment to someone, but make sure you know the person you’re committing yourself to.

    So, I have commitment issues. I hate high school relationships. I think they’re irritating and over dramatic. This is part of the reason I’ve never wanted to commit to a relationship whole-heartedly. I’m pretty sure I’m not going to fall in love in high school, so I don’t think it’s worth it to get hurt over something so worthless anyway. I want to change this, though. I don’t want to be afraid to commit to a relationship because if I can’t commit to one later in life, then the whole base of the relationship would crumble. At the same time though, I want to make sure I know everything I can about the person before I commit to them. I don’t want to get hurt be someone, but I think it’s important for me to fix my commitment problems.

  93. Gwennypoo!

    I like the one about if you lie to yourself, you're lying to everyone. I think this is about 100 million trillion percent true. I try not to lie to myself because it's too stressful living a lie. If you lie to yourself, you begin to feel like you have to live up to that expectation and sometimes you fail. It can only make you feel sad.

  94. Megan (Hubby)!

    "Life isn't court, so don't judge"-

    First of all that is the most clever title ever. Second, and all the other numbers that come after that, this is something I wish i would've added to my creed. I hate when people judge others. I'm not talking about when you just look someone over within the first five seconds an try and guess their personality. That's natural. I'm talking about when people are mean to someone right off the bat when they see them. Whatever the reason it, if they're not pretty enough or cool enough, the judge always is rude to them. It's so mean and I hate when people do it. I try not to because I wouldn't want people to do it to me.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. TayTay,

    "Lose the remote, never yourself".

    This was cute. I liked it because I put something like that on my creed. I said that I never want to change to make someone like me. I love my personality the way it is. I don't want to ever lose part of that personality. It;s important for me to keep myself through all of the tough situations thrown at me.

  97. 1)Be yourself.
    2)Never lose the desire to learn.
    3)Accept defeat, and get better from it.
    4)Don’t just be another number. Make a difference. Matter.
    5)Get over it.
    6)Be kind. Care about other people.
    7)Be truthful. Lies do nothing but eat at your soul.

    1) This is number one for a reason. If I’m not myself, what can come of it but bad results? If everybody was a boring conformist who never did anything fun, life would be completely and totally worthless. Life is not worth living if there is not fun along the way. Now, coming from me, that probably sounds shocking and completely anti-Lucas. That’s just because I struggle with this just about every day. There are some people that I am myself around, and they are usually the people that are most similar to me. There aren’t that many of them out there, so oftentimes I just bottle up my emotions and personality and appear uncaring (sorry about the faces, Ms. Bunje). In order to truly be myself, I have to be totally confortable with who I am, and each day I try to work toward that. It’s a long process, but maybe one day I will finally feel as if I act like me all the time again. I can only hope.

    2) My desire to learn is what keeps me going. Without it, I would just be another average kid. The ultimate failure, to me, would be to grow up, die, and not have done anything meaningful with my life. Because I’m not going to get anywhere professionally with my singing, looks, or people skills, all I can really do is work on getting the best out of my abilities academically. A world without learning is a world without growth or change, and who wants that? I want to get better every day and NEVER be satisfied with being average.

    3) Point two said, however, defeat is inevitable. Nobody is perfect, and in everybody’s life comes failure at some point. In these times, there is nothing to do but learn from mistakes and get better. The biggest problem I have sometimes is accepting the fact that I made a mistake and that I should just get over it. After failing at many different things, I have figured out that failure is the best motivator out there. I hate failing more than I like succeeding, and I think that is the best way to live. If I had never failed, I don’t think I would be as motivated to succeed as I am now.

  98. Megan - I know that when I do something, I do it for myself. I don’t want to be judged. If I do something, just be concerned that I have a reason behind it, and that I’m happy. Don’t judge me.
    So my rule: Don’t look someone up and down and then think you know someone. You never know why someone does what they do, so don’t judge. You also may have no reason to judge, because what you’re judging them on could be something you do. Just accept that this person is the way they are.

    This one was my favorite out of your creeds! I myself try not to judge, but sometimes do it out of habit. It's hard not to, but you're right when you say no one should do it intentionally and should just accept everyone for who they because I want to be accepted too!

  99. 4) Like I said before, nothing would upset me more than being on my deathbed and realizing that my life had been a waste. I don’t want my life to end without me having done something significant, whether it be significant to a lot of people or just a few very important ones. I want to make a difference. Just being another average person trying to get by would kill me on the inside. At this point in my life, I don’t know what “something significant” would be exactly, but I know that I would understand the moment that it came up. My worst fear is that it would just never come up, and nobody would even care when I died.

    5) I mentioned in one of my blog responses earlier in the year that I hated conflict. Conflict with other people causes conflict within me, and it’s something that I can barely stand to endure. When something bad happens, I always blame myself, even though it is not always my fault. That said, most of the time it IS my fault, and I have trouble dealing with the fact that I made a mistake and I need to get over it and get on with my life. Dealing with conflict sucks, and it is something that I need to get drastically better at.

    6) All I hear every day is how every guy in the world is a jerk. I can’t stand it. I want to live my life caring about other people and helping others do what they can’t do themselves. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I went to bed each night knowing that I was a jerk. Somebody once told me that I was “too nice”. I scoffed at the idea (and still do). How can anybody be too kind, too giving, too caring? Now, granted, these aren’t words that I would pick to describe myself anyway, but I just don’t see it as possible. I want to live every day of my life knowing that I did everything I could for other people.

    7) This is probably the second most important point. Lies are horrible, twisted little things that eat away at relationships and people’s very souls. How many people have you known that lied about something and were consumed by guilt and fear about being discovered, but couldn’t bring themselves to confront the problem? Telling the truth is ALWAYS better than lying. I don’t care if it leads to discomfort or pain in the short term. In the long term, telling the truth will set anyone free (sorry for the cliché). I try to avoid lying as much as possible. I can’t say that I have never lied, but I can happily say that I can’t recall the last time that I did. Lies are stupid and only end up hurting people. Tell the truth.

  100. Shirley N:

    College... I don't really have much of a list either. I hate time limits, and I hate how fast life seems to pass by. It would be nice to just be able to enjoy some of the finer moments sometimes, but it always seems like there's something else we need to be doing.

  101. Simon V:

    My problem is, when faced with your hypothetical situation, I would do both. I would take the hour to watch television (not that I ever actually do any more) and then do all of my homework and reading. That's why I lose so much sleep all the time. I realize that it's a bad habit, but it just kind of happens.

  102. Kaitlin H:

    "As Milton Berle said, 'Laughter is an instant vacation.'"

    I have no idea who Milton Berle is, but this is a great quote. I agree completely. Sometimes there really isn't anything better to do in a situation than just laugh, even if it really doesn't make sense at the time.

  103. 1. Fall in love or fall in hate, but be passionate.
    2. Don’t lose yourself.
    3. Do not allow others to walk all over you.
    4. Have faith.
    5. Go crazy.
    6. When in doubt, go for it.
    7. Close out the world for just a moment.

  104. 1.Fall in love or fall in hate, but be passionate.
    Feel something and make it everything. I like a lot of things, and I dislike a lot of things; there are a few things that I hate, and many that I love – both of those feelings completely different from like and dislike. Love and hate are strong, they are passionate. It’s easy to like and dislike things but it’s hard to love and hate them. I feel so strongly about being passionate about things because it makes you think what you truly want. It’s so scary to be so passionate about things and people even but it really made me closer to me. There’s no question I can’t answer anymore about myself.

    2. Don’t lose yourself.
    Growing up, I see my life fall crazier and crazier as it goes on. The school days are going by faster, and high school is almost over. I have to soon pick a college, a major and a future for myself. I have so many things on my plate I find it so easy to forget who I am. I want to stop that – I know who I am and I know what I want but it’s becoming clear that I’m losing myself and I’m not following my heart as much. I find it so extremely important to not lose myself and to follow my heart because at the end of the day I have no one to impress but myself. Nothing is certain except that I am always here for myself – I can’t lose me now.

    3. Do not allow others to walk all over you.
    I do believe in being nice to others and respect everyone but I find it more often than not that I’m disrespected without reasoning. I do admit to being a mean person but I find it necessary to stand up for myself and what I feel is right. Worrying about everyone’s feelings is too much stress and it’s useless because you can’t please everyone. Instead of wasting my time trying to please people, I’m going to let it be known how I feel and stand up for what I believe in.

  105. 4. Have faith.
    Recently I’ve realized that faith works wonders. I worry and worry until I’m worn out and left exhausted and disappointed. Having faith and believing that He will look out for me and help me in the way that is best makes all worries vanish. I know he has made plans for me and he has a life set just for me gives me such ease. When I try to take control of the situation, I see I ruin what could have been. When I sit for a second and realize I’m not alone and He is right there with me, guiding me, a weight is lifted off my shoulders. No one should live with such pressure – have faith.

    5. Go crazy.
    I attack life believing it is the only one I get. Sure, craziness leads to mistakes, but who cares? I have one life to experience everything in the world, and I know for a fact if I don’t live this way, I’ll regret it when I’m older. If I played it safe and was never spontaneous, I don’t think I’d be happy. “Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” I’m going to be my own, follow my heart and go where there is no path – I’m going crazy.

    6. When in doubt, go for it.
    I feel like too many people rely on the safeness of waiting out situations and don’t do what their first instinct was. My earlier points were of going crazy and having faith, which I honestly think is an amazing combination, and I think that’s just the way to live. I say when in doubt, go for it – take the risk that you initially wanted to pursue in and have faith. It is called a “leap of faith” for a reason, not a “baby-step of faith.” Safety is boring, unchanging and unsatisfying. If you have to question whether or not to do something, go for it – I know you want to.

    7. Close out the world for just a moment.
    My last two points were all for the craziness of life and enjoying it to the fullest. For every two points of insaneness, there should be a moment of relaxation and review. This quote came from a Dove chocolate wrapper, how cute. I love my life and how crazy and unsettling it may be at times but I love the moments that I can reflect and just relax for a moment. Life is crazy and everyone should have that moment to see what they’re doing and make sure it’s what they want. Every point in my creed is basically following my heart and doing what I want – this point is to keep me in check and make sure I’m doing what I want and it isn’t because of anyone. Try it.

  106. 1) Love what you do or life isn't worth living

    "You aren't good enough to make it big and rich." That's what I've heard. Do I care? No. Money isn't the biggest priority in life to me, so even even if I'm not making the most money, I'll be doing what I love. Every day, I hear adults complaining about how they hate their jobs. They say they do it because "they have to." You don't have to do anything. What's the point of waking up every morning to do something you hate? Life isn't worth living if you don't love what you do.

    2) Don't fear being hurt.

    Its hard to open up when you have a fear of being hurt. It's sad to say, but disappointment is a fact of life. There are always people that are going to let you down but they say, "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." You can't be afraid to be hurt or you will never be able to experience true love and true friendship.

    3) Take chances; Be spontaneous.

    Don't restrict yourself. Life will be lived in regret. You'll always be wondering "what if." Though it's good to have a plan for many things, it's also good to be spontaneous. Life is too short to think about everything you do. Fly to Jamaica. Take a road trip with friends. Just be spontaneous.

    4) Don't allow thoughts of the mind to block the feelings of your heart.

    Simple: Everything is over-analyzed. Follow your heart; Don't give your mind enough time to stop you from following it.

    5) Don't change who you are for anyone.

    I just watched "The Ugly Truth." (Great movie) It was about a guy who thought he knew everything about relationships. He constantly gave a girl the right advice to get the guy she wanted, and it worked. She changed who she was and she was happy that she was finally with him. It wasn't until she found the man she truly loved, however, that she realized that her boyfriend didn't love her. He loved who she was pretending to be. Moral of the movie: Don't change for anyone. Enjoy life with the people who love you for who you really are.

    6) Leave things in the past.

    Dwelling on the past won't solve anything. It's hard not to hold grudges but everyone makes mistakes and we must realize that.

    7)Value honesty above all else

    I tend to try to convince myself of things that I don't think I should be feeling.(Very vague I know) Well, it doesn't work. Honesty begins with being honest to yourself. The truth hurts, but lies hurt more when you realize that they aren't the truth, but a lie.

  107. These are in no particular order:
    I. When the little voice in your head starts chattin’ it up, listen!!!
    II. You don’t always have to do favors for everyone, but you better return the favors done to you.
    III. Never look at life through a tinted window.
    IV. Everyone has bad days, not just you.
    V. You really can’t do or be anything you want, but you still have to try things or else you’ll never know your own strengths.
    VI. Listen more; talk less.
    VII. Never EVER let anyone tell you how life is “supposed to be” or what “most people” do in life. Let your life be yours (just don’t break the law).

    Starting with I, eight times out of nine, I can hear my conscience say something along the lines of “Don’t say that please please please!” or “If you do that you’re screwed kid”. Ignoring those ominous warnings ends in some sort of biblical plague-esque mishap. Okay I’m being dramatic but my conscience knows things that I don’t…or choose to forget. For example, 344 days ago, I decided to mount my horse from the ground instead of using the three foot block. My mental side-kick nagged and nagged and screamed, “You’re an idiot. Don’t do it! Don’t do it!” Well, I did it anyway and I kicked my horse in the process which made her bolt, my foot helplessly trapped in the stirrup and the rest of me dangling to the side. She dragged me sixty some meters, stepped on my leg, and left me with a bruised body and ego. The only thing I heard for the rest of the day was an incessant whisper of “I told you so”. Following my conscious/instinct isn’t fun too often, but not following it is dangerous. Remember kids, candy is yummy but if the stranger giving it to you gives you the creeps, you should keep walking.
    On to number two! I hold open doors. I pick up purses, binkis, lost shoes, dropped change, and other assorted chattels when they are dropped. I devise crazy little schemes to make sure the one hundred thirty one people on my Christmas list all get gifties for the holidays, whether or not they celebrate Christmas. I try to do favors for other people whenever I can, even though most of them are greeted with looks of disgust or confusion. Its just a good thing to do. More people need to learn these common courtesies. But no matter what I solemnly swear all favors I receive NEVER go unappreciated and one way or another I repay them. Sometimes that means prayers or donations or a good word put in a conversation, but I try hard to do equal or greater favors for those who do them for me. This musn’t be confused with doing favors for payment; this is the opposite. If you help me I want you to know how appreciated it is, so I’ll help you out in times of need. Its respectful and polite and it does everyone good to help.
    Three. When someone likes an idea, they have a tendency to ignore the side-effects and vice versa. As hard as it may be, look at the pros and cons objectively. Eliminate as much bias as possible (this includes emotions and stimuli from the day. Holding on to a negative attitude on a day where big decisions are being made is not a brilliant plan.) The end result will be more accurate to my desire if I look at the facts.

  108. Quatre. Everyone has bad days, me, you, everyone. I want to remember that for days when I really want to curse out the driver in front of me or pick a fight with the cashier fumbling about behind the counter. Humans tend to blame everyone else for the complications of the day but I don’t want to be one of them. I want to be able to close my eyes, breathe, and move on with a smile. Yelling at a crazed commuter or contentious civilian solves no problems. So why bother? The only exceptions are repeat offenders. Bad days don’t come daily.
    Five golden rings. Parents across the world have lied to their children. No, you cannot be anything you want to be. I can’t be a carnie. I have no beard, no ridiculous flexibility, nothing carnie level. Did I assume these things? Of course not! I tried my darndest to fit inside a small cardboard box and to walk on my hands as a child. It wasn’t until after the box tore open and I fell a thousand or so times that I decided I could not be a carnie girl. Long story short, I tried, I failed, I moved on. At some point later I succeeded at something, possibly at many somethings, and thus I slowly began plotting out my strengths, my weaknesses, and my areas needing improvement.
    6. This is one of those “I don’t do this but I’d sure like to try it” points. There is so much more to be learned by listening to other people talk and retell stories than to speak yourself. I tend to ramble, as you can tell from this blog, and I dislike that quality of my self. I want to share only whats worth sharing. If everyone was more concerned about what others had to say, I can promise this world would be smarter and fairer.
    My Finally. My pops inspired this final rule. Every day he asks me what I want to accomplish in life, what I want to be, what I want to do, where I want to go. All I really know right now is that I want to be happy. So, I tell him so. What else could my father possibly say than, “Life isn’t about being happy. Everyone has to be miserable at some point.” Well, that’s fine. I’ll save those miserable times for deaths or pain or other uncontrollable scenarios. Other than that there is no reason for me to be un-happy. I refuse to let him bring me down. This is probably my most revered point on my list. If standard life is about getting by, then damnit I’m going to live a customized one. I’m tricking out, bedazzling, hole punching, glitterizing, and tie-dying it and letting no one deter me. If I fail I’ll go out fighting.

  109. Paola - I absolutely love all of your points and I'm not just saying that to compliment you. I agree with every one of them, especially the last three. My favorite? "Peace sign up. Index finger down." I'm not sure if you could say that any better! Everyone says they don't care what other people think and that haters can keep doing their job but when it comes down to it, the people that criticize them are their worst nightmare and ruin their self-esteem. I think people should just do what they want, like Mrs. Rock and Bunj.

    Deanna - Destiny. Ever since our discussion in class about love, you've become my favorite person to believe in destiny like I do. I love the way in which you chose to describe it, especially with the relation to God. "If you believe in Him, then for His sake work with what he gave you and stop crying about it!" I honestly can't even comment on that because it's so true! Love it!

    Simon - Your number 5 is basically my bible. I hate making promises that people break and I never EVER make promises that I don't keep. As stupid as it may sound, promises are like laws to me, I'm not sure why. And the worst part is that when someone breaks a promise to me, I totally block them out. Again, I'm not sure why but I feel like if someone can't hold a simple promise with me, what else are they going to do?

  110. Gwen
    "Never fear the sound of your own laughter"
    I'm definitely going to take this to heart because I always feel stupid when I'm the only one that laughs at something! Laughter should be something we embrace, not something we're embarrassed of. Oh and you have a great laugh! It brightens my day.
    "You lie to yourself, you lie to everyone"
    I wrote almost the exact same thing, lying to yourself leads to no where good.

  111. Gwen: Everyone needs to cry and vent sometimes but you're right: Being angry is stupid. It does indeed raise blood pressure and create even more problems than there were before. However, I'm not an angry person and yet I'd rather be angry than sad. Sadness dwells but anger suppresses in time.

    Paola: Number 7 is great. "Peace sign up, index finger down." I didn't get it until my friend showed me. I laughed and said, "Paola would write that." But that's a great thing. You are so real and I love that you don't care about the people who are haters. I wish that they didn't get in the way of anyone like they don't get in your way.

    Steph: Number 6: I agree with you completely. Though many people included, "You come first," I can't that say I agree. My life is based on relationships with people. Friends, family, boys, just in general, I believe that life is based on relationships. What good is life if you have no one to share it with? When you put other people in front of you, I think it shows true kindness and desire to love people.

  112. KTG:
    "Laugh at your mistakes."
    Sometimes we forget that we can't be perfect. I know there have been plenty of times when I really beat myself up over not doing well on a test or whatever, but then I realize that it isn't as important as I make it seem. You're totally right, we all have our good days and bad days so when we mess up we might as well just laugh.

  113. How I strive to live life…

    1. Be feisty.
    2. Let your mind roam across the depths of abstract and spiritually thought.
    3. Take all the bad, cut it into little shapes, and make a beautiful collage.
    4. Never live life on auto-pilot
    5. Attempt to love everyone, but depend on no one.
    6. Believe in something worth believing.
    7. Define yourself.

    Be feisty

    Up until the day before Thanksgiving, I never knew how to describe my tendency of being “overly passionate” or in layman terms “a big old can of crazy”. Now thanks to the help of one of my fellow classmates in 9/10 (I do not exactly who, even though I have a pretty good idea), I have found the perfect word to describe myself. Feisty. Feisty Uroo. It has a ring to it, doesn’t it? I just want to thank whoever wrote that on my back.
    Now… back to the topic. I have always looked up to feisty women. Even my favorite Disney princesses proved themselves to be quite lively. As a child, I looked to my spirited role models who never allowed themselves to drown in a sea of princess waiting to be rescued. Mulan, Anastasia, and Jasmine. These were REAL Disney princess. Independent princesses who always had a smart remark. Princesses, that no man could truly keep up with yet every man attempted to. Those feisty princesses were my heroes.
    Life has an uncanny tendency of dulling even the brightest of flames. Slowly that innovative little girl or boy grows to become another dreary drone for a corrupt society. I will never be dulled. I promised myself a long time ago, that I will be that girl who can shut people up with a smart remark. I will be that girl who lives life with passion. I will be feisty.
    I am not there yet, but one day I will be. Until then, I try to be as feisty as possibly.

    Let your mind roam across the depths of abstract and spiritually thought.

    We look at a painting and see more than shades of blues and reds. We see pain and hope. We see love and desperation. A great philosopher once said “I think, therefore I am”. Yet, no one just THINKS anymore. No one spends time reading, learning, and imagining. No. Thinking is a thing of the past. What happened to the days when people listened to music and wrote poetry? Or painted? Or contemplated over mythology or anything of consequence for that matter? What happened to those days when people laid beneath the stars and pondered about just how the world came to be? It is imperative that as a species, we return to that wonderful state of being. It is imperative that we have our own interpretation of love, God, art. Why? Because thinking is the only way be can grow, feel, and learn. Think about that…

    Take all the bad, cut it into little shapes, and make a beautiful collage.

    Life sucks, so you deal... Easier said then done, right? I, like a lot of you probably, have let the bad get to me, one too many times. I am just tired. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. Tired of allowing the “bad” to sucker punch me and force me to roll up on the floor like a coward. Not anymore. From now on, I will use it as fuel. Fuel to start writing my book again. Fuel to write poems. Fuel to better myself. (Thanks for the advice, Sarah) Only out of adversity comes triumph. .

  114. Part 2
    Never live life on auto-pilot

    We all do it sometimes. We put ourselves on auto-pilot and give thought-less answers. We exchange boring pleasantries. We nod at just the right times, even though we haven’t heard one word that person has said. The entire day passes, and we can’t even remember who we talked to or what about. That is not how life is meant to be lived. I know, for a fact, that life passes too fast and dreary living on autopilot. Take control, switch off that stupid auto-pilot button, and live. Laugh at jokes that you actually listened to. Talk with your friend about things that actually matter. Be alive. That’s what I’m trying to do…

    Attempt to love everyone, but depend on no one.

    I will never permit myself to be dependent on anyone, but me. I realized that I have to learn to be my own best friend. It seems as if as soon as I allow myself to truly get close to someone, they just find a way to break me. Not anymore. (I seem to be saying that a lot in this blog). I will still love people, that’s just who I am. But I can not afford to be naive anymore. I can not afford to be broken anymore. Perhaps being guarded isn’t a bad thing as long as you still have a heart.

    Believe in something worth believing.

    I developed this creed from the help of one of my favorite movies, Second-Hand Lion. This exert from the movie best explains what I mean…
    “Sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. That people are basically good. That honour, courage and virtue mean everything; that power and money ... money and power mean nothing. That good always triumphs over evil. And I want you to remember this.... that love....true love never dies! Remember that boy ... remember that. Doesn't matter if it is true or not, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in...... got that ? "
    Got that? What’s the point of living with out something to believe in? Be it that common decency still exists or God is watching over us. I need a reason to move along. To believe that there is good left in the world or that there is a higher power that is doing everything for a reason. When I stop believing that, simply put, that’s when this feisty girl dies on the inside.

    Define yourself.
    For too long, I allowed others definitions of me mold the person I was. I played a role. I was such a good actress that I even fooled myself. (I talked about this in my other blogs, but it’s really important to me). But now I am learning to be the real Uroosa all over again. It’s like I am being introduced to a completely stranger. I realized that I really don’t know much about myself. I realized that I don’t have a favorite color or number. I absolutely hate chicken unless it’s fried. I can be very quiet for long periods of time, contrary to belief. I am rediscovering myself and that is who I will be from now on. My definition of Uroosa.

  115. Kristen-
    “Love what you do or life isn't worth living”

    We relate to each other so well. That’s why we’re such great friends. This applies to me unbelievably. We only have one life, and usually one true aspiration. Why not go for it? What’s it going to hurt? Even if you fail, at least you tried your hardest. What you and I want to do is the usually concluded as “impossible”. They’ll conclude it’s a career that can’t keep a roof over our heads. Well, I’d rather be doing something I love than being financially stable. Money can’t buy me love. As long as I’m happy. As I stated in my blog, one of my biggest fears is hating my job when I’m older. I cringe at the thought of it. We’ll do what we love. I know we will. Anyways, this creed is something everyone should live by.

  116. THAT WAS THE HARDEST BLOG EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! Before you comment back and yell at me Bunje, I'm not being a McCOmplain complainson, just stating the obvious. lol

  117. kyra-+-+-+-+-low expectations/high hopes. Beautiful idea. I basically live by this creedo but lately I've lost that control and I get the highest expectations about some things and even higher hopes. And I'll tell you its nothing but dissapointment. High expectations are set ups for serious let downs. Lets live for lowering the bar! =D

  118. Roosa-+-+-+-+-Don't live life on auto-pilot. Love ittttt! I hate it when people uninterestedly say Hi or whats up or whatever. Please either mean it or pretend better! uroosa I can't imagine you speaking on auto-pilot. Everything you say is original and unique and it makes you lots of friends it seems. I really love that you made that one of your points!!

  119. OK I'd just like to say that I'm extremely pissed off at blogs right now.. I just typed my whole thing, pressed post, and then some error thing came up. It said go back to your previous page and try again.. so I pressed back and EVERYTHING I TYPED WAS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!

  120. Kristie-
    “Close out the world for just a moment.”
    Dove chocolate quotes are always the cutest, aren’t they? Very inspirational, as well. I was going to add a bonus creed pertaining along these lines. I, and probably you too, am a very social person. I talk all the time, and usually am surrounded with people. Yet, I think everyone needs a little private time with themselves. This quiet time should be used to collect thoughts, think A LOT, and just reflect on life. It’s both soothing and relaxing. You need your “you” time. Anyways, I’m glad you mentioned this. I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one who needs her alone time.

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. Chrissy - I'm right with you, girl!

  123. Brittany- “Carpe Diem”
    Wow, I cannot believe I forgot about that! Ever since Mrs. Nath introduced us to “sieze the day” when we arrived at Magic Kingdom, I’ve been utterly inspired. We were never going to be in Magic Kingdom again with our cross country team, so we lived it up. It was our moment. Take the risks, and go for gold, because we won’t have those chances at our hands anymore. It’s ashamed that Mrs. Nath turned out to be a hypocrite to that statement, but the teamed lived up to “Carpe Diem”. During our last night, we met the most stunning and spectacular boys ever. Did I mention there were seven of them?! Anyways, although our experience meeting them ended abruptly, and we ended up breaking our coach’s trust, I totally do not regret talking to them. As Mrs. Nath said, sieze the day. So, we seized that opportunity. Besides, that last day was undoubtedly the best day, because, technically, she didn’t get mad until around 1 in the morning, so it was the next day! Anyways, if I didn’t forget about this, I would have put it as one of my creeds! Because of Carpe Diem, our team made everlasting memories that I will seriously never forget. I miss Disney!

  124. 1. Find what matters most to you and fight for it with your life.
    2. Live life the way you choose to live it; don’t live according to someone else’s standards.
    3. Be truthful in everything that you do.
    4. Be not a selfish person.
    5. Never lose your ability to optimize any situation.
    6. Make your own personal difference in the world, seize the day.
    7. Never compromise your morals or beliefs in order to influence or cater to any one person, treat everyone with the same level of respect and kindness you exhibit to all.

    1. There is always a person, idea, activity, or basically anything, that is a point of passion in one’s life. Finding this is key to life, finding this will unlock all of your potential and give you just reason to live. As is the case, you need to do or cherish or protect, whatever it is that keeps you going, fuels you. If that be a lover, cherish them, do everything in your power to make them happy. If that be the environment, protect it with all of your ability, make a difference. Never lose sight of whatever it is that drives you most, never give up an item that you truly cherish. Find something that flares your passion, something that completes your inner being, and hold onto it, live by it and never let it be harmed.

    2. Be yourself, when it comes down to it, that’s all that you can truly control, how you act and the actions you choose to commit. I’m not saying to be totally oblivious to the outside world, but don’t let it control you. As Aristotle once so wisely proclaimed, “It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” This statement would be a very sensible one to live by. Being able to see the world in your own eyes, to witness each and everything this limitless world has to offer and formulate your own, unique beliefs about it, is truly divine. Be an individual, perceive as you will and don’t let others get in the way of this.

    3. Honesty is the best policy. Being honest in everything that you do, not only social discourse, but every action that you commit, is a very altruistic quality and one that should most certainly be strived for. I have the deepest respect for those who do their best to always be honest with themselves and the world around them. No one is always honest, I’m not too blind to realize that, but people can do their best to uphold their honesty. I believe that if the entire world were honest, not a utopian perfect honest, but a self knowingly righteous honest, the world would be a truly better place. Must people lie to get ahead in this world? Must we lie to make someone feel a certain way or to manipulate a particular aspect? I certainly hope not. I never cut people in the lunch line, I never think about stealing or holding grudges or purposefully hurting someone. I am honest to myself and my morals; I try to be the most altruistic being that I can possibly be. We all have faults, but dishonesty and malicious lying is not one anyone need contain.

  125. 4. Being selfish will never get you anywhere. Living for yourself is never the right answer. Sure, you may feel happy because you have ‘gotten ahead’ or received some special bonus for yourself, but these small gifts of content are nowhere near the magnitude of the amount of contention you get from helping others, being selfless. Life isn’t about living for yourself; people who think that way are missing out on an aspect of life that truly makes it worth living. When it’s all said and done, when you are lying on your death bed, do you want to look around at the countless faces of those who you have positively influenced or do you want to bask in your own accomplishment and rewards? Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think you can truly live without the desire to make the world a better place, and making yourself feel better isn’t bettering the world. I want to benefit the people of this world; I want to help them feel the happiness I would hope them to help me feel.

    5. Life sucks and then you die. Thins will get hard, things will seem as if they will never get better, you will be in utter agony at the hands of simple stress or misfortune. And yet, you must move on, you must cope with everything that plagues you. Giving up is not an option. There is always a reason to live; always something you can do to better yourself or the world. Being optimistic will benefit everything that you do in life. The brighter side of things can sometimes seem impossible to find, clouded by negativity and pain. But underneath it all, below the agony and anguish, there is hope. There is always hope and life, those to things are guaranteed and worth cherishing. The ability to always be happy, or even to appear happy, is a quality I truly respect and admire.

    6. Make a difference. Change the world to your liking, not in a malicious or selfish way, but in a way that benefits its inhabitants. Be your own personal hero, do the things you deem worthy. Live not in hypocrisy and lies, be the best person you can be and do the things you want to seen done. Make the world a better place, do the things you perceive to be beneficial to the world. Live the life you want to, seizing every thought that comes to mind. Living to your own standards, making the change you want to see done, is a goal everyone should strive for in their everyday lives.

    7. Never compromise your beliefs, treat your worst enemy with the same respect that you treat you dearest friend with. Don’t fake niceness, don’t appear phony or fake in your actions, but simply go about the relationship with the same level of understanding and respect, you don’t have to love everyone, but you definitely don’t have to hate anyone either. Don’t compromise what you believe in to suit someone else, to influence them for positive gain. Don’t tell your boss you really like his tie if you in fact hate it. Don’t snap at your enemy and warmly welcome your friend. If you treated everyone with the same level of respect and with the same morals you approach everyone, why would one even have enemies? Don’t waiver in your morals or beliefs in any instance.

  126. Hannah-
    I'm sorry! I would hate that!
    Advice: next time, use Word!

  127. My 7 point Creed:

    1. Never refuse a gift
    2. Karma exists, live with that.
    3. Always be honest with yourself.
    4. Let some of your secrets be your own.
    5. Do not put your emotions before YOURSELF.
    6. Know where you are comfortable.
    7. Allow yourself to be happy.

    1. When I was younger, whenever I went to my grandmother’s house, she always slipped my brother and I money while my mom wasn’t watching. One day, my mom asked where I had gotten the money and I told her that mom-mom had given it to me. My mom told me that I shouldn’t accept that money because it was too much. For the next couple visits, I gave my mom-mom her money back whenever she tried to give it to me. She always looked very disappointed, but I was just listening to my mom. One Sunday, I had Sunday school at my church. The kid’s sermon was talking about giving. The priest told us that our grandparent’s liked to give us money because it made them feel like they were making a difference, since most of them no longer worked, and the kids of their own were all grown up. They also said that it really hurts their feelings if someone denied their gifts because it is one thing that they really enjoy doing, giving. The next time I went to my mom-mom’s, I accepted the money and I will never forget the smile on her face. That is why I never refuse a gift, because if someone took the time to think of you, they obviously want you to be happy and take it.

    2. I am a huge believer in karma. But even if you do not believe in karma, I don’t think it is too hard for anyone to live by it. You merely act the way you would want to be treated and I believe you will be treated the same way. Sure, there are sometimes where people don’t get what they deserve, good or bad, but I believe that that is rare.

    3. It’s very easy to lie to other people. All you have to do is NOT tell them the truth, because they probably don’t know it. You, though, know the truth about yourself. In order to lie to yourself, you have to disconnect. Once you disconnect, it is almost impossible to get the person you were, back.

    4. We all have secrets. Whether they involve other people, or exist solely within us, we have to be able to keep some for ourselves. If we tell everyone everything about ourselves, we don’t know ourselves any better than the person next to us does. It is my belief that some things are meant to be kept secret because otherwise, like when we lie to ourselves, we may also lose ourselves and just blend in with the crowd.

    5. I did not realize it until now, but I am very concerned with keeping yourself. I hold the values of knowing yourself to the highest power. I’m not exactly sure why though. When I don’t let your emotions come before yourself, I mean that emotions are not necessarily who you are. Emotions have way too many factors to truly show who a person is. I mean that they are only a part of yourself, and you should not let them control your life, you need to have a balance.

    6. No matter where you are, what you are doing, or who you are with, you need to find where you are comfortable. I don’t mean always be comfortable and never do anything our of your comfort-zone, but I think it is necessary to have one, and know where it is. Everyone needs somewhere where they can just totally be themselves, be worry free, and escape from the rest of the world or else we’d all go crazy.

    7. I am currently not a follower of this creed, but I need to be because I am only hurting myself. Self-deprecation gets me nowhere, and I need to learn that I deserve to be happy, so I need to stop questioning whether I deserve good things and just let them happen.

  128. UROOSA:

    "3. Take all the bad, cut it into little shapes, and make a beautiful collage."

    I love this. I love this. I LOVE THIS. As I was reading other blogs, I really stopped and just stared at this line. It is so good. I can't say enough how much I love it! It's such a creative way of looking for the bright side of things and....well.....I LOVE it!

  129. Well, here is my 7-point creed.( I wish I could have added more because 7 isn’t suffice for me.)
    1. Always put yourself in others shoes.
    2. Always put others before yourself.
    3. Cherish every moment like your last.
    4. Take all the risks you can.
    5. Trust no one.
    6. Stay modest.
    7. Nothing is impossible.

    1. Always put yourself in others shoes: Understanding what a person is going through is hard if you don’t take a leap into their shoes. From the outside, you may think that someone’s situations are meaningless and simply unimportant. But to the person experiencing them they are significant moments. Before even judging how the person is reacting to their situation, put yourself in their shoes and empathize.
    2. Always put others before yourself: Personally, I will always cater to the needs of others before I even think of myself. I don’t mind it. For example when I bring in cookies, I always wait until everyone else has had one before I even think of trying one myself. I would take away the suffering of another and bring it upon myself in a heartbeat. I’m not a people pleaser though; I’m less concerned with pleasing people than the average person (Not intended to sound arrogant there). Doing things for others before myself just comes natural to me.
    3. Cherish every moment like your last: Every single moment that has passed by will never come back. I can never experience it over again. Which is why cherishing every moment is key. Whether you were in extreme pain or sheer happiness, you will never experience it exactly the same. Every second is uniquely different from the one before and the one after so cherish it.
    4. Take all the risks you can: This is a follow up to “Cherish every moment like your last” because part of living up every moment is taking risks. Doing something you would never dare to do. I would hate having to regret a moment where I had the opportunity to do something I would never have done before. We only have one life to live in this world so take that leap into the unknown and experience it, even if it turns out for the bad (at least you tried it, right?).
    5. Trust no one: Unfortunately we live in a world abundant with selfish people. That’s not to say everyone is self-seeking, however it is quite difficult to discover a person who is not. You can never know when someone you believed you could trust decides to desert you for the betterment of their personal goals. I mean, it doesn’t make you selfish if you would like to do something good for yourself, but do not turn your back to a person who has confided in you.
    6. Stay modest: William Hazlitt once said, “No truly great person ever thought themselves so.” I completely agree with him. Some of the greatest people in the world have never vainly admitted their glory of greatness. Modesty is hard to find in a person these days, considering the fact that some of the “iconic” people in the world today fail to exhibit it (even though modest is not necessarily exhibited clearly). Stay modest and more great things will be said about you than if you gushed about your accomplishments (Even if you did not intend for the attention).
    7. Nothing is impossible: Always believe that everything and anything is possible. Having that belief builds up your confidence and hope in yourself and the world. There is no proof that something could be impossible so why say it is? To discourage. So do not be discouraged by those that aim to discourage; everything is possible.


    "Love without fear but not blindly…."

    VERY well said. Way too often people "fall in love" and totally lose sight of everything, and everyone else. I like the notion of loving without fear because it goes along the lines of "allow happiness to happen." like I said in my creed.

  131. Taylor
    I love your number 2. It is so cute! Being true to yourself is one of the most important things in life. I also like your number 6. All of your creeds are so witty. I would expect nothing less from you though! You do some of your best writing in Physics class:)

    I love your number 1; it goes along with one of Taylor’s and one of mine. I guess a lot of people feel this way. It is so easy to try and blend in with a crowd, but it is so much harder to be yourself, and it is so hard to not lose yourself in the crowd.

    I love your number 2. That was such a cute way of saying it. I think we all are procrastinator; it’s like an unwritten code or something. I also like your number 3 I said something similar. If you ask Cervi, he’d say that if you do something 10,000 or some number like that you would be perfect.

  132. MARYAM:

    "2. Always put others before yourself."

    MARYAM, you are such a good person, and you always follow this creed. I don't think it should rule you're life though. In some situations, you ARE more important than the person next to you. Do something solely for yourself because you deserve it soo much.

  133. Chrissy: After reading the sixth part of your creed, I have a real sense of respect for you. So many girls carelessly display their midriff area and I think to myself "do they have no respect for themselves?" I am so thankful that there is a female out there who actually cares about herself enough to make an initiative to cover up that section.

    Kristie: I enjoyed reading your entire creed and especially liked your final point, the one about closing up the world for just a moment. Special alone time to think and contemplate anything and everything that could possibly be on your mind is a truly beautiful thing, relaxing is definitely a must in these stressful lives we all lead. I like this realization you came to and the way you worded it into an intelligent finale to your creed.

    Sarah: I enjoyed the fourth point in your creed, it was really a good representation of the thoughts I often have. There is good in everyone, and the way we perceive one's actions are completely different than how they do. I don't believe that people do things with an honestly evil intention. People do things for a reason, Hitler did what he did in order to make the world a better place in his opinion. It's all a matter of perspective and I'm glad someone thinks the same way I do on this particular subject. We shouldn't dwell on the negatives of a person, but rather find relish in their moments of good.

  134. 1) Walk the world with a straight posture
    2) Make the world go round
    3) Use Time Wisely
    4) Think of God before making every decision
    5) Stay Reliable
    6) Feed the mind
    7) Be Cautious

    1) Walk the world with a straight posture
    - I’m talking about confidence. Usually people with their shoulders back, their head held high that walk with their highest height appear confident. I not only want to appear confident, I want to BE confident. My shyness keeps me distant from befriending great people. For me it’s safe to say I have no confidence in any bone of my body. Sometimes I’ll have it but I can easily lose it. If I keep acting the way I do, I won’t be able to go far in life. People are everywhere! In order to go places and basically get what I want I must build confidence. This confidence help will open doors for me (not literally).

    2) Make the world go round.
    - I want to help the world!!! I want help others in need. So as a living, I want to be a doctor. I want to make a difference in somebody’s life and be able to say that everyday I’m living it. I figured, since I’m blessed with the necessities, I might as well help those who don’t have any of it. Not that its only the clichéd ‘right thing to do’ and there are those, despite everything they have, not willing to give a cent to anybody but because it makes me happy to see others happy and to know that I tried. It feels, for a lack of a better word, good. If I succeed as a doctor not only will it make my world go round but other, of those I’ve helped, worlds‘ go round as well.

    3) Use Time Wisely
    - Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. I’m sixteen going on to seventeen next year in July. December will soon to be over and then it will be 2010. I will graduate in 2011. Time, as I see it goes quickly. And before it ends, I want to use it to the fullest. Wisely, is when I mean at the appropriate time. I loath any circumstance of procrastination! And yet I still do it, well not as bad as last year. I want to get into the habit of getting errands done early, school work, studying, basically everything that involves a due date, if not that then for my mere good. If I push things off, I will be wasting time. With time I can do so much. I want to fill my time with endless opportunities.

    4) Think of God before making every decision
    - I hate making tough decisions and I know there will be more to come. So what do I do? I turn to God. One day during dance practice at my temple, I noticed a friend not talking to me. But being me, I acted oblivious and tried talking to her. She completely ignored me the whole time. So I was confused and got pretty mad even when I confronted the whole situation with her for her reasons were unreasonable. Acting weird? Being smart with people? Yes she blatantly said this when I asked her bout it. I just apologized and went with my other friend. I KNOW I was not acting that way. I saw my other friends’ confused expression when I asked if I acted that way. I was on the verge of snapping on her because I couldn’t tolerate accepting her ignorance any longer, I mean we were such close friends. So as I entered the temple to do darshan, I asked the idols displayed there what I should do, staring at the jewels adorned on them and then their eyes. My decision was not to retaliate and focus on the choreography for the little girls dance was a hot mess.

  135. part 2:

    5) Stay Reliable
    - I can pretty much say I’m a reliable person. Hopefully that doesn’t ever change about me. Ever. It’s crucial for every strong bond and I’d like to keep those. If I were to do the opposite and exploit every body’s piece of information confided in me then that would make me a horrible person, like the plastics in Mean Girls. Mean Girls demonstrates disloyalty. All the chaos would’ve been avoided if Regina George was loyal to her old friends and kept secrets. Still, she twisted stories around and made everybody look inferior. Though the story is pretty much exaggerated and of course its entertainment, I want to be the very opposite of that. We all need a friend… sometimes. I know I do.

    6) Feed the mind
    - I once went to a convention in which one of the speakers said one way to gain confidence is to store knowledge; to read basically. I come home and I find my brother spending his summer days playing on the computer. I think to myself, he could’ve been reading. We all take the source of knowledge for granted. I want to learn something everyday. Not only should I read more often for confidence and knowledge but explore as much of the Earth as possible. Being a doctor (hopefully) I’ll be pretty busy but I want to find time to search, relax, explore and most importantly feel enlightened. Whatever the circumstances are, like if I end up being a stay at home mom, I vow to read almost ever day. “The mind is a terrible thing to waste” (Ignited Negro College Fund).

    7) Be Cautious
    - Very ambiguous, eh? Not everybody can fit into every group possible. There’s always the wrong crowd. Stay away from the wrong crowd. Do not get influenced so easily. Be cautious. The whole world as you know it may slip from under your hands and the effect will be harsh. The wrong crowd doesn’t necessarily have to be the bad crowd (like in ’It’s too late’ or any type of criminal behavior like groups), it can be a group pertains no connection with you. So in any circumstance; be yourself and you’ll fit right in. This point creed can be applied when taking chances. Even though it is heard and stressed, especially in movies like YES MAN, to always take chances, I feel as if you have look at everything before you make a move. Play the game of life smartly.

  136. JV- Two of your points really struck me, clap against the beat and always have an acceptance speech ready. You are one of the only people that really follow “clap against the beat.” I love how you can do whatever you want and not care. That freedom is so admirable. As for “always have an acceptance speech ready,” I took this a little differently when I first read it, but your explanation really cleared it up. At first I thought you were establish the notion of going out to win something and not stopping until you do (where the acceptance speech comes in). However, of course being thankful is always a great thing too.

  137. Gwen and Justin-
    Thank you both for noticing one of my main creeds. I'm really strong about my beliefs towards dressing up. I honestly cannot stand when girls dress more slutty than they act. I just can't stand when girls dress slutty in general. I dyed my hair this weekend, and although it was my natural hair color, I was still hesistant. I promised myself I would never dye my hair, or do anything unnatural. But, the dye was non-perminent, so it'll go away. Besides, the color matches perfectly with my eyebrows! Yay!

    ps Gwen: ( ) <--- that's me lip syncing

    ps Justin: I'm glad to know a guy actually feels that way. I simply assumed all guys were perverted sex maniacs. No offense, but that's just from experience. Some of my friends are trying to convince me to let loose a little with my clothing so I could get my first boyfriend. I was really taken back by that. Really? In order to get a boyfriend, I must cahnge my entire wardrobe and dress slutty? That just doesn't make sense.

  138. 1. Brighten someone’s day!- I have witnessed people

    2. One apple a day keeps the doctor away

    3. Always make time for you!

    4. The Moment is now, so LIVE fearlessly!

    5. Make your own story

    6. It always could be worse

    7. Over thinking is not a hot idea.

    1. I have had the unfortunate pleasure to witness in deep states of depression because of certain inevitable occurrence in their life that have caused them to over time despite themselves. This is why I value this very rule: To brighten someone’s day because when you are there your helpless, a simple compliment from someone else can ease the pain and give them a brighter outlook. Now, I am not saying that everyone is severely depressed, but everyone has problems, problems that they suffer with. The problems may be great big problems or little ones, but they still count as problems or obstacles that could make them feel as though they hate themselves. This I why I believe to always make sure to brighten someone’s day with compliments, an acknowledgement or a simple smile. Even if they don’t acknowledge it I know one way or another they will think of it later on in the day and smile. Maybe I am wrong but that I what I seem to believe and instill in my life. Through experience I have witnessed people who have been denied of attention, compliments and feeling as though they are good person, so I make sure they know that even if I don’t know their life story that I notice them. I love making people smile or laugh anything because I feel that everyone has things to suffer with that if they get a minute to smile, laugh, and feel good about themselves it will help them deal and fight with their obstacles. I guess leaving by this rule, I just want people to see me as someone that are there not to tear them down, but to simply embrace them for they are and possible put a smile on their face.

  139. Deanna,

    "Mature, But Never Grow Up."

    I'm going through it so much. Being around people at work who are much older than me has turned me into this grump whenever I'm around teenagers. I'm always confused as to whether it's me or the other teenagers. I always tell myself to tell them to grow the hell up but sometimes it's sad to think about the thought of growing up. I think though that I'll always be a kid. I'll always love places like Disneyworld. I'll always have it, no matter what.

  140. This comment has been removed by the author.

  141. 3. “Always making time for you,” is not something that is a selfish task, it’s something that we all need to do. If we don’t make time for ourselves then we don’t really know who we are in some way. I am not saying it’s not a good thing to be busy, I am simply saying that I always make time for myself because I truly want to know who I am and it makes me happy. My alone time gives me time to come back to myself, helps me sort my problems out and helps me know what I truly value in life. Without this certain alone time, I think I would be utterly confused with who I am. It’s in these times I make time for myself I find different simple things I never know about myself and it gives me great joy. I figure it’s our life and it’s a time that we truly get to do what we want to do. I feel that with my alone time people will see me with someone who knows certain aspects about myself, but through making more alone time for myself I will learn so much more about myself that will benefit when I am older.

    4. I believe in this rule strongly, but yet I have an extremely difficult time in following it. I am someone who cannot live in the moment, I don’t know why but I am always worried about the future. Even when I do live in the moment I happen to continue to worry, but life is not about worrying it’s about adventure and living for today. I feel we miss so much out of life when we worry, that if we were to just let the day progress instead of always planning ahead then we would enjoy life more. The problem I believe that society pushes us into always wanting to fear the future and focus that for me just being sixteen just seems like a naïve concept. The thing is I only get to be 16 once, so I need to live it well. I only get to be young once, I only get to be in high school once. I need to value those once in a lifetime moments instead of worrying about my future. I want to be able to look back and tell my grandkids that “ At 16, I did this, went there and not tell them that I was preoccupied with other things that restricted me from enjoying my youth. What’s more important to me is that when I do live in the moment I want it to be with no fears, no regrets, and want it to be pure fun. I want people to know I live for today.

    5. What’s life without our own experiences? It’s one of my biggest pet peeves when someone refuses to do something just because they heard someone else’s experience was unbearable. Though I have occasionally been a follower and haven’t done something because someone else’s experience. I still strongly believe that you have to make your own experiences to create your own story. I can never sit at home and complain that my life is uneventful. I live by the rule that you have to go out and make your life eventful. Explore and expand your horizons, never be afraid to take chances or risks even if they don’t work out to your benefit at least you will have memories and experiences to add to your wonderful life story. I figure we only have one life to live, so I might as well live it well. I want to look back when I am old and gray knowing that my life story went according to my own experiences and not anybody else’s.

  142. anybody else’s.

    6. “Can anything get worse,” is often every ones famous words when everything in our life is corrupted and we fear the end is near. The problem is even when we have those inevitable moments, I in my life always seem to remember “nothing is as bad as it seems.” Yes, at the moment it could seem like the worst thing ever, but I try and picture my life worse than it already and in those very moments I realize I will make it through this bad day. I try to picture my life without a home, food, a loving family and friends and my series of unfortunate events seem to not appear as so detrimental to my life and I get over these minor setbacks. With following this rule and having this mindset I feel that anytime a problem goes array I will always have the strength to get over because I will always remember that I could be in a worst predicament.

    7. I am an over-thinker and have learned that it rarely reaps any benefits. I have learned simply over thinking hurts you. Every time an unsure, unanswered or complicated situation occurs I will no longer make myself sick over thinking about what it meant, or what could happen. I am going to take the situation as it is, let it unravel in its own course instead of analyzing every detail and going off of my analysis. I believe that going with your first instinct always leads you to the right answer. I often over-think my own instinct which always leads me to me seems like always the wrong answer or the wrong path. I believe that over-thinking is not such a hot idea because I feel when I over think I miss out on the surprises of life, I feel it keep me from my dreams and believing in myself and more importantly it hides me from the truth.

  143. I completely forget everything I wrote so it's probably going to suck now..

    1. Don't make technology your life
    I hate technology right now. Not only does it erase my entire blog response in a matter of 2 seconds, it causes drama. People are now in constant communication with each other and it's not good. If it wasn't for texting, rumors wouldn't be started, people wouldn't tell as much secrets, and people wouldn't always be arguing. Sure texting is great, but really it causes a lot of problems. Don't make texting or facebook your life and don't rely on it. If you can't go without texting or facebooking for a few hours, then there's a problem. It's not good to have constant communication with the world. Sometimes you just need to be alone.

    2. Don't hold resentments
    If something happens to someone that you become jealous of, then stop. Stop being jealous. It does nothing but cause hatred and you start to wish bad things would happen to that person. It can turn a great friendship into one with crazy revenge and plotting secret plans on the other person. Also, if something bad happens in your life, don't get too upset. Don't let it turn into anger because it can eat you up inside. If there is any anger or bitterness towards someone or something, then don't keep it inside. It's ok to be upset or sad, but it's not ok to let it build up because it can make you crazy. Don't get me wrong, I usually keep things inside and I leave my problems to myself. But when I feel like I can't deal with anything else, I go to a friend and tell them what's going on. They usually give me advice and I take it and it makes everything better. Don't be afraid to talk about what's going on, because when you do it you relieve anger.

    4. Be reliable
    I believe reliability is the most important character trait. If people know they can trust you with a secret then you will get the opportunity to hear about them. When you stop and think about it, there's two options when someone tells you a secret. You can 1. go tell someone else the secret you found out and feel good for five minutes or 2. keep it to yourself and feel good for the rest of your life. Trust is the most important factor of relationships, and if people can't trust you with things you're going to be kept out of the loop and eventually kept out of that person's life. Do the right thing and keep your promises to your friends.

  144. 5. Appreciate all that you have
    I know everyone always says this, but you really don't know what you have until it's gone. You never know when it's going to go, so appreciate it now. I used to have a much better life with loving parents, good grades, and awesome friends. Now I have one parent who's completely changed for the worst, I have to study all night just to get a B, and there's always some sort of drama with my friends. I didn't know what I had back then until I lost most of it. I took advantage of the people I loved, not knowing they might not be there one day. I wish I showed thanks and appreciation for everything that my parents did for me. Now that it's too late, I have a lot of regret. I hate regretting things, so now I appreciate everything else that I do have.

    6. Be tolerant of other people's faults
    Nobody's perfect, including you. When you hang out with someone for too long their faults slowly appear. It can be really annoying, trust me, I know. People tend to let those little things cancel out all of the better things about the person. We may not realize it, but as we're picking out other people's faults, they're most likely picking out ours. It cause tension but if we're just tolerant then it wouldn't be such a big deal. No matter how hard you try, you're not going to be able to fix other people's flaws because that's just them and there's nothing you can do about it. Let it go and understand that they can't help it. We can't all be flawless, but we should at least be tolerant.

    7. Do what you want (to a certain extent..)
    You should do what makes you happy, but don't go crazy with it. Don't talk yourself out of something because you think you'll make a fool of yourself or other people will think you're weird. If there's a guy/girl that you like, go up and talk to them. What's the worst that can happen? They can either start talking to you or they can not talk to you again. They never talked to you before that anyway, so if they never talk to you again who cares? Nothings changed.. so something good can only come from this. And if there's activities you like doing but you're afraid other people will think differently of you when you do them, do it anyway. If it makes you happy then your true friends will want you to do it. If you don't do what you love then you will miss out on a really good life and you'll be filled with regrets.

  145. Pooja,

    "Walk the World with a Straight Posture"

    Work it girl! I think that there's always time to build confidence and confidence is definitely key. Sometimes though being confident can hide so much about a person. With me, I sometimes find myself appearing confident but inside, I feel week and shy. But, most of the time, it's genuine you just have to have the right shoes to stomp, not just walk, be fierce girl. Be FIERCE.

  146. Pooja- I just saw how you put "stay reliable" and I basically put that too. And I LOVEEEEEEE you reference to Mean Girls, it's only the best movie ever. You're right, the Plastics are the perfect example of what not to be. They're unreliable and don't even care that they ruin other people's lives.

  147. Roo- I love alll your seven creeds they are of course brillantly written. I absolutely was drawn to your first one though, Being Feisty is soo much fun and it gives character which is so important in life. I feel like I have lost that feisty edge and with reading your first rule it makes me want to get it back!! I loved your reference to the diseny princesses. I believe that they too are the only real disney princesses

  148. Deanna- I love "be mature but never grow up" a lot. It's so true... people need to let the kid in them show sometimes because it can make you soo happy. It brings back times where there was no stress or problems. But there's times where you need to act your age and be mature about things and know your priorities.

  149. Robert F: I absolutely love your 7-point creed because I would add any of them to mine if I were to extend it. I especially liked the “Harm only to prevent harm.” I will always be honest with a person if they asked how they looked, even if they didn’t look good because it will save them the harm they will feel if hours later after they have been humiliated someone tells them. ( yeah that was a horrible example, sorry).
    Kaitlin H: “Live with no regrets” I especially like this one out of all of your creeds because I completely agree. Never regret anything, whether it was bad or good because either way, they teach you to be stronger in life. Regretting something is just a weakness.
    Megan S: I LOVED your creeds! Seriously, I agree with all of them. Especially the “Life isn’t court, so don’t judge” It’s such a great way to title it. I hate when people decide to judge a person without really knowing then and even when they think they know then, they still shouldn’t judge because a person that judges never has stepped into the shoes of the judged to see how it feels.

  150. Uroosa- When I was reading through your 7 point creed I could not help chuckle. The third one however really caught my eye. “3. Take all the bad, cut it into little shapes, and make a beautiful collage.” The entire paragraph and explanation was inspiring. Using the bad as fuel to do better things is such a great idea. All 7 of your points were very insightful!

  151. Kristie,

    "Close Out the World For Just a Moment"

    I wanted to make one of my creed's exactly like this. You know how I keep a journal and try to write in it everynight? That's what helps me shut out everything. It's really great to reflect on life and see where it's heading. It helps you take everything in for a second and then get ready for the crazy life ahead of us.

  152. Brynne- I agree with you about how your first instinct is usually right. I usually over think situations too and it never helps. It just makes the whole thing more complex then it needs to be and I find myself caught up in a bunch of things that shouldn't even exist.

  153. Hannah- Love number one!!! Finally, I find someone who is not super obsessed with technology. I know I use it, but to be quite frank I honestly have no idea how to use it. I got so mad at my step- dad because he bought some huge tv, but the funny thing is I have no idea how to work it. I also agree that technology causes drama and I believe it causes heart break too. I just hate technology soo much a lot of the time and especially cell phones. Sorry, this was suppose to be a comment and I went on a rant.

  154. Lauren,

    I hope someone would understand that entire analogy that I tried to make. Of course, you did! I was so amazed when I thought of it. :P

  155. 1. Every moment spent mad, is one you can never have back.
    2. If you have done it, don’t regret it.
    3. Live each day like it’s your last.
    4. Laugh, just laugh.
    5. If you don’t know how to do it, learn.
    6. If you want it, get it.
    7. Everyday is a new adventure

    1. Every moment spent mad, is one you can never have back.

    I believe there is no point in being mad at someone. It is a waste of time to be arguing with someone that you can have a good time with. Imagine what you are missing within that period of time you are in a fight. However, people love drama. If it was avoided as much as possible, the world be much simpler. Often times I am rapt up in an argument and need to settle down and relax.

    2. If you have done it, don’t regret it.
    Too many times in life people want to take back something they have done. In my opinion there is a reason that you did it. If you live always thinking about what could have happened, you end up living in a lie. When a mistake is made, the only way you can grow is if you learn from it. Everybody makes mistakes. I know in my life I have made mistakes that I often regret, but if wish I did not.
    3. Live each day like it’s your last.

    Learn to cherish each moment. Make every moment a good memory. A lot of people take the little things for granted. The song “If Today was your Last Day” by Nickelback sparked the idea for this point. Have fun and enjoy what you are doing. I take everything for granted and let most things slip away.

    4. Laugh, just laugh.

    Smile; let everything around you just set in. Everyone is preoccupied with worries, that they often miss out on the little things that make them laugh. I find it when I laugh I can truly be myself. If I go a day without laughing, it has not been a successful day.

    5. If you don’t know how to do it, learn.

    Stop relying on the things that you are good at, and grow from new experiences. When things are difficult people, including myself tend to shy away from it. However, I think it is important to actually work harder at subjects that you are unfamiliar with.

    6. If you want it, get it.
    Chase your dreams, and never lose sight of them. When you feel so passionately about something grab it, it is right there. Everyone has college goals, and I personally have sports goal. The beginning of last year, I was cleaning up around my computer and noticed a small cut out strip of paper. It was a strip from the newspaper and was perfectly placed in the middle of the floor. I walked over to pick up this miniscule paper and became puzzled at what it said. “Division 1,” was typed on the paper. After that moment, I knew that I wanted a scholarship to play field hockey at a division 1 school. I took that piece of paper and thumb tacked it on my ceiling above my bed, where it still hangs today.

    7. Everyday is a new adventure
    Wake up and live your life differently than the day before. Try something new, learn something, and create a different attitude toward something. Everything you do from day to day has to have some sort of variation or it will not be fun. Making life fun is a very important part of life.

  156. JV-
    You'll Find the Last Missing Puzzle Piece

    It's not what I assumed it would be yesterday, but I absolutely love it! I'm such a sap who believes in first sight. You're completely and utterly right: there is someone out there for all of us. Once we find this "person", I believe we'll be complete. I think the exact same thing when i pass those disgusting couples! This is partially the reason that i'm a little cynical on the whole "high school love" thing. I don't think these kids actually love each other. And if they do, I'm sure they aren't going to get marry. Anyways, touche!

  157. Maryum- I agree with every single on of your 7 points. I especially agree with trust no one. I do not think I choose to live by this because then it limits yourself from meeting a true friend. Odds are that most people will screw you ever but there is always hope right? I also loved the nothing is impossible point. As much as people use the word impossible, nothing is impossible.

  158. Kyra- I love your point about Drama. I hate drama and try my best to avoid it because honestly it makes no sense to me. It's really funny because some people get honestly way caught up in the drama scene and they miss out on life.

  159. Alix L:
    For the last point of your creed, I believe you should always allow yourself to be happy. It kind of follows the creed of karma. Whatever good deeds you do, good things will sure to happen to you ( I’m a firm believer of Karma) so you should accept it and feel satisfied. Working with you last year, I know enough to say you deserve all the best. And it’s hard to believe that your ‘not a follower of that creed’, your always happy during lunch every time I see you!

    I like your last creed ( I like all of them but the last one the most). It states maturity. And I agree, people shouldn’t be fake nice just for their gain or abhor them. A level of maturity is all we need. It was well put! I like it!!!!

    I was blown reading your blog. It was short but well done.
    ‘Maintain an open mind and an open heart.’
    I like that phrase, keeping an open mind and heart is one of the best things anybody can do. It keeps ones life simple because many conflicts can be avoided compared to somebody who is narrow minded. Your words are very very true. I appreciate you stating this.

  160. My 7-point creed-
    1. It’s not over till’ it’s over

    2. Logic makes the world go round’

    3. There’s a star in every sky

    4. Don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house

    5. Knowledge can only be attained by experience

    6. Don’t make excuses, make changes

    7. “Dream as if you'll live forever; live as if you'll die tomorrow” (James Dean)

    1. It’s not over till’ it’s over
    Well after watching football I often use this saying when watching my team drop 35-17 in the 4th quarter and always thinking that nothing is over until that last second has ticked off the clock. Now for you non-football lovers, I believe that trying is always worth something, whether it is too little too late or when failure is just around the corner, it is still a mile better than giving up. Anything can be achieved, as long as the drive to complete the task is there. I try to push until I can’t push anymore, I don’t give up very easily and when I do there better be a damn good reason. I aspire to reach further every time, it doesn’t matter what the situation I will treat it like I will achieve it, and this I believe is far from cockiness, it is more of a will to prove it to myself that I can achieve what I believe in.

    2. Logic makes the world go round’
    I believe chance is a large factor in decisions I, and everyone makes. It is the sense of having the ability to live, but also when given decisions I look towards the pros and cons to evaluate what the best choice is. Now this may sound pretty contradictory, but I strive to live my life to the fullest while making the best well thought-out decisions. Now base-jumping seems like living my life to the fullest, but when weighed with sitting on the couch with a blanket it seems much safer, but the pros of spontaneity and fun I use to weigh my choice. Now in a nutshell I aspire to think before I act in every decisions and looking at the possibility and chance of every decision. I know that sounds pretty annoying to take everything into consideration, but I look to do it subconsciously.

    3. There’s a star in every sky
    I look to see the good in every situation, I know I can be very pessimistic and cynical and I strive to look that every situation and person has something good within it or them. This also branches off of that I don’t believe anyone is truly evil, or that something is without a positive or gain with its outcome. By being optimistic and turning every downfall into a positive, it will untimely give me a chance to succeed and achieve a lot more.

    4. Don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house
    I know everyone has heard this saying and I see a lot of truth to its meaning. I look to stray from any trace of being a hypocrite because that is a kind of person that I hate with all intensity. I look to never hassle a person on something that I myself have the same problem with, which I see myself doing seldom. I often make a statement, and if ever questioned about being the same way, I will have an excuse ready to be shot back in their direction. I need to stop making judgments of people when I hate when the same is done to me. I look to become empathetic, instead of trying to be sympathetic with a sardonic tone. Sound oddly specific- well because I happen to go against this creed often.

  161. 5. Knowledge can only be attained by experience
    I can’t really judge something unless I’ve tried it, and I can’t go and say I “know” about something when I never experienced it myself. So this point in my creed relies on not only for me trying something in order to truly know about it, but I also want to do more, try not to miss out on things in life. I will never know if I enjoy or despise something until I actually experience it myself, therefore I will hopefully never know war, being truly without possessions, or other incomprehensible conditions some must witness. But I do look forward trying new things, because I will truly never “know” until I have experienced

    6. Don’t make excuses, make changes
    I hold it very dearly that when I fail I look to make changes in order to come out triumphant the next time. When excuses are made, I believe that I am not attempting to make a change but trying to tell myself my mistakes were not caused by me, but other outlying factors. I look to not look back and try to make myself a crutch on my failure, but to figure out what changes must be made to achieve what I strive to do. Making excuses is often my Achilles heel to why I have a problem excepting myself as being wrong, I look forward to not becoming reliant on making excuses when I fail but to make a better attempt the next time around.

    7. “Dream as if you'll live forever; live as if you'll die tomorrow” (James Dean)
    My final and most important point in my creed is this one. This quote said by James Dean is what I strive to look back upon every day of my life. By dreaming far beyond my reach it allows me to never settle, but knowing that I could always do more within my life. By living my life as if I would die tomorrow I will do anything in life that I would not normally do because tomorrow is not always promised. We live every day- day by day- not truly knowing what is going to happen, and every day on this earth we must treat like it’s our last. Therefore I make an attempt to do something every weekend that is story-telling material. Something that will make other people say, “you’re crazy!” or “I wish I could do that”. I look to live my life without holding anything back, just taking life day by day with all opportunities open.

  162. -Sarah C.
    “1) Experience every thing I possibly can whether it’s effects could be harmful or beneficial to me. “

    I agree that experience is important, but I don't like the idea of forcing experience upon yourself. I think experience should come naturally, not be actively sought out. I think you shouldn't be prepared for certain experiences at first, especially negative ones, because it allows for more growth over time and even more preparation the next time around. I think searching for experience just gives less depth to a person than...experiencing experiences as they come.

    -Gwen C.
    “Angry? Pfft. Forget about it.”

    That just made me so angry. I don't like people that don't get angry. Be angry if you want to be angry; don't just try to push it down. Maybe you can forget about it, but I can't, and I wish I could be angry more often, because I do push it down and I never feel good about myself afterward.

    -Megan S.
    “Life isn’t court, so don’t judge.”

    Ehh...I judge. I judge all the time. I judge, I put people into categories, and I use them to predict how people will act, because it makes life easier when dealing with people I don't want to deal with. I don't care if I being hypocritical when I judge, and I don't usually let my judgments get in the way of dealing with people I like, but not judging just makes handling problems with other people just so much more complicated.

  163. 1.Preparation is everything.

    Preparation is what determines success from failure. It's what makes some sports teams better than others. It's what makes some generals able to conquer others. It's what makes some CEOs able to make more money than others. It's what makes some teachers more adept at teaching certain students than others. Preparation/practice/analysis/whatever you want to call it is the only controllable variable in any endeavor or competition and the best at determining the outcome. When I'm prepared, I do well. When I'm not, I suck. Simple as that.

    2.Fire back when you're fired upon.

    By that, I mean essentially fight back when you have to, but do so in a way that manages yourself, that doesn't overexert yourself or your resources, and that will eventually resolve the conflict in a simple in manageable way. I don't like the whole “Don't get mad. Don't get even. Get ahead.” unless you know that it's absolutely within your scope and if you fail, that you won't suffer for it. Fight back in a simple and open way. Don't plot to kill someone whenever they yell at you. Just yell back, quickly and with the same force and intensity. Whenever I just let someone fire at me, and I don't respond right there, I hold it in, I hold grudges and it destroys me, all the time.

    3.“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb-nail.” -H. D. Thoreau

    Where would I be without this quote from last year? My life has been so much easier since I started actively trying to simplify it, writing things down and keeping my “affairs” to a minimum, separate and easily-solvable. And I feel like my life could be even easier if I simplified it even more. I love simplification. I don't really know how else to say it. It's so simple, well maybe not for a lot of people, but it sure is for me. Simplify life. It'll become easier, happier, and more manageable. Speaking of management...

  164. 4.Efficiency, efficiency, efficiency! Especially in the workplace.

    Everything involving schoolwork, paperwork, field work, groundwork, or work-work should be dealt with as efficiently as possible. By that I mean the following: do everything to achieve your desired result WITHOUT letting too much emotion, outside conflict or strife, or letting it get the better of you as a person, even if it's art or something you feel passionate for. You'll never get anything done with pride (I don't, at least) when I let in too much emotion or anything else inside. It makes it a lot more manageable (getting back to the whole simplicity thing) and, at the end, I feel like-I don't know-just really clean and like I actually worked for something, in the good way.

    5.“If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude.” -Maya Angelou

    I used this quote in another blog a while ago and I really can't stress it enough. Life is full of unchangeable things, and my attitude is adaptable to that, for a good reason. I make myself happier, easier, by just changing the way I think. It's hard at first, but adjusting your own attitude to the world around you is a good way of ensuring a happier future, even if it's not the future you intended. Anyone remember last year, when Costal said if you didn't get what you wanted on the AP Gov Exam, then just try to forget about it and do something that makes you happy? Well, that's what I mean, especially for us, whose future could change very quickly. Life becomes more solid as time goes on, very unexpectedly, but changing how you view it could make the negative side of that a lot less noticeable. The world is full of fixed prices, so change what you want to buy.

    6.Keep a personal Sabbath day for yourself.

    I've never been into religion a lot, but my mom has a list of the Ten Commandments on her refrigerator and the Fourth (or Third, I forget) Commandment is to keep holy your Sabbath day, the day of rest each week, and I thought about trying to apply it to myself as a mental experiment, and it's just done wonders for me ever since. All I do is just keep a day, any day, once a week, to just do nothing at all, besides what I can enjoy in a simple sense. It's usually a weekend so I don't have to worry about school, but any day is good. Anyway, when I just take a day to not do anything, no homework, no family, no friends (well, maybe a few, but no going out or talking ALL day long), and no manners. Most of the time, I just lie in bed and sleep or watch TV for hours. I don't know why, but I just feel like I have so much more energy and motivation for the rest of the week. Even if I have to do work, I just do it lazily and try to take my time. It adds a little stability to my ridiculously unstable life, too.

    7.Live with the goal of dying happily.

    Self-explanatory. I think life should be lived for the sole purpose of dying happily, because it not only gives a concrete goal for life, it gives a goal that's adjustable (like my fifth point) to anything. A happy death as a goal leads to a happy life, without all the mental stress of forcing yourself to be happy (see my response to Sarah C.). I really don't have any other words for it, but personally, I know I feel a lot happier with life since I've adapted this as a motto for it, and the other points in my creed.

  165. Lauren D:
    I like how your creed is not all contradictions like a lot of others, how they say to look out for everyone before themselves, but also live life to the fullest. Especially your one “You always come first” because in reality people who look out for others first must learn to actually be self-centered once in a while.

    Shirley N:
    “5.It’s a Dog eat Dog world out there”
    I find this point in your creed is something everyone should look out for, because with the world we live in today, we must all look out for every possibility. The world isn’t rainbows and butterflies all the time and every person needs to understand that it’s the survival of the fittest out there, and everyone can’t be 1st place.

    Simon V:
    “6). Forgive, but not forget.”
    I agree with this point in your creed very much, forgiving is one thing, but we must always remember for our own good. To bury the hatchet on a problem is a good thing to do, but when the grudge is gone, we must remember that the past comes up in many problems and happenings. To move forward we must first appreciate the past, and why it happened.

  166. Pooja-
    Reliability is so important. For me, it is one of the biggest factors in being able to trust people. I’m really happy you brought this up. So many people are overlooking their effect on others, and how that will influence them. I also really like how you mentioned feeding your mind. You made it seem like it is so much more than just paying attention in school (which is how it should be.) People really have to follow what they are interested in and enrich themselves without having a teacher force them to do it.

  167. Justin-
    In your first point, I really like how much importance you put in conviction and passion. Way too many people (including most of our beloved Oakcrest) throw every day away. I really believe that everyone has a purpose, even if that purpose changes through their life. However many people fail to live up to it. Throughout your points you balanced how you should treat others and how you should improve your own life really well. I really liked the comment you made on my post. You completely understood what I was trying to say, and I’m also really glad that someone else sees it the same way I do.

  168. Roosa- I think some of the greatest adventures you can go on (and should go on) are in your mind. People should never settle for other’s thoughts. You have to go out and find your own every day. I love that you are going to use the bad and the disappointing to your advantage. I really do think it can save you from a lot of your fears and help you to achieve so much more. (I’m happy that my advice helped). We only get so much time, so you’re point about auto-pilot is true. I know I do it way too much myself. Thanks to you, I’m going to try to work on that more.

  169. I. Go BIG or go home.
    II. With your body, soul and mind, 'simplify, simplify.'
    III. Never forget about the God inside of all of us.
    IV. There's always room for more knowledge.
    V. The show must go on.
    VI. 'You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.'
    VII. Live in the moment.
    VIII. 'At the end of the day, we're all a bunch of wild, cussin' animals.'

    I. Go BIG or go home.
    This rule has a dichotomy that are jointly exhaustive, which by working together, crafts it into a rule that is so grand and gold. The first subdivision is that you have to make a difference. What's the point of being a wallflower, when all you will do in life is grow, and then eventually wizen, and decay? Everyone will keep walking by, as you are unnoticed. You have to be bold, and fierce, and stand your grounds. You basically have to grab a megaphone, and yell out to the world, 'Hello world! I'm fucking alive and kickin'. Bring it!'
    'Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.' Enthusiasm and passion is what sparks us into loving the things we adore the most. Without passion, we wouldn't have the leaders who strive for a new, better day of tomorrow. Do you think Jimi Hendrix was amazing at guitar because he just knew how to play it? No, he was mad about the guitar. It was almost as if the guitar was his soul mate, practicing day in and day out. Do you think any revolutions and movements would occur without any of this? The world would be in crumbs right now if we all half-assed everything we do.

    II. With your body, soul and mind, simplify.
    'For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.' All of the drama that most people start up is self-created. All of these things that orbit around you can be avoided easily by simply ignoring it. On top of your drama, there's still all of the AP classes that we have, the extracurricular activities, our responsibilities and plans. When you stress out, it not only distorts your ability in doing all of these things, but it can also take a nasty effect, physically. What's the point in getting mad, and getting into tantrums? Why would you let anything get in the way of what you want to do?

  170. III. There's always room for another plate of knowledge.
    Settling down for less, is probably the worst thing that anyone can do. In fact, we all often settle down for less by settling down with where we are in life. With such little time and so many things to do, it is highly indubitable to learn everything, or for that matter, learn everything about a single subject. All things continue to go farther into depth, to the point where we have to create calculated hypotheses and theories. Never settle down for where you are, and continue to grow.

    IV. The show must go on.
    Never make assumptions. Ever. Fate doesn't care about the plans you have, for all it matters, you could get a flat tire or run into a deer before going to a job interview... And you won't get that job, and guess what. Fate doesn't give the least sympathy to you. This isn't from karma because I mean, think of the many stories we have heard about the innocent people that die from terrorist attacks, diseases and so forward. But kiddo, you must keep your chin up for dwelling in the past will get you nowhere. You always have to keep on, keep truckin' on.

    'All the past we leave behind,
    We debouch upon a newer mightier world, varied world,
    Fresh and strong the world we seize, world of labor and the march,
    Pioneers! O pioneers!'

    V. Live in the moment.
    'There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be.' Everything happens for a reason, whether good or bad. When the past is good, we often reminisce and compare & contrast with the now, where I have often found the past being better the now. But, the moments and loved ones we have now, are what we should should cherish the most. You cannot take all of this for granted because someone out there in this world is most likely wishing to be in the position you are in now. This doesn't just pertain to your past, but it also pertains to the future. I often find myself worrying about not getting into colleges, and not making it in life; however, if I sit around worrying about the future, and not fulfilling the responsibilities that I have been given, then I definitely won't get into college and make it in life. You have to live in the moment, and give it all you have because there will be a point in life where you can't do the things you do now.

  171. VI. Never forget about the God inside of all of us.
    There is a seventy percentile that the quintessential person blames God, fate and karma for their own mistakes. Nothing has to do with God, or karma; however, fate is what integrates all of us together in this life. What I mean, is that you have to take control of your life because this is YOUR life and it is your responsibility to steer it to your desired destination. Humans have this godly ability to be able to change their own perception of the world around them, making it a world of their own. Now that you have your own world, you must be able to control it at your will against what is known as fate.

    VII. 'You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.'
    "We artists are indestructible, even in a prison cell or a concentration camp I would be almighty in my own world of art. Even if I had to paint pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of the cell." Both of these quotes are from two famous wise men. The first is by Mark Twain, and the latter by Pablo Picasso. Creativity, ingenuity, and intuition are vital character traits that all powerful leaders must have. Without each trait, we wouldn't have any of the technology that we have today. Without each trait, we wouldn't have our own philosophies and ideas that aid us in creating all of our decisions.

    VIII. 'At the end of the day, we're all a bunch of wild, cussin' animals.'
    (Like the beginning of my post, this rule has various rules too).Yesterday evening, my boyfriend and I viewed a quirky indie-film by Wes Anderson, called 'Fantastic Mr. Fox.' The movie was dynamic in every way possible: cinematography, dialogue, transition phasing, background music, character development overall effect and the underlying morals. Deeper into the movie, the individual animals used their own innate, special abilities for a finale showdown. Each animal worked as a particular part, and with this said, you must know your role in society. This is important because not only is human connection and interaction a vital key for our survival, but the connection between humans helps everyone. I mean, without a particular instrument in a orchestra can affect the whole symphony all together. The second rule is that you should never forget who you are. Like animals, we are different in size, shape, mannerisms and reactions. I can't emphasize enough on how easy it is to lose yourself, especially when you're so deeply inspired in something, or when you want to be impressive, and so forward. This is all because we have flaws and we often want to be the things we're not. But in the end, you should see the beauty in yourself and your flaws, because we're all just a bunch wild, cussin' animals.

    To Kelsey C. : You are so right!! Regrets are much worse than mistakes. The worst part of my pre-bedtime thoughts are the "what ifs". "What if I had said that? What if I had done that?" "What ifs" prevents you from living your life. I’m reminded of that saying, "its better to have love and lost than never to have love at all." Isn't the biggest of what ifs?

    To Sarah L: Words can make promises. Actions can break them. It’s that simply. Words can be deceiving, misleading, or empty. You can never tell if the person speaking those words is being honest or just charming. Yet actions speak loud. Sometimes too loud, in my personal opinion. Actions can hurt and break us. You see the dilemma?

    To Alex: I loved your first creed. So many of us ignore that little voice in our heads, our “Jiminy Crickets”. Don’t they see that it always leads to them to trouble and misery? I, for one, always listen to my Jiminy and am very happy that you attempt to lead your life like that too, Jiminy knows what he’s talking about.

  173. Kyle S:
    Socks, did you really just quote Thoreau? Heavens, I almost thought that I was the only one who found Thoreau as lovely as he is. In fact, my second creed is exactly like your third one. I completely agree with everything you say to the dot because when you get all of those 'affairs' away from you, it definitely makes life a hell of a lot better and more relaxing.

    Brynne: I absolutely love your first creed! You definitely feel a lot more accomplished and happier when you brighten up someone else's day. I was worried when I went through the replies in the blog of 'is nice a trait or a decision' because most people saw being nice as a way of just getting ahead, and for people to see them that way... But, like me, it seems as if you're genuinely kind because it makes you feel good inside, and I definitely like/respect who you are even more than I did before! p.s. Plus we both got the 'happiness' declamation. :)

    Paola: Your creed on put the peace sign up, with your index finger down was so bold and fierce just like your personality. You're definitely right with 'forget haters.' I feel that on a given basis, everyone, including myself, encounter haters who talk shit or treat the hated one with total, utter disrespect. But, why should they matter anyways? All of your other creeds were wonderful in the way they were written, and described.

  174. Roosa:
    I think you just proved my point exactly. No matter what someone promises, once they can back that promise up, it's meaningless. If you make the same mistake over and over again, and don't even attempt to change, then your apologies are worthless. If you know someone is a hypocrite, you won't listen to them or trust them. That was my point. I guess it's just a different way of saying be relaible, and know that failing to be so will hurt you.

  175. Thanks everyone for commenting on mine. I usually never get so many comments, it sort of made me smile. With the major problem I have going on at my house right now, it was nice to know some people liked what I had to say. Thanks

  176. To Megan Sherman: Pinky promises are the staples that keep this world together. They are the last shred of evidence that decency still exists in our society . That is why there are so important to me :)

  177. Kyle: You said in your response to Megan that you judge people because its the easiest way of dealing with the people that you don't like. How do you like anyone if you judge them all? You'll never know if you like someone because you take more time making judgments based on other people than you do actually getting to know them.

  178. Kyle,
    It's not like I don't get angry at all ( I actually get angry pretty often ) but it does no good for ME to stay angry all the time. However, if I am angry, I'm not going to bite my tongue. I'll let myself experience it for awhile just to get it out, but after awhile I tend to not worry about it anyway. I have way too much on my plate already to waste it all on being angry all the time. It takes up too much energy. Plus, these creeds were meant to be our own, and it should be obvious that what works for me, may not work for you.

  179. Kristen,
    That's a good point.......I do think I judge a lot of people before I actually get to know them. I'm not really in to getting to know people all that much, though. Judgments are just my way of avoiding anyone that I have even a slight doubt about, because I just don't feel like involving myself with anyone I might become hostile towards eventually.

  180. This comment has been removed by the author.

  181. This is soo beyond late; but i just got the blog thing. lol

    My Seven Points of Creeds

    1.) To be trustworthy: When people trust someone that means to me that you respect and depend on that person; to be able to confide in them. It’s an essential in all life obstacles to be trustworthy, good businesses are trustworthy and succeed; relationships depend and are built on trust, and finally the satisfactory feeling that you know people wouldn’t hesitate to work with you. It’s important when being trustworthy, that you are also honest with people, it’s a give and take situation. If you never lie, you won’t worry about what to remember.
    2.) To always help justice prevail: Being just and fair is important. When you abuse the power that you have, karma will get you. I hope when I’m an adult that I am as just as possible because right now some adults abuse their authority and believe that they are always correct and ignore the younger teens and children’s claims. I hope that justice always prevails because that makes equality easier and toleration more acceptable.
    3.) To never steal: To never steal is actually has a very large meaning to me. I believe when someone lies they are stealing the truth from the person they lied too them. When someone kills they stole that person’s life, future, and stole the victim away from his or her loved ones. When someone abuses or hurts someone they stole away ability, strength, confidence, and trust in people. I think every wrongdoing or sin always goes back to stealing one way or another.
    4.) To be generous: I was always taught in grade school to share, and my parents always told me whatever is one, can always be split down to two. I want to donate whenever I am able too. No one ever knows when all their money and resources disappear and they would need someone to be generous to them. If every billionaire and millionaire out there donated some little part of his or her money rather then being in some bank, then I believe we can eliminate poverty. If someone does a good deed such as being generous and people saw it then it would be copied and repeated.
    5.) To compliment and appreciate: I think everyone would like to be told when he or she are doing a good job or are looking good. Everyone could use a compliment for a confidence boost and know that people notice their effort. Some people might stop trying if they don’t think people notice an effort in their trying. A simple thank you is a sign of appreciation and respect that that person would bother to do something for you, be nice, or carry out their job correctly.
    6.) To always take that extra mile: When doing a job, or putting effort into something I think you should put out your best and always find room for improvement. If someone asks for help, help and see what else you are capable of giving. Through out your lifetime it’s not just about you or your life, but it’s a chain effect and lives cross paths 24/7 so if you find a way to help that’s out of your path and crosses another, then go for it. For every action there is reaction, and no matter how small that deed is, it can be a big difference. No act of kindness goes unrewarded.
    7.) To never dwell over the past: It’s okay to regret past mistakes because that shows that you learned something and know what not to do in the future. Yet I don’t think it’s good for the soul and well being to dwell over what you have done and all the what if this or what if that, all you can do is try to improve and move forward from what you have been taught. If you dwell over what is done and the unchangeable past then you will never succeed in your full ability to live, love, enjoy absolute happiness, for the first time or going through it again.


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